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Annual MyGNRForum Awards 2014 - Voting Round 2 - Finals


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I was just coming in to vote myself for best looking male member. Can I do that?

It's fine. We take bribes.

Don't miss your chance to win a hot date with 2014's Best Looking Male Forum Member.....!

What, are you single now? I wouldn't think the "misses" would like your contest all that much. :P

Anyways....I see a 20k post roast in your near future....

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So much for peer mediation :lol:

Alas, I don't think peer mediation will ever work on these types of forums. Most of the fights/feuds aren't based on an issue but instead most are just because somebody doesn't like the other person.

For example.......ARQ posts way more pictures and "personal" type posts than Red does. ARQ is beloved by everybody, so her pictures/personal posts are see as her "sharing." Whereas when Red does it, she is called an "attention whore." We all hold people to different standards depending on whether or not we like the person. (This paragraph was not an insult or praising of either ARQ or Red, just pointing something out. I like both posters).

And then it just trickles down from there based on who we like/dislike. SS comment about "then I would have voted for you for most improved poster" about Red was funny. But he follows P4A around like her little lap dog, so it's only natural he'd insult Red. But would he make the same insult to P4A? Of course not.

That's why everybody loves guys like you - Len. You will mix it up, praise, bash, etc with anybody. You don't give a free pass to somebody just because they are your online buddy. You'll disagree with Dazey just like you would with somebody you didn't really like. That's what I've been trying to change about my own posting. Not holding as many grudges and just basing each topic as a completely new entity. Hell, I even tried to make nice with Broski a couple times!!!

One thing I've tried to do - and I know I'm not perfect and fail at it (val22 comes to mind) - is to not carry a grudge with a person from topic to topic. Meaning - I can fight with DS or Bacardi in topic A.....but then if I agree with them in topic B I have no problem giving them praises. If more people did I think there would be way less fighting and negativity on the forum.

But then again......some people just love to fight or be snarky, and there are some people that you just don't like or that really rub you the wrong way. I suppose that's just human nature, and if people want to fight and carry on grudges with complete strangers..........more power to ya!

I'm sure some people with bash me for this post. And that's cool. No worries. I won't hold it against you.

Great post. And it's funny to see them getting their panties in a twist because of it. G7ZqmVJ.gif

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So much for peer mediation :lol:

Alas, I don't think peer mediation will ever work on these types of forums. Most of the fights/feuds aren't based on an issue but instead most are just because somebody doesn't like the other person.

For example.......ARQ posts way more pictures and "personal" type posts than Red does. ARQ is beloved by everybody, so her pictures/personal posts are see as her "sharing." Whereas when Red does it, she is called an "attention whore." We all hold people to different standards depending on whether or not we like the person. (This paragraph was not an insult or praising of either ARQ or Red, just pointing something out. I like both posters).

And then it just trickles down from there based on who we like/dislike. SS comment about "then I would have voted for you for most improved poster" about Red was funny. But he follows P4A around like her little lap dog, so it's only natural he'd insult Red. But would he make the same insult to P4A? Of course not.

That's why everybody loves guys like you - Len. You will mix it up, praise, bash, etc with anybody. You don't give a free pass to somebody just because they are your online buddy. You'll disagree with Dazey just like you would with somebody you didn't really like. That's what I've been trying to change about my own posting. Not holding as many grudges and just basing each topic as a completely new entity. Hell, I even tried to make nice with Broski a couple times!!!

One thing I've tried to do - and I know I'm not perfect and fail at it (val22 comes to mind) - is to not carry a grudge with a person from topic to topic. Meaning - I can fight with DS or Bacardi in topic A.....but then if I agree with them in topic B I have no problem giving them praises. If more people did I think there would be way less fighting and negativity on the forum.

But then again......some people just love to fight or be snarky, and there are some people that you just don't like or that really rub you the wrong way. I suppose that's just human nature, and if people want to fight and carry on grudges with complete strangers..........more power to ya!

I'm sure some people with bash me for this post. And that's cool. No worries. I won't hold it against you.

Interesting take. Wrong, but interesting. Being an attention whore is a lot more than posting pictures. ARQ doesn't come here and brag about her make believe world filled with unicorns and rainbows. Every other post doesn't have a condescending know it all tone or a need to let others know how utterly fabulous she is. There's a huge difference in posting styles. Maybe you don't see it, but certainly some others do. I assumed redhead and I had an understanding. We would just stay out of each other's way. I held up my end. She came in here and threw the first blow. No, I don't like to fight, but I don't lay down if someone comes at me either. Do you?

