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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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Very crappy sound videos.. <_<

LOL. That made me giggle.

Yes, VERY crappy sound videos! :max:

well,my videos sounded good.

and i had fun.

that's rock n roll.

at least it used to be.

for me it's all about the fans now.

forget rock stars.

My connection was bad last night and I enjoyed re-watching this clip. I'm happy hearing Axl's real voice in every song, 'though there were few unpleasant tones switching overtime from high notes.

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The reaction from the fans on this forum is just hysterically over-the-top. It's just savage, wide-eyed, frothing at the mouth stuff.

But I suppose that feels more powerful somehow, than coming on here and saying 'well, it wasn't a great performance ...... it was just pretty average.'

A professional music journalist would never come out with this crap. They are professional, and write with different aims and values in mind - ie, convey ACCURATELY what a gig or album is like. The folk on this forum don't have that aim - they are trying to appear smart, funny, wise-ass, blah blah.......

So it seems to me that the best place to get an accurate feel of how the gig was received would be a more general music forum.

And you guys wonder why Axl isn't keen to release a sequel to Chinese Democracy.

Yes, I'm sure the reaction from 10-15 guys on an internet forum are SOLELY the reason he isn't wanting to release new music.

20,000 fans at a concert..........100,000 fans at a festival event.............8 guys on a forum bash him. They all should hold the same weight in Axl's eyes.

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so how was y'all's day after staying up late for the broadcast? (@magisme @Black Sabbath @DJAshba)

i got about three hours sleep and had to work an eight hour shift. for whatever miraculous reason i never crashed. i'm about to hit the gym before the inevitable crash consumes me and i pass out.

all in all, not as bad as when i stayed up all night for the Hammerstein shows or Rio 4!

Rock n' Roll! :wow:

Lots of coffee.

Stumbled my way through teaching some Sylvia Plath, went to the grocery store and forgot half the items I meant to purchase, got back to my place and said fuck it. Now I'm on the couch. I'll get off the couch to pay the pizza delivery guy and that's about it. I imagine I'll be passed out by 9.

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One of Axl's favourite bands is The Raspberries.

If you are wanting to post something negative, leave it, and go and hunt out the above bands Greatest Hits.

There are so many better things to do :) Music is one of the greatest things on the planet, appreciate what is there, rather than posting negative about what is not there

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Why do these discussions always have to come back to the fans? If people were so enamored over the performance last night then that should be their focus, not what other people are saying or why they're here.

If I post that I like chocolate ice cream and someone else posts that they don't, I don't give a shit. I'm not going to stop liking it or whine because other people don't like it. ffs, learn to deal with other opinions, because no one is changing anyone else's mind.

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So it seems to me that the best place to get an accurate feel of how the gig was received would be a more general music forum.

Really not an argument in your favour...




I will say, a lot of these kinds of people were hating on Axl when he was giving outstanding performances in 2006 and 2010, it's just sad that now they're right.

So no, I wouldn't go with a general music forum to gauge how Axl actually performed.

I'll go with my own eyes and ears, thank you very much :)

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Just watched the show. I thought it was a solid performance. I didn't care for Axl's voice in some parts, but for the most part I thought he did really well. I thought he sounded good on Sweet Child, November Rain, KoHD. Can't remember what else off the top of my head. Better was probably my least favorite that they did. With perhaps Jungle a close second? There were parts in Jungle that just didn't do it for me. I don't know if Axl is experimenting with how he sings his songs or not, but if he is, he needs to stop. He clearly had the power and the rasp, but chose not to use it in parts.

Like I said, I thought it was a solid performance. Some people on here are being dramatic.

Congrats Axl! Well deserved award.

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Just watched the show. I thought it was a solid performance. I didn't care for Axl's voice in some parts, but for the most part I thought he did really well. I thought he sounded good on Sweet Child, November Rain, KoHD. Can't remember what else off the top of my head. Better was probably my least favorite that they did. With perhaps Jungle a close second? There were parts in Jungle that just didn't do it for me. I don't know if Axl is experimenting with how he sings his songs or not, but if he is, he needs to stop. He clearly had the power and the rasp, but chose not to use it in parts.

Like I said, I thought it was a solid performance. Some people on here are being dramatic.

Congrats Axl! Well deserved award.

Huzzah, fan post

Positive, with negative sidenotes. He sounded good on blah

I come on here, read that, and then I know what to watch.

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I'll tell you what it is, it's fucking heartbreaking when you read the public's comments on all social media news articles about the performance last night. Heartbreaking. I now await the usual continuous posts on my own facebook bagging Axl and the band by the imbecilic element of my social circle who think it is both intelligent and insightful to broadcast negativity - especially because they know all too much my love for the band.

This all should have happened four, six years ago. Fuck it hurts. But I think we're done.

