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Chinese Democracy may become the most underrated album in history.

Ace Nova

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I think Ratt's 2010 release Infestation is extremely underrated. Fans just weren't ready for a more mature sounding Stephen Pearcy. The album did receive fairly positive reviews.

I think that in twenty years people will look back and realize that it was a classic. And will hail it as Ratt's best album.

That just sounds crazy

It really is too complex for people of today to understand.

I think by 2025 people will realize what a brilliant album it was.

I feel that way about the Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines album.

That album is a secret pleasure of mine. I felt dirty just typing that.

In all seriousness, I really do like the Gaines album except for the very last song. I feel the same way about it as I do CD though; while I love it, I see absolutely no reason why anyone else would ever feel the need to go back and revisit it.

Chinese Democracy will be forgotten. Appetite for Destruction will get more and more classic status. Maybe Illusions will be more appreciated. But no, not CD. Sorry.

I've often wondered about the future status of UYI. I think it'll remain where it is. I don't see it gathering more hate or more love in the future.

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I agree Russ. I was just joking around. There's no reason for UYI to be rediscovered nowadays. It's highly unlikely it will happen to CD and people who believe otherwise have a very distorted view of reality. It's clear on their posts..

People can love CD all they want. I don't care. But come on.. Why isn't Illusions a cult classic by now? Their prediction is based on nothing. Absolutely nothing.

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Just think it will always come up and it's got great songs on it.






This I Love

all great tracks, the material will last

Don't know about "great". Honestly if there ever was a reunion and tour, I have a feeling none of those would be truly missed.

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I know most of these posts are mock posts and I get it but the fact that anybody is actually suggesting and believing that it's possible in 10,15, 20 years from now that CD will be more respected, appreciated and revered is absolutely delusional. The sad part is there are those in here who truly believe it. People who think that really need some sort of help. CD is viewed at by the masses the way the most Star Wars fans view the prequels. Nobody wants to watch them and nobody wants to hear it. Most wish it could be erased from canon. That album is never and I mean NEVER going to suddenly gain more recognition. It's never gonna be viewed as an underrated classic. You don't go from being considered a fucking joke of an album by most to suddenly this iconic cult classic album. In 30 years people will still be rocking the classic tunes and when you mention Chinese Democracy people will say "huh?"

Chinese Democracy years from now will be more thought of than the current U2 album release, the know the one that ended up on people's Apple devices that they have trouble deleting.

Time travel or you own a crystal ball? How could you possible know what album people will prefer years from now?

So your way to defend CD is by insulting bands that other people like? Nice.

And you are seriously bashing a free album? One if the biggest bands in the history of rock music gives away an album for free - doesn't charge people $15 for it - and you are seriously making that out to be a bad thing? Wow. If Axl releases CD2 the same way, I would bet every dollar I have that you wouldn't be criticizing it like you are for U2.

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Why do some people here have an inability to accept the fact that some people think Chinese Democracy, or certain songs on Chinese Democracy, 'stink'? I do not consider Shackler's and Scraped terrible because ''I am old school dude'' and ''cannot handle the 1990s influence''. I consider them terrible because the songs are excrement, pure and simple. They would be bad Korn songs. If Scraped and Shackler's were on a Korn album, there would be much better songs surrounding them.

No band possesses a fanbase in which, fans are not allowed to dislike an album.

Shacklers Revenge is probably the best song Axl Rose has ever done, seriously.

One mans excrement is another mans jewel. I think the reason so many folks take issue with you is because you tend to present your opinion as both superior to others and as an undisputed fact. Really comes off as very arrogant at times.

Edited by Towelie
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I always felt it was an odd phenomenon among CD fans that a lot of them bought multiple copies of the album. I could see buying maybe 2...one for home, one for the car but that's about it. Who the fuck needs 5 or more copies of any album?

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After all CD is practically free on Amazon these days.


I feel bad for this guy. He paid full retail price. :lol:

More like 2-2.5 millions of people buying Chinese.

I don't feel bad for those who bought the record in 2008. I feel bad for that one particular mentally-ill person who bought 35 copies of it.

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I think Ratt's 2010 release Infestation is extremely underrated. Fans just weren't ready for a more mature sounding Stephen Pearcy. The album did receive fairly positive reviews.

I think that in twenty years people will look back and realize that it was a classic. And will hail it as Ratt's best album.

That just sounds crazy

It really is too complex for people of today to understand.

I think by 2025 people will realize what a brilliant album it was.