As for carrying a grudge, I know you probably try your best at it, but quite honestly you're one of the biggest offenders on this forum. I've seen you attack Val in threads that had absolutely nothing to do with the actual topic. She was talking about her neighbors and you bring up monkeys. It was funny, but is it right? Your dig at Soulmonster today in the general chat is another example. That was funny too, but had nothing to do with his post. I won't even get started on the whole warchild / ohlovelyRita thing. I'm all for some constructive advice, and I do respect you, but in this particular area, you need to step down from your throne.

And calling SS a lapdog? Really unnecessary man. You want to know what's funny? I've never shared a pm with SS, and we have never chatted outside a topic. Meanwhile you and I have shared many pm's over the years. So the whole friends theory you've discussed on more than one occasion really doesn't fly. Not sure why anyone would care who likes what post. I've never called anyone out for liking a post, ever, but I've seen others do it. Is it that big of an issue, enough that you would need to call someone a lapdog? That's weird to me. There are other people who "liked" my posts here too. Is everyone a lapdog? Ever think that there are just posters here who, for whatever their own personal reasons are, just don't like other posters, and if they see something they agree with they opt to like it? Maybe their English isn't as good, maybe they don't want to be involved in an argument, but still want to show some support. I don't know, but one thing is for sure, there's no big conspiracy.

People are still shitting on NGOG, Broski, TM, is that okay with you? They're not even here to defend themselves. I don't read every post on the forum so I may have missed you suggesting they should all be giving praises instead, you know, to stop all the negativity around here.

You're out of your mind. Literally. Keep obsessing over my picture, and convincing yourself it's normal. Freak.

Now stop using me to shit up this thread and making everything about you . That's what every other thread you post in is for.


I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

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I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

I have no idea about the feud you and Facekciker have going on....but I just don't understand your animosity towards Apollo.

I know you and he got into it back in the day but watching the way both of you have grown over the years....you two have a lot more in common (nowadays) than you think.....just sayin'..... :shrugs:

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I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

I have no idea about the feud you and Facekciker have going on....but I just don't understand your animosity towards Apollo.

I know you and he got into it back in the day but watching the way both of you have grown over the years....you two have a lot more in common (nowadays) than you think.....just sayin'..... :shrugs:

I don't have a feud with Facekicker, do I? Maybe he got mad when I told him I liked RonMexico nore, but I don't know what else I've done to him.

And there's no animosity at all towards Apollo. I like him a lot, always did even when others didn't. I'm simply disagreeing with him on certain points he's made.

Anyone else you want to question me on? :P

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I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

I have no idea about the feud you and Facekciker have going on....but I just don't understand your animosity towards Apollo.

I know you and he got into it back in the day but watching the way both of you have grown over the years....you two have a lot more in common (nowadays) than you think.....just sayin'..... :shrugs:

I don't have a feud with Facekicker, do I? Maybe he got mad when I told him I liked RonMexico nore, but I don't know what else I've done to him.

And there's no animosity at all towards Apollo. I like him a lot, always did even when others didn't. I'm simply disagreeing with him on certain points he's made.

Anyone else you want to question me on? :P

Come on now....I'm just lookin' out....for those that I actually care about around here.... ;)

I'll be taking lapdog applications starting immediately. PM me.

I've got that one in the bag. Sorry.


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I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

I have no idea about the feud you and Facekciker have going on....but I just don't understand your animosity towards Apollo.

I know you and he got into it back in the day but watching the way both of you have grown over the years....you two have a lot more in common (nowadays) than you think.....just sayin'..... :shrugs:

I don't have a feud with Facekicker, do I? Maybe he got mad when I told him I liked RonMexico nore, but I don't know what else I've done to him.

And there's no animosity at all towards Apollo. I like him a lot, always did even when others didn't. I'm simply disagreeing with him on certain points he's made.

Anyone else you want to question me on? :P

Come on now....I'm just lookin' out....for those that I actually care about around here.... ;)

I'll be taking lapdog applications starting immediately. PM me.

I've got that one in the bag. Sorry.


Believe me King, I know. Alls good. ;)

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So much for peer mediation :lol:

Alas, I don't think peer mediation will ever work on these types of forums. Most of the fights/feuds aren't based on an issue but instead most are just because somebody doesn't like the other person.

For example.......ARQ posts way more pictures and "personal" type posts than Red does. ARQ is beloved by everybody, so her pictures/personal posts are see as her "sharing." Whereas when Red does it, she is called an "attention whore." We all hold people to different standards depending on whether or not we like the person. (This paragraph was not an insult or praising of either ARQ or Red, just pointing something out. I like both posters).

