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Does anybody else think it is awesome that Guns N' Roses posted the 2Paxl remix video on their official Facebook page?

Randy Lahey

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Two of my Fav artists. 2 Pac and Axl. If 2Pac is still alive he and Axl should do a song together.

Rock Band and Guitar Hero is the best thing to ever happen for Multi Track Availability. Axl should Pen a New Video Game Deal so we can get Multi Tracks from the Classic Lineup. Too Bad the Jungle Multi Track doesn't allow you to separate the Drums and Vocals.

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Wow this is kinda random, I don't listen to rap/hip hop music, especially hip-hop music with actual rapping in it. But back when I first heard this song there was something about the groove of it that I kinda liked in a musical way. But anyway a couple days ago I was flipping through tv channels when I seen that Tupac Resurrection documentary, it just started, and it was playing this song, which is what caught my attention for a second. So it got me thinking of this song, so last night I looked it up on YouTube and listened to it for a bit, then I log on MyGNR and see this, just kinda odd huh?

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Closing in on 7000 views.


How many views do you need before you can start generating ad revenue?

I'm not too sure. It's not up on my youtube account. I hope we can get it over 10,000 though.

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