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Everything posted by Cosmo

  1. I thought it was the single best MCU thing put out since... IDK... Endgame, at least
  2. Sorry to bring this up again but fuck... THIS IS PERFECT! Axl's singing is the best I've even seen, Robin playing his own solo with his passionate playing, BBF nailing Bucket's solo note per note, everything is just spot on. Man, if I had the chance to go back in time and go to one GnR concert, this might have been it.
  3. Man, people are saying the worst things about The Marvels. Its gonna flop so much. And worse - it seems like a very bad movie, according to reviews.
  4. That concert had the best TWAT ever, IMO. Perfect vocals, amazing solo, everything about it was perfect.
  5. I don't expect a new album at all, but I'm "fine" with getting CD2 singles from time to time, and by "fine" I mean I have drastically lowered my expectations by now.
  6. It'd be spectacular! But I think Slash doesn't really bother
  7. No one needs to be a singer or musician to give their opinion. No one needs to me more "successful" than Axl to give their opinion. No one needs to sing higher or have the same age as Axl to give their opinion. It just happens that Justin Hawkins is the lead singer of a successful band, who sings very well. So yeah, the dude knows what he's talking about, ESPECIALLY in this case. And funny enough, some people are angry he gave his opinion
  8. IMO, it's the best Slash solo song ever. I love it so much. But Rod's vocals just fit in so perfectly, sounds like an Elton John song, almost.
  9. I like Nothing. I'd be pleased to hear a finalised version. Gives me the same vibes (but obviously not nearly as good of a song) as Zep's D'yer M'aker.
  10. Is it a rule every Motley Crue side project has to be a bit emo, in some level?
  11. I see the apocalyptic snowball effect is coming in fast in this thread, perhaps even faster than back when you guys were panicking over the possibility The General could be a vinyl-only
  12. I'd prefer 18 songs with a solid performance than 30 on Mickey. This is supposing it would help Axl's voice. My best guess is downtuning would be more effective, probably. Perhaps both.
  13. They sound a lot like synth, though. I thought it was synth til the other day, actually.
  14. True. They could easily tune down the songs and most of the audience wouldn't notice it. If I'm not mistaken, every GnR song is in regular tuning, so going 1 or even 1.5 steps down would really make Axl's life easier. Plus, the guitars would get heavy as fuck
  15. It's been the same thing ever since 2011. Every end of a tour people panic saying it's over when there's nothing in the horizon. People go "it's cause he's XX years old, he'll never regain his old voice at this age" (he did, for the AC/DC shows but whatever) and then there the whole debate on "they should just call it quits". They're not. If they were, they would've done it after the first Reunion tour. They DO need to adjust the set (songs and duration) not only to fit Axl's capacities per concert but to give him enough time to recover in between each show. If he ever recovers his voice, it won't last long if they keep the 3-hour setlists like this. And I prefer a shorter but solid performance than a 3-hour setlist on mickey mouse.
  16. What I think will happen: Slash will be touring Duff will probably do something to support his latest songs Axl will probably disappear My best hope is they’ll release Atlas/Monsters before the next tour, maybe on 2024
  17. Dude, it's literally their job. Not their hobby.
  18. In 2010, I remember he was a bit late to my show. But I was REALLY pissed at RIR 2011 cause Axl showed up like more than 2h late, it was raining like hell, cold as fuck and, if I'm not mistaken, it was a Sunday. When I got home, after the show, the sun was almost rising. And it was that god awful show. When I saw them in 2014, I don't remember them being too late. Haven't seen 'em live since then. I'd be pissed as hell to wait more than an hour nowadays.
  19. Cosmo

    New Beatles Song

    This applies to most songs by any band.
  20. There’s just Now and Then on side A and Love Me Do on side B. Don’t really know the difference. Bought the Maxi cause of the bigger cover 😂
  21. Both the "it's two parts of the same song" and the "it's buckethead" theories are kinda outlandish to me. But the "it's Buckethead" one is a bit less absurd. It's easy to figure it out, though. Slash does his "shredding" with really fast picking while Buckethead almost always goes for tapping, which produces a whole different sound. The "it's two parts of the same song" people, though, were kinda crazy. They were blinded but what they WANTED The General to be, they couldn't see what it actually was in fact. It happens when people get lost within their own fan theories.
  22. Got the new King Gizzard album, The Silver Chord (extended edition) and Now and Then on maxi single today
  23. “Rest of the world” is kinda fucked up 😅
  24. Cosmo

    New Beatles Song

    They used a new software (I think an AI) to separate John’s voice from the piano recorded in the original version. Then they added the instruments recorded by Paul, George and Ringo in the 90s, and the orchestration, etc..
  25. The red record came with an extra outer sleeve for the cover. But beneath the sleeve is the regular cover.
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