I feel that way about the Garth Brooks/Chris Gaines album.

That album is a secret pleasure of mine. I felt dirty just typing that.

In all seriousness, I really do like the Gaines album except for the very last song. I feel the same way about it as I do CD though; while I love it, I see absolutely no reason why anyone else would ever feel the need to go back and revisit it.

Chinese Democracy will be forgotten. Appetite for Destruction will get more and more classic status. Maybe Illusions will be more appreciated. But no, not CD. Sorry.

I've often wondered about the future status of UYI. I think it'll remain where it is. I don't see it gathering more hate or more love in the future.

I'm not lying about my opinion of the Chris Gaines album either, some great tunes in there.

CD will always figure in future look backs on music but it left the majority of the world indifferent and indifference is a bigger curse for an album than one that polarizes or divides fans. Songs like Sorry are quite ordinary really, a few good numbers in there but look at how Achtung Baby or the Black Album were received, huge waves or pro and anti opinions..CD got a C plus from most commentators and that's just too ordinary to ensure its imprint will be remembered.

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Why do some people here have an inability to accept the fact that some people think Chinese Democracy, or certain songs on Chinese Democracy, 'stink'? I do not consider Shackler's and Scraped terrible because ''I am old school dude'' and ''cannot handle the 1990s influence''. I consider them terrible because the songs are excrement, pure and simple. They would be bad Korn songs. If Scraped and Shackler's were on a Korn album, there would be much better songs surrounding them.

No band possesses a fanbase in which, fans are not allowed to dislike an album.

No band has a fanbase in which fans are not allowed to LIKE an album. CD haters are WAYYYYYYYYYYY more aggressive about the whole thing. look at your own comments about it. It's scary how much you guys want others to know how much you hate Chinese Democracy.

Edited by Jakey Styley
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I know most of these posts are mock posts and I get it but the fact that anybody is actually suggesting and believing that it's possible in 10,15, 20 years from now that CD will be more respected, appreciated and revered is absolutely delusional. The sad part is there are those in here who truly believe it. People who think that really need some sort of help. CD is viewed at by the masses the way the most Star Wars fans view the prequels. Nobody wants to watch them and nobody wants to hear it. Most wish it could be erased from canon. That album is never and I mean NEVER going to suddenly gain more recognition. It's never gonna be viewed as an underrated classic. You don't go from being considered a fucking joke of an album by most to suddenly this iconic cult classic album. In 30 years people will still be rocking the classic tunes and when you mention Chinese Democracy people will say "huh?"

Chinese Democracy years from now will be more thought of than the current U2 album release, the know the one that ended up on people's Apple devices that they have trouble deleting.

Thanks for giving prime example of how insecure and delusional psychotic Axl Rose fans are. U2 has NOTHING to do with this so why you bring them up is beyond me. But since you did I do believe Songs Of Innocence was received overwhelmingly well by the U2 fanbase, they are about to embark on a tour that puts all the previous GnR tours of this century to shame as far as number of shows and stage production goes. Their lead singer won't be mocked mercilessly by his own fans for sounding horrible on many nights because he will simply sound pretty great. Also I do believe Songs of Innocence was named album of the year by some music publication. Rolling Stone maybe. Now I know that doesn't mean much but to say that years from now the public will look back on the Axl Rose solo album that failed to live up to the GnR name more favourably than U2's most recent release that was well received by most who listen to it and didn't just bash the method in which it was released..... well then either you must know something the rest of us don't or you're just an insecure Axl Rose zealot who when has nothing relevant to come back with you try to attack a band that puts your hero's career post 1995 to fucking shame.

the fact you even bring up U2 is sad. It speaks volumes.

I always felt it was an odd phenomenon among CD fans that a lot of them bought multiple copies of the album. I could see buying maybe 2...one for home, one for the car but that's about it. Who the fuck needs 5 or more copies of any album?

Zealots who need to share it with everyone. The same weirdos who bitch about U2's album being given to them for free went out and bought a dozen copies of CD to gift it to their friends and family without their consent. hahaha.

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It's cool to hate on Chinese Democracy. I'm just glad that me and those who listen without prejudice, enjoy CD and rate it as a very good album. You can hate on it all you want, you don't decide what I or anybody else chooses to listen to.

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So people who 'hate' Chinese Democracy possess 'prejudice'? Hmm! Could it not be that they just hate it? Can you not entertain the possibility that some people concluded that it was a weak album?


It's just a terrible, awful album -- to me, not to the rest of the world. How insecure some fans are. :lol:


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