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Status Updates posted by darknightfan

  1. Just too much speculation MAN

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Now THAT sounds like speculation...

    3. darknightfan


      James speculation Bond

    4. James Bond

      James Bond

      Oh no you didn't...

  2. Interview at the movie theater today. Sooo hope I get the job bc I need those free movie tickets.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Len Cnut

      Len Cnut

      that was my dream job as a kid, get to watch free films and all that :)

    3. darknightfan


      Thanks guys! Hopefully living the dream soon.

    4. TeeJay410


      I used to work at a movie theater, it's a pretty sweet gig!

  3. Going to see Megadeth again on the 7th!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bran
    3. Powerage5


      I've accepted I'll never enjoy them as a live band. Love most of the studio stuff, but every time I see them I'm bored to death.

    4. darknightfan


      You're right they don't move around much, but I wouldn't say they're boring.

  4. I haven't logged on to this in like 4 years. wow

  5. I AM NOW 21!!!!! To be drunk all year now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. spunko12345


      Happy birthday dear. Don't mind Johnny, he's Australian you see.

    3. Nosaj Thing

      Nosaj Thing

      Let's watch 'The Dark Knight' Trilogy together!

    4. darknightfan


      Sorry it took me so long to reply but THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!

  6. Update #2: I love you guys

  7. The only thing I can count on is Food and Netflix.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. estrangedtwat


      And taxes.

      And DEATH.

    3. GabrieL_TiT


      and a few more pounds

    4. ZoSoRose


      Just had pizza and am watching The Borgias on Netflix

  8. Don't think I'll be a lifer on gnr forums.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DieselDaisy


      My advice: choose another band to support - and quick. (I have been here since 1992 and I am passed redemption).

    3. ThinkAboutYou


      DKF you're a lifer for sure

    4. darknightfan


      ThinkAboutYou you dont know me homie.

  9. No one ever talks about Adler. I forget he was the reason I decided to look up GNR after seeing Dr. Drew.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. darknightfan


      Eh I would say the book is below average.

    3. ZoSoRose


      He got his last 15 minutes during the Hall of Fame. I doubt we'll hear much about him aside from an occasional jam with Duff or Slash

    4. darknightfan


      I agree ZoSoRose. I think its kinda sad tho.

  10. I come on here everyday yet I haven't thought about GNR in a while.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      To be fair, I think Axl and some of the other men in the banner have had moments like that themselves :P

    3. Haters Gonna Hate

      Haters Gonna Hate

      What's GNR is that a drug?

    4. Facekicker


      Welcome to the dark side

  11. where do we go now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. darknightfan


      lol ok. You're so weird.

    3. wfuckinga


      damn it Axl, I told you to buy a GPS

    4. jman2000


      darknightfan don't leave we love youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. Del James favorited my tweet you guys

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Facekicker


      If you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

    3. Sixes


      what you forget to mention is that it took a 3 hour meeting for him to favorite it

    4. darknightfan


      Actually it was an instant favorite!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Powerage5


      I'm thinking of adding DC for a second show and doing cheap seats.

    3. darknightfan


      Yeah I got the cheapest seats too. Wish I could afford the pit tho! 

    4. Powerage5


      Same, the prices are crazy!

  14. Some old timey sounding singer was singing welcome to the jungle on the radio.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aaron_H


      You sure it wasn't Richard Cheese?

    3. magisme


      Dick Cheese? lol

    4. darknightfan


      Yeah Aaron it was that guy! I was like wtf lol

  15. Should he pull his sword and do away with the ugly creature or abide by his demand? He decided to...suck his own dick.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NachoLZ
    3. darknightfan


      I'm not much of a story teller AdriftatSea, but if I was I would!

    4. AdriftatSea


      You don't have to be a story teller or a writer. Just make up anything, a sentence or two. You can say anything off the wall if you like. Take it in another direction. It doesn't even have to make since. It isn't about telling a story. It's a game. Not a story... it's a game and it's meant to make people laugh. - at themselves or others. Something ppl did at campfires - while drinking. ;)

  16. 8 Days till Painc! at the Disco concert!!! lakjfdsj !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nosaj Thing

      Nosaj Thing

      "lakjfdsj !!!" is supposed to be excitement? Jesus.

    3. Georgy Zhukov

      Georgy Zhukov

      Their song titles are so damn long. Can't imagine shouting out requests without running out of breath.

    4. darknightfan


      Well one member still exists. The singer but that's really all that matters. Like Gnr lol. The long titles where only on the first album btw GZ.

  17. I just want to move the fuck out. hate life. sucks. fuckeverything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darknightfan


      Thanks Zo but idk. I'm losing my mind.

    3. AdriftatSea


      I'm sorry Dark. I hope things get better soon. xoxo

    4. Nulla Lex Ink.
  18. Been such a shitty year. Wish I could see gnr.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darknightfan


      Seeing gnr would actually make it better. Hard to believe i know.

    3. Broskirose


      I could see GNR tomorrow if I wanted to. But I don't.

      Please god. Don't make me go.

    4. Nosaj Thing

      Nosaj Thing

      Seeing Axl's band will make your year better? What a deplorable incredibly shitty year you have had. Very hard to imagine. I'm sorry.

  19. So tired of school. I can't take it anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. estrangedtwat


      So quit. College is useless anyway.

    3. WFA


      arnold layne?

    4. darknightfan


      I feel like its useless

  20. Bought more GNR stuff from Amazon. I need to stop.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. highvoltage
    3. darknightfan


      The Language of Fear by Del James and Making of Nov. Rain and Estranged b.c I had to complete the trilogy. Nothing rare lol.

    4. Lio


      I wonder if The Language of Fear is any good. Let me know!

  21. This has just been the worst week ever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AxlisOld


      I'm sure the chat will be back, you're taking it a little hard.

    3. darknightfan


      Not the chat. It's other things.

    4. Coma16


      hang in there darling!

  22. Please open the chat back up!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Forsaken
    3. Scumcat Esq.

      Scumcat Esq.

      Silence is golden.

    4. jman2000


      Open the chat! Ain't nobody gonna leak nothin'! I got all the leaks I be leakin' in chat lol nah.

  23. Paradise City came on right before my intervew. Amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darknightfan


      No lol. A hotel and then they quickly changed it to hotel lobby music.

    3. rocknroll41


      I remember the band's cover KOHD played during my driving test, and tho I dislike their rendition of it, I took it as a sign that the test would go alright. Surely enough I passed haha

    4. darknightfan


      I hope that's a good indication of what my results will be!!

  24. Sebastian Bach retweeted me you guys!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darknightfan


      I'll just tell him at the show on 5/13

    3. James Bond

      James Bond

      Does he tweet as loud as he speaks?

    4. AdriftatSea


      How cool is that! What was your tweet?

  25. Reckless Road just came in the mail today! Shoulda gotten it sooner. Its awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. darknightfan


      Yeah you don't have a lot of the main stream gnr items jman! lol

    3. Coma16


      I have it but haven't had a chance to properly go through it all. Soon (lol)

    4. Amir


      Best GNR book, followed by Duff's book. I'm planning on getting Robert John's photo book. Wish Katarina would release a book, loved her photos in the 2012 tour programme.

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