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Appetite for Distortion Ep. 104 - Richard Fortus and Freekbass talk Headtronics

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1 hour ago, default_ said:

Oh, I was looking forward to listen to this episode later today, but as I understand from your comments theres nothing about GNR on it? Thats too bad, kind of lost the magic haha.

But great job on interviewing Richard, no matter the subject! Thanks!

There’s GNR. Some just will never be satisfied.  My view is if you’re truly a fan of the band or of a member, you would enjoy hearing whatever they have to say. It doesn’t have to be unearthed GNR specific facts. 

Edited by Gambit83
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3 hours ago, DownUnderScott said:

No offence mate but I wouldn't waste my time listening to it. I'm going to call this as I see it. These guys (and girl)  love the money,  fame, and all the great stuff that come with that with some of them total attention whores, but yet you can't ask the precious pussies one f*ckin' interesting GnR related question - ever..?  Screw that. Anyone agree?  You're a great interviewer and doing a very good job, but don't tip toe around these people - if they don't have the balls to answer a few questions honestly with some semblance of transparency then F*ck em'.

Silly. If I ever got Slash, I'd be satisfied just talking about horror and dinosaurs with him, wouldn't matter to me if GNR didn't come up. I bet you he'd appreciate that. You probably would too.

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21 minutes ago, Gambit83 said:

Silly. If I ever got Slash, I'd be satisfied just talking about horror and dinosaurs with him, wouldn't matter to me if GNR didn't come up. I bet you he'd appreciate that. You probably would too.

I have an idea that will definetly get Slash in studio for you- tell him you have leather pants made out of dinosaur skin that you wore while Michael Myers chased you are the asylum you were both in.  lol

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2 hours ago, Gambit83 said:

I posted this on my social...

I'm enjoying talking to those listeners who wanted Richard Fortus to talk more GNR in our interview.
In my opinion, it's important to look at it big picture. While some former and current GNR members/team may have non-disclosure agreements, that's another story (and not the case here). However let's use Slash as an example. After he left GNR; while he did Snakepit, VR, solo, Guitar Hero, and other projects, he was always asked about GNR. It bothered him as he wanted to discuss his new stuff.
As a person he should be able to, he had a new source of income and creativity to promote. As a fan, I understand why we want all the GNR stories. However, also as a fan I would enjoy Slash talk about whatever. Horror, dinosaurs, whatever. To go into every interview thinking it was going to be a cross-examination about GNR would be exhausting and would he even want to do it? You can use this example for actors, athletes, etc. Of course this isn't a universal truth, but something to keep in mind.
Also important to note that this similar approach has led to a second interview with Tommy Stinson coming soon. His rep specifically said to me that many interviewers will just want to talk Replacements and GNR with him, but he needs to make a living with his new stuff. It's not that they won't talk GNR, but if they don't make a point to promote the new, interviewers will take advantage and be selfish with questions. It's all about balance, timing, and earning trust. At least if I want to get these guys on again and earn a good reputation to keep booking guests for us.
I appreciate and welcome all feedback. I like to think our audience is smarter than most, so I always expect a good dialog from you :)
- B

I agreed with you, an artist isn't unidirectional person, they can talking many more things.

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5 hours ago, Gambit83 said:

I posted this on my social...

I'm enjoying talking to those listeners who wanted Richard Fortus to talk more GNR in our interview.
In my opinion, it's important to look at it big picture. While some former and current GNR members/team may have non-disclosure agreements, that's another story (and not the case here). However let's use Slash as an example. After he left GNR; while he did Snakepit, VR, solo, Guitar Hero, and other projects, he was always asked about GNR. It bothered him as he wanted to discuss his new stuff.
As a person he should be able to, he had a new source of income and creativity to promote. As a fan, I understand why we want all the GNR stories. However, also as a fan I would enjoy Slash talk about whatever. Horror, dinosaurs, whatever. To go into every interview thinking it was going to be a cross-examination about GNR would be exhausting and would he even want to do it? You can use this example for actors, athletes, etc. Of course this isn't a universal truth, but something to keep in mind.
Also important to note that this similar approach has led to a second interview with Tommy Stinson coming soon. His rep specifically said to me that many interviewers will just want to talk Replacements and GNR with him, but he needs to make a living with his new stuff. It's not that they won't talk GNR, but if they don't make a point to promote the new, interviewers will take advantage and be selfish with questions. It's all about balance, timing, and earning trust. At least if I want to get these guys on again and earn a good reputation to keep booking guests for us.
I appreciate and welcome all feedback. I like to think our audience is smarter than most, so I always expect a good dialog from you :)
- B

