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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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KotOR is no longer canon either. I think someone involved confirmed on Twitter that KotOR is now part of the "legends" timeline as well and not the "true" timeline. Probably cause Disney will eventually make their own Jedi order origin story in the form of spin-off films or something

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KotOR is no longer canon either. I think someone involved confirmed on Twitter that KotOR is now part of the "legends" timeline as well and not the "true" timeline. Probably cause Disney will eventually make their own Jedi order origin story in the form of spin-off films or something


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Funny KoToR related side note:

I've noticed since I've started replaying the game this week, I've been mentally doing [Persuade], [Awareness], etc. while I'm having real life conversations and encounters. Tried asking a friend about some time he was drunk in Mexico, but I got an [influence: Failure] on that one. Maybe one day I'll find myself in a disaster zone near an injured person. "Don't worry, I got this." [Treat Injury: Failure]..... "sorry bro, gotta level up a bit, throw some skill points at Treat Injury." :lol:

I dunno :shrugs: , I found this entertaining.

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Best Star Wars news I've heard in a long time. That EU stuff is dire.



Besides the PS game Bounty Hunter, I have not read or seen ANYTHING in the expanded universe that really feels like Star Wars so I'm happy to hear this too.

Killing Chewie, secret Sith etc etc bla bla bla good riddance.

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Best Star Wars news I've heard in a long time. That EU stuff is dire.



Besides the PS game Bounty Hunter, I have not read or seen ANYTHING in the expanded universe that really feels like Star Wars so I'm happy to hear this too.

Killing Chewie, secret Sith etc etc bla bla bla good riddance.

KOTOR was great too.

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KotOR is no longer canon either. I think someone involved confirmed on Twitter that KotOR is now part of the "legends" timeline as well and not the "true" timeline. Probably cause Disney will eventually make their own Jedi order origin story in the form of spin-off films or something

Okay so I've thought more about this - still not okay with it. But, what about the origins of the Sith race and the first Jedi who fought them? Is that still canon? If they fuck with that, I'll be severely upset.

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KotOR is no longer canon either. I think someone involved confirmed on Twitter that KotOR is now part of the "legends" timeline as well and not the "true" timeline. Probably cause Disney will eventually make their own Jedi order origin story in the form of spin-off films or something

Okay so I've thought more about this - still not okay with it. But, what about the origins of the Sith race and the first Jedi who fought them? Is that still canon? If they fuck with that, I'll be severely upset.

The way I understand it is only the films are canon from here on.

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Thank you for wasting 20 years of my time and money (since Heir to

the Empire). I honestly may be done with Star Wars at this point. As of

this moment, I'm not going to see this film. The only thing that could

make me change my mind is if people come out of it talking like they did

after seeing The Dark Knight. They better make an amazing film to

justify ruining Star Wars for me. They screwed up the prequels and I

stuck with it. They made the Clone Wars all goofy, and I still gave over

my time and money. I didn't even complain when Lucas had me

paying over and over again for different versions of the same exact

films. I'm done. This is not only on Disney, Kathleen Kennedy and JJ

Abrams, but it's on George Lucas, who allowed authors to play in the

post-ROTJ time frame because he had no plans to do anything with it. He

owed it to all the fans and authors who participated in the EU, which

"expanded" his brand, and of course made him even richer than he already was, he owed it to them to protect that material. To protect the

universe they were participating in. Material which is now worthless.

There was no reason to do this. The actors are the age the characters are in the EU timeline. They could have easily just continued the story with a little creativity. Or had a Council of Nicea moment choosing what is

canon and what isn't. But of course now there's a 35-40 year gap in the

continuity they can fill marketing novels and video games and comic

books to all us dupes all over again. And how many of you are going to

fork over your money again like a chump? Not me. Screw Star Wars. It's

been a cash grab since ROTJ anyways. Gary Kurtz was right.

End rant. Nice to have known you all.

From the Force.net :lol:

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Thank you for wasting 20 years of my time and money (since Heir to

the Empire). I honestly may be done with Star Wars at this point. As of

this moment, I'm not going to see this film. The only thing that could

make me change my mind is if people come out of it talking like they did

after seeing The Dark Knight. They better make an amazing film to

justify ruining Star Wars for me. They screwed up the prequels and I

stuck with it. They made the Clone Wars all goofy, and I still gave over

my time and money. I didn't even complain when Lucas had me

paying over and over again for different versions of the same exact

films. I'm done. This is not only on Disney, Kathleen Kennedy and JJ

Abrams, but it's on George Lucas, who allowed authors to play in the

post-ROTJ time frame because he had no plans to do anything with it. He

owed it to all the fans and authors who participated in the EU, which

"expanded" his brand, and of course made him even richer than he already was, he owed it to them to protect that material. To protect the

universe they were participating in. Material which is now worthless.

There was no reason to do this. The actors are the age the characters are in the EU timeline. They could have easily just continued the story with a little creativity. Or had a Council of Nicea moment choosing what is

canon and what isn't. But of course now there's a 35-40 year gap in the

continuity they can fill marketing novels and video games and comic

books to all us dupes all over again. And how many of you are going to

fork over your money again like a chump? Not me. Screw Star Wars. It's

been a cash grab since ROTJ anyways. Gary Kurtz was right.

