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Live era WTTJ > AFD WTTJ

Vincent Vega

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Does anyone else prefer the Live Era version of WTTJ to the AFD version? For all the cutting and pasting done to the Live Era version (dozens of performances spliced together, some Axl vocal fixups, some guitar fix ups) it might as well be a studio version...And as such IMO it destroys the AFD version. Axl's voice is so powerful on the Live Era version, the guitars are ten times meaner and much more raw...Live Era's WTTJ is what really got me into GN'R, I think. That, along with UYI 2.

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i listen to it more often than the studio version, yeah. i love the energy and intensity of it, and axl's grittier vocals.

the studio version IS better, and it's a classic, but i throw this one on my gym playlist a lot and think it's a little rawer and more aggressive so that's why i tend to play it more.

also love axl's scream at the beginning.

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It's a great "performance" if we can call it that and I enjoy listening to it, but better than the studio? I'm not sure. My biggest problem with Live Era is the production. I'm all for the rawness of a live recording but the guitars sound so lifeless and the drums are exceptionally dull. There's almost a lack of clarity or something, but it's hard to describe.

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