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2016 National Football League (NFL) Regular Season

Ace Nova

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  • 3 weeks later...

Brady's suspension is upheld.

Now we'll see him file an injunction and take this to regular court. Get your popcorn ready!

Also how the fuck does Greg Hardy get his suspension reduced by more than half, yet Brady has his upheld? Stupid, stupid decisions made by Goodell.

Edited by Crazyman
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Brady's suspension is upheld.

Now we'll see him file an injunction and take this to regular court. Get your popcorn ready!

Also how the fuck does Greg Hardy get his suspension reduced by more than half, yet Brady has his upheld? Stupid, stupid decisions made by Goodell.

the thing with the nfl is they have 0 consistency in their punishments. hardy should never have been on the field before december IMO.

looks like brady took a page of aaron hernandez playbook and smashed his phone :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Packers "Family Night" is tonight. First look at the 2015 version of the team scrimmaging.


I lurve A-A-Ron <3 <3 <3

i wanted him in the draft i was pissed when miami passed on him.

I was 14 when we drafted him and remember being PISSED because our defense was bad in 2004 and thought we had wasted a draft pick (I also thought Favre would play forever...and he certainly tried!).

It wasn't until we played the Cowboys in 2007, ironically during Favre's resurgence, that I knew Rodgers would be good. After that game I wasn't too worried that Favre had "retired" in early 2008.

Looking at the 2005 draft class and it's weird - around 2008/09 or so it looked like it was a strong class, then almost everyone dropped off the face of the earth. Talk about crash and burn.

Anyway, anyone want to make predictions about this upcoming season? Playoff teams, Super Bowl, MVP, etc?

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Packers "Family Night" is tonight. First look at the 2015 version of the team scrimmaging.


I lurve A-A-Ron <3 <3 <3

i wanted him in the draft i was pissed when miami passed on him.

The Packers lucked out that all those other teams passed on AR.

Many Packer fans were outraged when Thompson drafted him and are still complaining about how he builds the team.

They forget the dark days of the 70' and 80's and don't know how good we fans have it now

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Speaking of the NFC South, I can't wait to see Jameis Winston fall flat on his face.

this guy to me is almost a guaranteed bust and i rarely say that about anyone.

Yep. I have the exact same feeling (and I rarely have that feeling).

Do you guys see Robert Griffin III having a successful season?

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Speaking of the NFC South, I can't wait to see Jameis Winston fall flat on his face.

this guy to me is almost a guaranteed bust and i rarely say that about anyone.

Yep. I have the exact same feeling (and I rarely have that feeling).

Do you guys see Robert Griffin III having a successful season?

I think it depends if he can stay healthy. That ACL tear (and coming back too soon, I believe) may have altered his career for the worse.

He may have a bounce back year stats-wise if he's healthy, but I'm pretty sure Washington will be in the cellar of the NFC East.

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Speaking of the NFC South, I can't wait to see Jameis Winston fall flat on his face.

this guy to me is almost a guaranteed bust and i rarely say that about anyone.

Yep. I have the exact same feeling (and I rarely have that feeling).

Do you guys see Robert Griffin III having a successful season?


like i said during his rookie year the guy was a one trick pony that had everything dumbed down for him. he had a one route read and if that guy was covered he would just run, it is the same thing the florida gators did for tim tebow in college. pressure up the middle will take away his legs(plus the injury) and will force him to read a defense which he has a major problem doing.

geno smith "sucker punched" in the jets locker room by linebacker Ik enemkpali. smith suffered a broken jaw and will miss 6-10 weeks, IE was released by the jets.


Edited by bran
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Can't wait to hear what Mike Greenberg has to say about this tomorrow on Mike/Mike, ESPN. Who is the backup QB for the Jets?


they also have bryce petty out of baylor who they drafted in the 4th round. supposedly this was over smith owing IK 600 dollars.

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