End rant. Nice to have known you all.

From the Force.net :lol:

Did you post that? :lol: I mean honestly though, other than how ridiculously over the top it is, there's a very valid point in there.

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KotOR is no longer canon either. I think someone involved confirmed on Twitter that KotOR is now part of the "legends" timeline as well and not the "true" timeline. Probably cause Disney will eventually make their own Jedi order origin story in the form of spin-off films or something

Okay so I've thought more about this - still not okay with it. But, what about the origins of the Sith race and the first Jedi who fought them? Is that still canon? If they fuck with that, I'll be severely upset.

Ok let me make this clear for you....

NOTHING is canon anymore EXCEPT the 6 movies and The Clone Wars TV show and everything from here on out.

Does that include Caravan Of Courage and The Ewok Adventure?

those are no longer canon anymore either

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No somebody else posted that :lol:

I'm going to register and tell them that I burned all my EU stuff, books toys games :lol:

Have to post this over there, too.


I really don't see the big deal really. Don't really see how anything outside of the films and Clone Wars tv series could be considered canon.

Most people ought to be happy the EU is gone, some of that shit was terrible.

I don't see the big deal, either. Lucas never considered any of it canon. He thought Palpatine being cloned was ridiculous.

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Thank you for wasting 20 years of my time and money (since Heir to

the Empire). I honestly may be done with Star Wars at this point. As of

this moment, I'm not going to see this film. The only thing that could

make me change my mind is if people come out of it talking like they did

after seeing The Dark Knight. They better make an amazing film to

justify ruining Star Wars for me. They screwed up the prequels and I

stuck with it. They made the Clone Wars all goofy, and I still gave over

my time and money. I didn't even complain when Lucas had me

paying over and over again for different versions of the same exact

films. I'm done. This is not only on Disney, Kathleen Kennedy and JJ

Abrams, but it's on George Lucas, who allowed authors to play in the

post-ROTJ time frame because he had no plans to do anything with it. He

owed it to all the fans and authors who participated in the EU, which

"expanded" his brand, and of course made him even richer than he already was, he owed it to them to protect that material. To protect the

universe they were participating in. Material which is now worthless.

There was no reason to do this. The actors are the age the characters are in the EU timeline. They could have easily just continued the story with a little creativity. Or had a Council of Nicea moment choosing what is

canon and what isn't. But of course now there's a 35-40 year gap in the

continuity they can fill marketing novels and video games and comic

books to all us dupes all over again. And how many of you are going to

fork over your money again like a chump? Not me. Screw Star Wars. It's

been a cash grab since ROTJ anyways. Gary Kurtz was right.

End rant. Nice to have known you all.

From the Force.net :lol:

Very cool, but random, Council of Nicea reference. I gotta say I sort of agree with this guy, the general fanbase hasn't been treated too well over the years. There was a golden age of SW stuff from '98-'07ish, but other than that it's been pretty bland.

I'm OK with everything post-ROTJ being non-canon, but not OK at all with the history of the SW universe being considered non-canon. It really does feel like a "fuck you" to the monumental amounts of efforts that went into SW video games, books, etc.. The new boss is looking a lot like the old boss with their lack of consideration for what the fans want. If only the Chinese had gotten the rights instead of Disney.

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Thank you for wasting 20 years of my time and money (since Heir to

the Empire). I honestly may be done with Star Wars at this point. As of

this moment, I'm not going to see this film. The only thing that could

make me change my mind is if people come out of it talking like they did

after seeing The Dark Knight. They better make an amazing film to

justify ruining Star Wars for me. They screwed up the prequels and I

stuck with it. They made the Clone Wars all goofy, and I still gave over

my time and money. I didn't even complain when Lucas had me

paying over and over again for different versions of the same exact

films. I'm done. This is not only on Disney, Kathleen Kennedy and JJ

Abrams, but it's on George Lucas, who allowed authors to play in the

post-ROTJ time frame because he had no plans to do anything with it. He

owed it to all the fans and authors who participated in the EU, which

"expanded" his brand, and of course made him even richer than he already was, he owed it to them to protect that material. To protect the

universe they were participating in. Material which is now worthless.

There was no reason to do this. The actors are the age the characters are in the EU timeline. They could have easily just continued the story with a little creativity. Or had a Council of Nicea moment choosing what is

canon and what isn't. But of course now there's a 35-40 year gap in the

continuity they can fill marketing novels and video games and comic

books to all us dupes all over again. And how many of you are going to

fork over your money again like a chump? Not me. Screw Star Wars. It's

been a cash grab since ROTJ anyways. Gary Kurtz was right.

End rant. Nice to have known you all.

From the Force.net :lol:

Sounds like one or two of our own fans.

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It'd be great if they pulled a trick like the Star Trek reboot that basically made it so episodes 1-3 never happened.

I think Wookieepedia is pissed. Here's the quote of the day.

"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians [...]."

―George Lucas in 1988

If only he'd taken his own advice ........
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