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How many of you downloaded Chinese Democracy off of itunes.


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I bought the vinyl. The release was of course delayed a few months in Canada. Then to top it off, it's the flimsiest, shittiest record of my whole collection (600 +). Full of scratches and inner groove distortion. It was also like $35. I still feel ripped off, and can guarentee that ill be getting future gnr releases from piratebay.

Edit: but seriously, I hope that the next album gets a killer vinyl release. I'm waiting to hear comments about it before I buy it though - not getting ripped off again.

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Guest NewGNRnOldGNR

I prefer to have a CD when it comes to GN'R releases simply because of the mystique and the sneaking suspicion it could be taken away from us again at any given moment. But if it were to quicken a future release by releasing it exclusively digitally, I wouldn't have any problems.

I'm attached to GN'R more for the sake of the music than a collecting hobby which seems to be the case with a lot of people - collecting dozens of bootleg DVDs and FLACs etc.

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CD off eBay, gonna get myself a new copy some day because the Prostitute track skips a bit. I stream it on Spotify these days on my Mac. I have the Slash albums synced for offline listening on Spotify on my iPhone, but if Axl ever releases new music I'm buying a hard copy. I went and bought all the other albums on CD the Xmas after Chinese came out. The only one I refuse to buy is Live Era, because the re-recorded vocals are crap and distracting, and the YouTube bootlegs are much better.

I was tempted to get the Limited Edition Chinese Boxset, but it's poop. If they bring out a half-decent Boxset I'll definitely buy that. Ditto for the alternate artwork for Chinese, I love it. My ideal artwork would be the Red Hand artwork with the Grenade cover (I don't think the artwork for the supposed Grenade album is legit, seems way too tacky for a professional release, the Red Hand artwork is really tasteful, especially Rankin's "Hundreds and Thousands" ;) ).

If I'm gonna download a song, it's certainly not going to be off fucken Itunes. .99cents for a 128kb quality mp3? Pfftt I'd rather have a physical album with artwork and better audio quality.

It's 256kbps AAC, which is comparable to a 320K MP3. But I agree, it's not much of a deal.

The only album I bought in 2012 was a CD, Max Richter's Four Seasons Recomposed. With an album like that I can appreciate listening to the CD on a decent pair of headphones at home.

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