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How would you feel if Axl announced retirement?

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In terms of my life, it wouldn't affect it one way or the other. I'd hope that whatever he does he doesn't completely vanish, because it would be nice to see what he's up to.

In terms of my opinion on it, I think that would depend on the reason, really. If he said he was retiring by his own personal choice because he felt he'd done all he wanted to do with music and he wanted to spend the next 20 years traveling the world or doing something else, I'd be happy for him. If he was forced to retire due to depression/other health issues or some sort of sense of failure, I'd feel bad for him. It's his life so he should do whatever makes him feel happy; forget what anyone else thinks about it. It's his life, his choice and all.

Edited by stella
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I'd be pretty bummed as I think the guy still has more in the tank. He just needs to let go of the Chinese Democracy era and move on to the next phase. As much as I liked the band's last album, it would suck if it turned out to be band's last considering everything the guy fought for over two decades.

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You obviously could not say 'wasted potential' with a clear vision of the past but you could say waste of a second plateau, if you will, of a developed talent. By that I mean, he had already accomplished the heights you'd expect of a vocalist and band to scale with the talent they held. Sure we'd have liked to peruse four more records but this happens a lot of the time with supremely capable groups/vocalists, you can't choose or ignore variables. This guy gathered together another strange but when combined, sublime, group of musicians and only managed a single record in around a decade. Now, from the CD songs, I personally think they're terrific, ofc it's just one opinion of three generic swathes - it's great, it's average, it sucks - but still, it meant something...

No one will disagree that whenever Axl works on something, it's anything but uninteresting. He toured on and off for a couple years until the official release, he got back in form but his band disintegrated until we got the clusterfuck it is today. They've slowly coalesced into another steady, capable unit but are in a dumb ass limbo by the leader's disinfatuated lullaby. Sure he's produced some scintillating stuff onstage but it's like, well Axl, no one doubts your ability to sing the songs you've created once you're in the swing of things, we doubt your commitment to continue what you started, which was to create a second chapter, a bizarre but strangely noble via the Axl Rose perspective of how GNR oughta be, which maybe was the only perspective, a second chapter that justified your return from hibernation. Whilst CD was no doubt cathartic, it surely ought not be a fucking retirement circuit, that's disrespectful to the stature of all he fought for, it's just a pitiful thing as financially rewarding as it is, you cannot have Axl Rose returning still clearly bursting with talent and reneging on his second wind. I won't accept that.

Edited by RandallFlagg
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The Stones aren't going to do anything more that's "worth a shit", but people still get the chance to see them live. Maybe fans of GN'R who haven't gotten the chance to see them would like to? So many 'fans' want Axl to go away...Very odd. Odd indeed. You'd almost think they have an agenda.

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Yeah but the Stones actually release albums of new music every few years, Axl has managed to put out ONE studio album of "new" material in what, 21 years?...and it's been 6 years since that came out.

Most of these people who puzzle you so wouldn't have that attitude if Axl put out some new music.

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I loved every song on his last album, I loved his guest spots on Baz's album, and I really love seeing his band in concert. So I'd be really sad, and pissed that he never released and toured behind another album.

He's already wasted so many years and opportunities, to just give up forever on top of it all and leave that as his legacy would be such a bummer. As long as he hasn't retired or died, there's always a tiny glimmer of hope that he'll come to his senses and start creating again.

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Sad, because it would close the door of getting CD2-CD3 material out. But relieved of some sorts, because I do think that this whole nu-GnR thing at least is pretty pointless, and has been for years. It's not even going round in circles, it is more like just floating pointlessly across the ocean.

But would I want him to retire - no. Because I still hope to get that CD sessions material out. And of course he is one my all time favs, and I would still like to see him live onstage many times around etc.

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I'd kinda roll my eyes as I would with any artist/musician who announces their retirement. I mean honestly how do you retire from music? He's NEVER going to play another show? NEVER going to write a single note again? NEVER wants to release the stuff he claimed to have? I think announcing he's retiring would be dumb but if he were to say something like "As of right now I have no plans to do anything. No plans to tour, no plans for new material. That could all change but for now there's nothing in the works". I'd respect that more than a retirement announcement. But honestly if Axl were to retire for real I wouldn't care at this point.

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