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Corey Taylor Speaking about Axl and NuGNR


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It's funny because that kind of trainwreck / wtf performance is why I like NuGnR 2002.

To me, "normal" high-octane performances are boring. I'm way more into theatrical freakshows.

Pretty much what Slipknot was, right? :question:

Well, I liked early Slipknot.

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Am I the only one cringing reading the replies in this thread?

Every time someone says something about Axl, a thread is made, and all the replies are "is he even relevant" "he sucks" "his band sucks" etc.

It was a funny video. Lighten up.

Be careful Axlrosefan1, if you make comments like that then the normal Axl cult members will accuse you of making a straw-man argument and saying that it isn't true. EVEN those this happens about once a month on this forum. I knew before reading ANY of the responses which posters would respond by saying that Slipnot and Corey suck. And of course...........I was 100% correct.

The funnier thing is that the opposite happens as well. If Corey had gone on for 20 minutes about how Axl was his idol and the nicest and greatest guy ever, the SAME people who are bashing him in this thread would instead be saying things like "This guy is a true rock star and look what he says about Axl"........"I've always loved him"............"I've always thought he was underrated".............."all the haters can shut the hell up, cuz this guy spent time with Axl and knows the real him."

I always make the same post that you did and always get told that I'm dreaming and making things up. Even though it happens over and over and over and over again. Funny stuff.

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Didnt Cory Taylor get turned down by Slash for the job in VR?

"We got together and we jammed some stuff and I guess it just wasn't working for him", said Taylor. "He's Slash and he's entitled to have that, and I'm not gonna argue with him."


Axl Rose is somebody, that guy is nobody. End of story

Correction: Axl was somebody, many years ago.

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Didnt Cory Taylor get turned down by Slash for the job in VR?

"We got together and we jammed some stuff and I guess it just wasn't working for him", said Taylor. "He's Slash and he's entitled to have that, and I'm not gonna argue with him."


>Axl Rose is somebody, that guy is nobody. End of story

Correction: Axl was somebody, many years ago.

It was qouted in people magazine that when he attended Golden Globe the guy the stars wanted to speak to was Axl. get a life m8

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lol thanks for the vid. Hilarious. Thoughts:

People develop their opinion about somebody mostly based on how they made them feel. Why does Axl's artistic integrity have to be based on how timely he - a rock star - hops on stage for your entertainment?

Next, Axl is a bit of a douche.

Third, Corey is a bonehead rock fan who just doesnt know much else. Whatever.

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He is a good storyteller, It made me laugh actually. Little low the dick thing, but whatever...

Besides when seeing the 2001 band, I had the same reaction/feelings at first.

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Yea I agree what he did was out of line (Corey was, that is). It goes to show why Axl is so polarizing. He doesnt go on when or how everybody thinks he should, and in turn they do really fucked-up mean things like Corey did. Who's really in the wrong? Axl's persona brings this shit out in people. I relate to it because I'm the same way. Red head also.

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Just another artist trying to stay relevant by picking a fight with a bigger star.

I have to admit Taylor probably has much more of a following these days.

Axl will go down in rock history. I can't even think of one Slipknot song. Housewives are rubbing one out to SCOM as we speak.

Yeah but that was more than 20 years ago mate....I would say Corey is more relevant in the here and now...

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Okay, just once I'd like one of these assholes to actually tell Axl Rose to his face what they always seem to say behind his back!

Maybe Cory Taylor should take care of his own band/bands. Does he remember how he said Slipnot was no more and then his bass player died of an overdose. Then of course, after his death, everyone is sorry and they knew he had a drug problem and of course Slipnot is not over! The clown member says how they don't wear masks, they are their true selves and he thinks his band members are sane.

First of all, in 2002, Axl Rose and the then GNR had some problems. Axl quit the tour after the NYC show and was never to be heard from for awhile.

I think Cory Taylor, should see the new GNR and see how these guys are all talented musicians and Axl Rose is still one of the best frontman ever.

The 1986 GNR band he saw when he was a teenager we all know was fuckin amazing and they change the coursh of rock and roll forever, but I think since he saw Axl and GNR over 13 years ago, his rant is so fucking outdated!

Maybe he should do some research before he goes bashing Axl and GNR!

I'm just so sick of these newer rock/metal bands thinking they can say whatever the fuck they feel like about someone they don't know personally or what GNR are now!

Cory Taylor is one talented singer, but I think he should keep his mouth shut when it comes to Axl Rose and GNR.

I wonder if he'll get to meet Axl Rose and GNR at Rocklahoma. I'm pretty sure Stone Sour are playing that festival too. Bet he kisses Axl's ass and I wouldn't want to fuck with DJ!

Maybe Cory Taylor should concentrate on singing for his fans that paid good money to hear Stone Sour perform instead of ranting about something that happened a long time ago and has no bearing on today's GNR!

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Am I the only one cringing reading the replies in this thread?

Every time someone says something about Axl, a thread is made, and all the replies are "is he even relevant" "he sucks" "his band sucks" etc.

It was a funny video. Lighten up.

No I think the main problem is that whenever we have someone bashing Axl, generally, they suck artistically.

But now that I think of it, it makes sense. An artist is someone who has deep problems and somehow manages to go through his shit to come up with something moving and deep.

Can you really picture a guy like Corey Taylor sad and depressed and writing something moving? No, to me he is, was and will be a shallow pot smoker who has nothing to say except shouting in a mic, and trying to be funny.