I initially thought it was fucking cool that Axl shunned the bullshit RnRHOF, and instead decided to do the low budget, relatively less acknowledged but definitely more rock and roll Golden Gods. And the fact that Duff was along side filled me with hope and I was fucking PRAYING for a good show. God fucking damn it. ISO was fucking batshit good, and the intensity was there...honestly, that's the only song they should broadcast.

Edited by Crash Dieter
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i agree with above poster.

Axl would ONLY get support back from his fans.

And the majority of the shit storm would fade away instantly...This reunion is what the musicworld needs today and most importantly what we GnR fans need..Let's fucking do this shit and bring the real GnR back to us..

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Ya well maybe he does read all this shit and it does affect him one way or another? I dunno, it's way too negative on here & obviously people really don't care. Band or not, he is still a person... just like you & I folks.

I do agree it's a shame about the name-calling and jeering because it further fosters that us vs. them, fans vs. haters mentality that exists in the Axl/TB camp. But it also means that any constructive criticism gets lost in a sea of insults and bile. There's a reason Axl lurks here rather than HTGTH, he knows it's just a circlejerk over there and always will be as long as Jarmo is on his payroll.

This HRS story is one that I believe to be true because it explains a lot about Axl (posted it before but it's relevant):

"i met del once, on the same night i met axl. beverly hills walk of style awards, after playing a small acoustic set. i talked to axl for twenty minutes or so. he was surprisingly candid, talking about frustrations he felt from the record label and resentment he felt towards fans and how they're unfairly critical of him. he talked about being crushingly depressed to the point where he didn't want to leave his house, but he seemed in high spirits that night. he was laughing and seemed to enjoy sharing his thoughts. but del kept interrupting axl, trying to stop him from talking to me. he kept inviting axl to join him in another conversation, and axl would tell him he'd be there in a minute. the third or fourth time del interrupted, axl snapped at him. just told him to buzz off and that he'd find him when he was done. del was absolutely not friendly to me. he would only look angrily in my direction."

"by no means do i think axl was interested in me. he was interested in talking about himself, which he did. i was just someone who listened. i also told him fans resentment made total sense to me, but that it was a product of their love for him, not hate. i explained how as fans, right or wrong, we bond with the art that speaks to us and for us, and the artist who creates it plays a role in our imaginations. especially when we're young. that emotional investment is a double-edged sword though. and i told him how when he vanished and seemingly showed contempt for everyone who loved his stuff, people can't help but feel disappointed or spurned or even insulted. their "hate" was just the obvious and realistic flip side of their love. he heard that and nodded and said he'd never really considered that."

The guy just straight up doesn't understand that being critical doesn't equate to being hateful or spiteful.

I just want people to see the good sometimes in GN'R. Respect where they have come from rather than where they may be going. You have to do that sometimes in life. I watched a little bit of yesterdays awards, and liked it. I had a 15 minute window to watch the best of the highlights, I came to the forums to see what the fans liked the most, and all I read is crap

I do too, but you really have to grasp at straws these days. I had a fun time at the Buenos Aires show but that was mostly because of Duff and the insane SA crowd. Axl gave a decent performance but he lacked that edge and passion that really made the 2010 shows and the 2012 Atlantic City show special for me.

Amir, assuming nothing changes performance-wise during the residency and they don't play Madagascar at all, will you concede that it's maybe because he can't honestly sing it and mean it anymore?

Don't think I've ever disputed that? I do think it's more that it's technically too difficult for him, and also that he sang it at almost every show from Rio 2001 to the 2012 Vegas Residency.

The problem I see with criticizing someone for an inability to distinguish being critical from hateful is that the way the message is delivered can shape how the message is taken. If your intent is deliver fair and/or constructive criticism and you the vehicle you use to deliver that message is name calling and/or over-the-top rhetoric, your true intent may be obscured by the choice of words.

That's not specifically directed at anyone, but more of a general point that deserves consideration when bringing up that line of thinking presented by HRS.

That's also why I think HRS' explanation is or was somewhat self-serving.


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honestly, i've seen worse.. he really tried and sounded alright up until you could be mine.. his singing requires alot of energy and he's not a 30 year old man anymore, i don't get what you all expect seriously..

people can compare him to steven tyler and how his voice is still powerful.. but you can't compare man, it might come easy for tyler to sing that way. i could tell from this performance that axl tried, and he really did.. you just can't compare apple from oranges.. axl is the way he is, and one major problem is his voice has changed, deal with it.

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i agree with above poster.

Axl would ONLY get support back from his fans.

And the majority of the shit storm would fade away instantly...This reunion is what the musicworld needs today and most importantly what we GnR fans need..Let's fucking do this shit and bring the real GnR back to us..

of course that 's what the rock n roll world needs.

but Axl won't listen.

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Reunion will fix this shit we have today..Fans will adore you and honor your decision to get back together..This shit ain't so hard to do..Let's do it!!

Not possible, the voice just isn't there anymore. He wouldn't do any better vocally with the old guys than he did last night, and it would be a huge waste of time for everyone.

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