You are a smart business man. Very much unlike this catastrophe we follow.

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20 hours ago, adamsapple said:

Listening now...the first time an actual member of GNR is on your podcast? Good job! And by the way thank you for your work, much appreciated! :thumbsup:

He already had GN'R members like Rob Gardner, Tommy Stinson and Brain on his podcast, but Richard is the first member of the current line-up. 

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On 16.2.2019 at 2:41 PM, DieselDaisy said:

''Guns N' Roses'' is like when your grandparent or somebody breaks wind and everybody, culprit and people in proximity, pretends it didn't happen. Everybody has the subject on their mind, but everybody represses the urge to mention it and it sits there, this big colossal elephant in the room, this embarrassment.  

Fortus is probably thinking, ''I hope he doesn't mention Guns. What if he mentions Guns? What will I say? Will I get in trouble with Axl if I say something? What will I do?''. Everybody else is thinking, ''we don't care about your crappy solo project. What is happening to Guns? When do you release an album? What does Atlas Shrugged sound like?''.

More modern comparison: Guns N' Roses is The Bye Bye Man: 


Kuvahaun tulos haulle bye bye man don't say it don't think it

Really bad film... 

Nice interview BTW @Gambit83 :thumbsup:

Edited by Fourteenbeers
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@Gambit83 Just want to say great job.  I just listened to both interviews.  Regarding the dissatisfaction some have with this interview....  screw em.  If they feel so passionately about this then they can start their own podcast and try only asking uncomfortable GNR questions of their guests and see where that gets them.  You are taking the exact same approach that I would take to these interviews.  Build a rapport with these guests so that they 1) they actually WANT to come back in the future (like Tommy seemingly is) and 2) they tell others that you're a fair interviewer to make other more high profile guests feel comfortable talking with you.  Personally I like hearing your questions about how Richard became interested in music as a child.  Its something we've never heard before.  It was cool to hear that he went to high school with Freakbass' wife and that's at least partially how he got involved with Headtronics.  Do I want to hear about the recording process for Chinese Democracy?  Ummm yes.  But that isn't something you ask in your first 30-minute interview with a guy who's coming to promote his new project.  Maybe in the future he'll answer some questions about it.  Maybe not.  But I know you're hopefully building up to that someday.  It's a slow burn.  

Richard is actually a neighbor of mine on the Lower East Side.  He lives a block away from me on Grand Street.  I know where he lives, not in a creepy stalker way but a former coworker of mine is on the co-op board who approved him in 2003.  Unfortunately I've never seen him out around the area and it seems less likely I'll ever see him now that he lives full time in St. Louis.  Like Richard said in the interview our neighborhood has seen massive changes over the years.  The Lower East Side is one of the last undeveloped areas in Manhattan and there are massive condos springing up with retail the area has never seen.  If you're curious here is his place:


Edited by WAR41
bad spelling
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@Gambit83 your interviews are great and very well oriented. i think you always do a great job and it's interesting to hear your questions and how you lead the interview into a more human aspect than just GNR. Fortus was awesome. cant wait to have him back again and cant wait for tommy! i had a question for tommy! too bad it was already done. But he mentioned in an interview  after the replacements played in porto (Portugal) that he loved Lisbon and would love to live here. Since i'm from portugal that is something i would dig into, like where did that passion come from and stuff.


Anyways. Killer job always, keep it up!!!

Edited by Ifdworld
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