And that's the main problem we have these days. People want to see "funny" people. Everything that has success on the internet is based on jokes, extremely superficial jokes to push people to share it with their friends,

have a good laugh, and smoke pot. I'm not saying I didn't like the Gangnam Style, but did it deserve 1 billion views? I guess that if Michael Jackson was releasing Thriller in 2013, he would have less success than this Korean funny guy.

And it sucks, I really think thriller would be less successful these days than that "Call me maybe" song was it released right now (of course Thriller still sells, but wipe out the legend and buzz, and release it today, no one would give a shit,

people just want to listen to something funny). OK I'm being extremely square on that one, but it's the truth. There's actually very few room for people who have something to say. We are in a world of permanent second degree, but where is

the first degree, where is the passion, where is the power?? People just want to laugh and get dumber and dumber,

they don't want to face deep things, they have enough problems at work, so they just want to get a good laugh. That's why that Corey Taylor guy may seem relevant to some of you (and a lot of people outside this forum). But to me he will

never match a tenth of what Axl brought us. Because Axl made 1st degree music that still punch your soul. That's the real deal. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I want to hear. I don't want that shitty alternative rock crap.

The reason I still come on this forum is that I feel people here are a bit more interesting and moving than what I can find on the average rock forum. I don't hate people outside of here, it's good that they are happy the way they are,

it just makes me sad to see that these days, everyone sells out and tries to be funny. It just bores me deeply. That's the answer to your post, people here are pissed to see uninteresting and shallow people taking a shot at a true artist like Axl.

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Keep in mind this is a guy that wears outfits on stage.

Keep in mind that it's a crowd of people there to see him, of course they will boo Axl if he says Axl is shit.

If Axl at his next show said Corey Taylor sucked donket dick, SlipKnot was a joke and wtf is Ston Sour anyway the crowd would go insane cheering. Would that mean "This is what the world thinks of Corey Taylor"? No. It would mean Axl was speaking to a bunch of people who paid to see him because they are fans and they will cheer whatever the fuck he says.

Also, it wouldn't be in a tiny club.

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Am I the only one cringing reading the replies in this thread?

Every time someone says something about Axl, a thread is made, and all the replies are "is he even relevant" "he sucks" "his band sucks" etc.

It was a funny video. Lighten up.

No I think the main problem is that whenever we have someone bashing Axl, generally, they suck artistically.

But now that I think of it, it makes sense. An artist is someone who has deep problems and somehow manages to go through his shit to come up with something moving and deep.

Can you really picture a guy like Corey Taylor sad and depressed and writing something moving? No, to me he is, was and will be a shallow pot smoker who has nothing to say except shouting in a mic, and trying to be funny.

And that's the main problem we have these days. People want to see "funny" people. Everything that has success on the internet is based on jokes, extremely superficial jokes to push people to share it with their friends,

have a good laugh, and smoke pot. I'm not saying I didn't like the Gangnam Style, but did it deserve 1 billion views? I guess that if Michael Jackson was releasing Thriller in 2013, he would have less success than this Korean funny guy.

And it sucks, I really think thriller would be less successful these days than that "Call me maybe" song was it released right now (of course Thriller still sells, but wipe out the legend and buzz, and release it today, no one would give a shit,

people just want to listen to something funny). OK I'm being extremely square on that one, but it's the truth. There's actually very few room for people who have something to say. We are in a world of permanent second degree, but where is

the first degree, where is the passion, where is the power?? People just want to laugh and get dumber and dumber,

they don't want to face deep things, they have enough problems at work, so they just want to get a good laugh. That's why that Corey Taylor guy may seem relevant to some of you (and a lot of people outside this forum). But to me he will

never match a tenth of what Axl brought us. Because Axl made 1st degree music that still punch your soul. That's the real deal. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I want to hear. I don't want that shitty alternative rock crap.

The reason I still come on this forum is that I feel people here are a bit more interesting and moving than what I can find on the average rock forum. I don't hate people outside of here, it's good that they are happy the way they are,

it just makes me sad to see that these days, everyone sells out and tries to be funny. It just bores me deeply. That's the answer to your post, people here are pissed to see uninteresting and shallow people taking a shot at a true artist like Axl.

The whole world suck artistically, apparently. Axl's unprofessional and Corey isn't the first one bashing his persona.

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Chinese Democracy is an awesome record. He probably didn't give it a chance.

I agree with a lot of his sentiment though. It's kind of the majority opinion anyway.

At the same time, this prick is from Slipknot, and that band sucks, so do we really value his opinion over anybody else's?

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I don't think Corey's stories are any different than Kevin Smith talking about his past experiences with Prince or Bruce Willis.

I respect peoples' tastes in music because it should be an individual opinion. But give it a constructive one and not blast the whole thing off as a pile of crap. That's just lazy.

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Whether you like what he has to say or not...his delivery is funny. That being said, notice that even though the crowd is "booing" Guns N' Roses/Axl, when he asks the name of the other song Axl plays piano on, almost everyone in the audience seems to know it's "Estranged."

I guess my point is everyone is just caught up in the moment. He was telling a funny story with lots of exaggerated details (as almost everyone does when retelling a story for laughs) and the crowd is getting caught up in it. And, as others have said, it's not like Axl hasn't had some negative things to say about other bands/artists (Kurt Cobain, Metallica rant in 1993, and the incident with The Eagles of Death Metal in 2006).

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