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Axl's autobiography coming out soon? New singles & Vegas DVD soon? *LIKELY FAKE*

Bruno P.

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I am using twitter thro my phone and I'm too tired to copy and paste. But there are several rumors such as new singles, Axl's autobiography, Axl trying to fix his live performances, etc. Interesting stuff.

Edited by Estranged Reality
This Twitter feed is likely fake. As others have pointed out, it has, in the past, tweeted definitively false information. So take this with a hefty grain of salt. - ER
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Before Rock in Rio 2011:

I should have mentioned sooner but...yes, Axl is alive and well. In fact, in better shape than he has been in a few years. Watch out Rio!

After Rock in Rio 2011:

Axl is well aware he's out of shape physically and vocally and is working on both ahead of new activity.

Edited by Randy Lahey
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Wow. I totally remember this guy from forever ago. Read about him back when I used to read GNRdaily.com a long time ago. Totally forgot about him.

Quite the gap there in tweets. Over two years of inactivity. Anybody know anything about him? Or who he might be?

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How fucked is it that we have to rely on a 'Possibly fake' twitter account to get information on the band. There's nothing in any of those tweets that I would raise an eyebrow to if an official GnR employee posted it. This is the sort of info Fernando should be feeding us, gives us hope for the future and let's us now that there's a shit load of work going on behind the scenes but there's other things and other relationships (business and otherwise) holding back progress.

I don't know if I believe what's written, I'd love to! I would absolutely love for Axl to be trying to get into shape physically/vocally and for the band to be trying to get new material out. I believe that he cares a lot and wants his fans to feel proud etc. nothing new there.

If Bumble's as important to Axl, why hasn't he told him that!? why hasn't he taken him up on requests to get into the studio... bumble is begging to make new new music.

Would love to believe this stuff, will continue to read the twitter account and remain hopeful... time will tell!

Maybe the author of the account is someone reputable, dream scenario being it's a certain Mr. Rose (pretty unlikely)

Edited by Tom2112
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I can't imagine him ever releasing an autobiography. Vegas dvd I believe will be released.

AXL meeting fans done loads for his credit. However if this was an issue for him to be concerned about wouldn't he have turned up to the meet n greets?

After meeting Axl its crazy to think so many people dissect his life when we know very little of it. Crazy. We don't even know where he is on the planet, never mind knowing his intentions.

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This account has been claiming things for years and is consistently wrong.

Lock before its nonsense gains momentum.

Sure but the real problem is the GN´R camp should take care of someone like him. That guy didn´t open his account today. It´s clear he never got a letter from Axl´s lawyer.

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