And then it just trickles down from there based on who we like/dislike. SS comment about "then I would have voted for you for most improved poster" about Red was funny. But he follows P4A around like her little lap dog, so it's only natural he'd insult Red. But would he make the same insult to P4A? Of course not.

That's why everybody loves guys like you - Len. You will mix it up, praise, bash, etc with anybody. You don't give a free pass to somebody just because they are your online buddy. You'll disagree with Dazey just like you would with somebody you didn't really like. That's what I've been trying to change about my own posting. Not holding as many grudges and just basing each topic as a completely new entity. Hell, I even tried to make nice with Broski a couple times!!!

One thing I've tried to do - and I know I'm not perfect and fail at it (val22 comes to mind) - is to not carry a grudge with a person from topic to topic. Meaning - I can fight with DS or Bacardi in topic A.....but then if I agree with them in topic B I have no problem giving them praises. If more people did I think there would be way less fighting and negativity on the forum.

But then again......some people just love to fight or be snarky, and there are some people that you just don't like or that really rub you the wrong way. I suppose that's just human nature, and if people want to fight and carry on grudges with complete strangers..........more power to ya!

I'm sure some people with bash me for this post. And that's cool. No worries. I won't hold it against you.

Interesting take. Wrong, but interesting. Being an attention whore is a lot more than posting pictures. ARQ doesn't come here and brag about her make believe world filled with unicorns and rainbows. Every other post doesn't have a condescending know it all tone or a need to let others know how utterly fabulous she is. There's a huge difference in posting styles. Maybe you don't see it, but certainly some others do. I assumed redhead and I had an understanding. We would just stay out of each other's way. I held up my end. She came in here and threw the first blow. No, I don't like to fight, but I don't lay down if someone comes at me either. Do you?

As for carrying a grudge, I know you probably try your best at it, but quite honestly you're one of the biggest offenders on this forum. I've seen you attack Val in threads that had absolutely nothing to do with the actual topic. She was talking about her neighbors and you bring up monkeys. It was funny, but is it right? Your dig at Soulmonster today in the general chat is another example. That was funny too, but had nothing to do with his post. I won't even get started on the whole warchild / ohlovelyRita thing. I'm all for some constructive advice, and I do respect you, but in this particular area, you need to step down from your throne.

And calling SS a lapdog? Really unnecessary man. You want to know what's funny? I've never shared a pm with SS, and we have never chatted outside a topic. Meanwhile you and I have shared many pm's over the years. So the whole friends theory you've discussed on more than one occasion really doesn't fly. Not sure why anyone would care who likes what post. I've never called anyone out for liking a post, ever, but I've seen others do it. Is it that big of an issue, enough that you would need to call someone a lapdog? That's weird to me. There are other people who "liked" my posts here too. Is everyone a lapdog? Ever think that there are just posters here who, for whatever their own personal reasons are, just don't like other posters, and if they see something they agree with they opt to like it? Maybe their English isn't as good, maybe they don't want to be involved in an argument, but still want to show some support. I don't know, but one thing is for sure, there's no big conspiracy.

People are still shitting on NGOG, Broski, TM, is that okay with you? They're not even here to defend themselves. I don't read every post on the forum so I may have missed you suggesting they should all be giving praises instead, you know, to stop all the negativity around here.

You're out of your mind. Literally. Keep obsessing over my picture, and convincing yourself it's normal. Freak.

Now stop using me to shit up this thread and making everything about you . That's what every other thread you post in is for.


I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

Good post. Lately you and I seem to disagree on just about everything. But that's OK, it keeps conversation interesting.

You kind of proved my point with the ARQ/Red comment though! They both could post the exact same thing and people would take it differently depending on whether or not they like the person. ARQ had "Voted Hottest Poster on The Forum" as her signature line.....if Red did that, OMG, you guys would have killed her.

Let's use broski as an example so as to not drag current posters into this. Some dude posted a picture of himself on a vacation. Broski tore him apart over it, and even brought it to a different forum. Tons of people post pictures of themselves on vacation. But broski hated this guy, for whatever reason, so he used the vacation pictures as some weird insult. The vacation picture had nothing to do with it, it was just another way to bash a poster he didn't like. I think lots of people do that on here (I probably do it as well at times).

LOL - I specifically said that I pick on Val22 in my post. And the comment about Soulmonster was funny, it wasn't done in a mean-spirited way. There is a difference between playful banter and people just ripping each other apart.

