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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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This happens every time they play on a proshot feed. It's not luck, it's either lack of preparation or time to call it quits because he can't do it anymore.

Yes and you'll be the first to admit that it sucks because gnr are still capable of amazing performances sometimes... Which means that proshots on tv and stuff are not for them. Not only they get unlucky but there are also other issues : this is a huge band that needs long soundchecks, room and time : you don't have that in those environnements + we know they're not the most professionnal crew either (at least axl...) and it sure doesnt help.

If they'd put out an official dvd with a compilation of multi-nights (they could do that with the vegas stuff), it'd be really really good.

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Someone needs to tell Axl that all he needs to do is bring out rasp on important nationally televised gigs like this and then he can go back to half-assing it during the tours

But I guess this is what happens when you have no one to tell you "no, you sound like shit" in your entourage

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