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As for the aesthetic appeal of the biff, I'm just glad we now live in an age where pubes are out of fashion - or at least the 'giving birth to Brian May' look is out the window. If you want someone to eat, have a clean table for fucks sake.

The Mary Hinge disappeared on the turn of the millenium really.

Good riddance to bad minge, I say. It's funny watching 70s sexploitation how there are so many staggeringly gorgeous women, but once they're about to get starkers they almost inevitably will have at least 3 of the Jackson 5 protruding from their mimsy.

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What bothers me is this growing movement of blokes having to do it. I mean dont get me wrong, i'll trim up and everything but i aint going clean bald with it, i aint havin' razors around my cobblers, sod that for lark. Then again it'll buy me a higher blowie ratio im all for it :lol:

Edited by Len B'stard
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What bothers me is this growing movement of blokes having to do it. I mean dont get me wrong, i'll trim up and everything but i aint going clean bald with it, i aint havin' razors around my cobblers, sod that for lark. Then again it'll buy me a higher blowie ratio im all for it :lol:

Have to admit I shave mine. What's worse is while clutching a razor with one hand and holding back the old nobber with the other in the shower I can never resist directly asking my bollocks "going anywhere nice on your holidays this year?' But then, this is the kind of info that's probably best kept between me and a court-appointed psychiatrist.

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:lol:I've never once bought a razor near my shit without nicking em a little, so straight trimmed is the best shes getting in this boys case I'm afraid. What you gotta feel for is the people that did it back in the day when all there was was straight razors :lol:

That's about fair, I reckon. After all our junk sprouts forth from the wilderness and we're expdcted to burrow into the foliage. I've been quite abnormally lucky in my genital shaving escapades - just the one nick in lo these many years. That said, it is a terrifying moment, because no matter how superficial the cut, the inclination is to naturally think either Grant or Phil is about to plop out on the bathroom tiles.

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Im not gay, but vaginas are pretty gross if you think about it

I agree. But so are a meat n two veg.

Still waiting for those smelly, ugly balls to go out of fashion so all men have aesthetically pleasing genitals, as the women have already shaved and waxed to achieve an acceptable looking vagina.

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Im not gay, but vaginas are pretty gross if you think about it

I agree. But so are a meat n two veg.

Still waiting for those smelly, ugly balls to go out of fashion so all men have aesthetically pleasing genitals, as the women have already shaved and waxed to achieve an acceptable looking vagina.

Have you seen a shaved nutsack? Aesthetically pleasing? Looks like a turkeys neck


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Im not gay, but vaginas are pretty gross if you think about it

I agree. But so are a meat n two veg.

Still waiting for those smelly, ugly balls to go out of fashion so all men have aesthetically pleasing genitals, as the women have already shaved and waxed to achieve an acceptable looking vagina.

Have you seen a shaved nutsack? Aesthetically pleasing? Looks like a turkeys neck


really does

so I've heard

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There was this person that came in that looked like '90s Axl Rose; very thin, wore a flat brim hat backwards, long straight hair with a tint of red, skinny jeans and a vest. I wasn't sure whether it was male or female.

Anyway I am on a platform so I look down on the customers, literally not figuratively, and I confess that I took a peak down the shirt and noticed there were indeed breasts.

My privates felt sexually confused.

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I'm talking to Cindy on Tinder.

Sounds classy.

I haven't met anyone I'd consider offering the (clearly highly sought after) position of "Mrs. Graeme" to in a very long time... There's a total dearth of lassies satisfying the attractive/interesting/available triumvirate within my sphere of influence at the moment.

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Vanity Fair has something to say about Tinder (of course it does). http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/08/tinder-hook-up-culture-end-of-dating

TL;DR: Tinder is basically giving men an increased opportunity to treat women badly, as it makes them feel like there's an abundance of available women, rather than treating a woman like she's of value beyond her vagina.

Edited by Gracii Guns
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