And bringing up LovelyRita/Warchild/etc..........come on now. They were banned for a reason and I was just one of many people they fought with.

But it's all good. People can think whatever they want - it doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm trying to NOT carry grudges from topic-to-topic. I'm not perfect, and I'll continue to make fun of Val22 as I can't stand people who are racist. But like I said - I can disagree and argue with the damn-smooth and Bacardis of the world in one topic and then be friendly and agree with them in the next topic. Mags is my boy/lapdog and we recently argued in one topic, but didn't carry that forward in other topics.

There is pretty much nobody on here that I wouldn't like to meet in real life at a GnR show and have a couple beers with.

POOR Alfie.........the topic just keeps getting more and more cluttered with non-voting topics! Almost makes you wonder if the voting should have been done via PM instead of publically!!!

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I'll be taking lapdog applications starting immediately. PM me.

I'll get you a lapdog if you give me a lap-dance.

I'll rock your world.


Now that is something I need to see. I'll lend you my nipple tassels if you like. :awesomeface:

I wouldn't mind seeing them in action....(on you, of course)......just sayin' :shrugs:

Before anyone says anything, she brought them up to begin with....and I'm a single man....so like....wtf..... :lol:

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And I apologize to everybody for getting too serious on here!

It's almost the weekend, Christmas is coming up, let's all make up and be friendly for the rest of the year.

:hug::hug: :hug: :hug: to everybody, esp: P4A, ARQ, SS, SoulMonster, Bacardi, Red and anybody else I might have offended.

This is the best GnR forum on the web and I'm glad to be a 14-year member of it. It's a great forum because of all the great members with a huge variation of personality types.

P.S. and special hugs to my lapdogs Mags and KK

Edited by Groghan
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And I apologize to everybody for getting too serious on here!

It's almost the weekend, Christmas is coming up, let's all make up and be friendly for the rest of the year.

:hug::hug: :hug: :hug: to everybody, esp: P4A, ARQ, SS, SoulMonster, Bacardi, Red and anybody else I might have offended.

This is the best GnR forum on the web and I'm glad to be a 14-year member of it. It's a great forum because of all the great members with a huge variation of personality types.

Fuck you.

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And I apologize to everybody for getting too serious on here!

It's almost the weekend, Christmas is coming up, let's all make up and be friendly for the rest of the year.

:hug::hug: :hug: :hug: to everybody, esp: P4A, ARQ, SS, SoulMonster, Bacardi, Red and anybody else I might have offended.

This is the best GnR forum on the web and I'm glad to be a 14-year member of it. It's a great forum because of all the great members with a huge variation of personality types.

Fuck you.


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So much for peer mediation :lol:

Alas, I don't think peer mediation will ever work on these types of forums. Most of the fights/feuds aren't based on an issue but instead most are just because somebody doesn't like the other person.

For example.......ARQ posts way more pictures and "personal" type posts than Red does. ARQ is beloved by everybody, so her pictures/personal posts are see as her "sharing." Whereas when Red does it, she is called an "attention whore." We all hold people to different standards depending on whether or not we like the person. (This paragraph was not an insult or praising of either ARQ or Red, just pointing something out. I like both posters).

And then it just trickles down from there based on who we like/dislike. SS comment about "then I would have voted for you for most improved poster" about Red was funny. But he follows P4A around like her little lap dog, so it's only natural he'd insult Red. But would he make the same insult to P4A? Of course not.

That's why everybody loves guys like you - Len. You will mix it up, praise, bash, etc with anybody. You don't give a free pass to somebody just because they are your online buddy. You'll disagree with Dazey just like you would with somebody you didn't really like. That's what I've been trying to change about my own posting. Not holding as many grudges and just basing each topic as a completely new entity. Hell, I even tried to make nice with Broski a couple times!!!

One thing I've tried to do - and I know I'm not perfect and fail at it (val22 comes to mind) - is to not carry a grudge with a person from topic to topic. Meaning - I can fight with DS or Bacardi in topic A.....but then if I agree with them in topic B I have no problem giving them praises. If more people did I think there would be way less fighting and negativity on the forum.

But then again......some people just love to fight or be snarky, and there are some people that you just don't like or that really rub you the wrong way. I suppose that's just human nature, and if people want to fight and carry on grudges with complete strangers..........more power to ya!

I'm sure some people with bash me for this post. And that's cool. No worries. I won't hold it against you.

Interesting take. Wrong, but interesting. Being an attention whore is a lot more than posting pictures. ARQ doesn't come here and brag about her make believe world filled with unicorns and rainbows. Every other post doesn't have a condescending know it all tone or a need to let others know how utterly fabulous she is. There's a huge difference in posting styles. Maybe you don't see it, but certainly some others do. I assumed redhead and I had an understanding. We would just stay out of each other's way. I held up my end. She came in here and threw the first blow. No, I don't like to fight, but I don't lay down if someone comes at me either. Do you?

As for carrying a grudge, I know you probably try your best at it, but quite honestly you're one of the biggest offenders on this forum. I've seen you attack Val in threads that had absolutely nothing to do with the actual topic. She was talking about her neighbors and you bring up monkeys. It was funny, but is it right? Your dig at Soulmonster today in the general chat is another example. That was funny too, but had nothing to do with his post. I won't even get started on the whole warchild / ohlovelyRita thing. I'm all for some constructive advice, and I do respect you, but in this particular area, you need to step down from your throne.

And calling SS a lapdog? Really unnecessary man. You want to know what's funny? I've never shared a pm with SS, and we have never chatted outside a topic. Meanwhile you and I have shared many pm's over the years. So the whole friends theory you've discussed on more than one occasion really doesn't fly. Not sure why anyone would care who likes what post. I've never called anyone out for liking a post, ever, but I've seen others do it. Is it that big of an issue, enough that you would need to call someone a lapdog? That's weird to me. There are other people who "liked" my posts here too. Is everyone a lapdog? Ever think that there are just posters here who, for whatever their own personal reasons are, just don't like other posters, and if they see something they agree with they opt to like it? Maybe their English isn't as good, maybe they don't want to be involved in an argument, but still want to show some support. I don't know, but one thing is for sure, there's no big conspiracy.

People are still shitting on NGOG, Broski, TM, is that okay with you? They're not even here to defend themselves. I don't read every post on the forum so I may have missed you suggesting they should all be giving praises instead, you know, to stop all the negativity around here.

You're out of your mind. Literally. Keep obsessing over my picture, and convincing yourself it's normal. Freak.

Now stop using me to shit up this thread and making everything about you . That's what every other thread you post in is for.


I didn't start this fight. Fact is I never do. I have no problem ignoring certain members on this board. All they need to do is show the same courtesy. Did I tell you to shut up every time you cried about Broski? And the fact that you still do? No I didn't, but thanks for your contribution.

Good post. Lately you and I seem to disagree on just about everything. But that's OK, it keeps conversation interesting.

You kind of proved my point with the ARQ/Red comment though! They both could post the exact same thing and people would take it differently depending on whether or not they like the person. ARQ had "Voted Hottest Poster on The Forum" as her signature line.....if Red did that, OMG, you guys would have killed her.

Let's use broski as an example so as to not drag current posters into this. Some dude posted a picture of himself on a vacation. Broski tore him apart over it, and even brought it to a different forum. Tons of people post pictures of themselves on vacation. But broski hated this guy, for whatever reason, so he used the vacation pictures as some weird insult. The vacation picture had nothing to do with it, it was just another way to bash a poster he didn't like. I think lots of people do that on here (I probably do it as well at times).

LOL - I specifically said that I pick on Val22 in my post. And the comment about Soulmonster was funny, it wasn't done in a mean-spirited way. There is a difference between playful banter and people just ripping each other apart.

And bringing up LovelyRita/Warchild/etc..........come on now. They were banned for a reason and I was just one of many people they fought with.

But it's all good. People can think whatever they want - it doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm trying to NOT carry grudges from topic-to-topic. I'm not perfect, and I'll continue to make fun of Val22 as I can't stand people who are racist. But like I said - I can disagree and argue with the damn-smooth and Bacardis of the world in one topic and then be friendly and agree with them in the next topic. Mags is my boy/lapdog and we recently argued in one topic, but didn't carry that forward in other topics.

There is pretty much nobody on here that I wouldn't like to meet in real life at a GnR show and have a couple beers with.

POOR Alfie.........the topic just keeps getting more and more cluttered with non-voting topics! Almost makes you wonder if the voting should have been done via PM instead of publically!!!

Look Apollo, it's fine. I know you and I can disagree and there's no problems afterwards. You would know if I didn't like you and visa versa. That's not the problem here. Not everyone feels the same, including myself when it comes to certain people. I can't be phony, even in words. Broski rags on someone's vacation, someone rags on me about a picture. I had no problem with Rita, you did. tomato / tomahto That's how it goes on a forum. Real life too. I'm not going to rationalize why people like or dislike certain posts or posters, it just is.

My lap is taken, but you boys have fun. :D

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