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Slash had no idea what the November Rain music video was about..

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Slash should be grateful someone else worked hard to transform his songs into moving images because if it was for him, the only people who would know him nowadays would be his grannies.

Errrr, Slash is about 50. His Grannies probably know nothing but a coffin lid. :lol:

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We know Axl reads a lot. I am intrigued as to what interpretation Axl will have about Atlas Shrugged since CITR was very good, AS is a colossal tale, a bit extreme in her views but at the heart of it, it is a love story which is beautifully conveyed, it's so fucking complex though. How the heck he'd condense it into a song I have no idea. I'd imagine it'll be more about the weight of the world on your shoulders kinda angle though.

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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

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Slash wasn't bashing the video, he was saying he didn't get it and wasn't really involved outside of his scenes. As others have pointed out, he had nothing but love for the song.

Gilby and Matt both said similar things in the Nov Rain documentary, and that was while they were filming it. The video was Axl's baby, the rest of the band were basically background during the narrative parts.

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Slash wasn't bashing the video, he was saying he didn't get it and wasn't really involved outside of his scenes. As others have pointed out, he had nothing but love for the song.

Gilby and Matt both said similar things in the Nov Rain documentary, and that was while they were filming it. The video was Axl's baby, the rest of the band were basically background during the narrative parts.

Thank you. If only the others had an open mind like you blah blah blah must bash Slash blah blah blah I know how Axl feels blah blah blah...


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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.

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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.

I do not agree. The grungers could point to Izzy and Duff (who is Seattle) and say, ''there is a band after our own heart'. Sure, some of the inane lyrics and Adler's hair are going to grate, but a grunge rocker is going to respect the '70s kitchen sink aesthetics of Appetite for Destruction. Guns would have certainly been better prepared without those videos which have the most horrid rock star bullshit behaviour in them. Also, they were playing in stadiums with Axl's bollocks on show in a pair of white undies. The whole Illusion era was really embarrassing when I think about it.

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Slash is being pathetic again. "I knew there was a wedding in there somewhere" Oh, just shut up. The wedding scene is iconic, Slash was part of it, it was followed by one of his most epic solos and he is acting like it was nothing to him. It's annoying.

Your English is failing you. He said: "I knew there was a wedding in there somewhere, I was not into the concept of the wedding". He said "I knew" not "I know", in other words, when they were making the video he knew there was a wedding scene and he knew they were going to shoot it but he didn't understand the concept of it. "I know" would have made it seem and sound like he was no part of it but unfortunately for you or the idiots here, he didn't say that. :(

Free advice: You should post more, Manets. It seems that you're not practicing your English enough.

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Slash wasn't bashing the video, he was saying he didn't get it and wasn't really involved outside of his scenes. As others have pointed out, he had nothing but love for the song.

Gilby and Matt both said similar things in the Nov Rain documentary, and that was while they were filming it. The video was Axl's baby, the rest of the band were basically background during the narrative parts.


People used to call me an Axl Nutter on here. But you know what pushed me back towards the middle (and more logical ground?) posts like the OP made and like some of the comments in here. How in the world can they turn this comment into another opportunity to bash Slash and to try and make it look like Slash is "out to get" Axl. Slash could say "Axl Rose is the greatest singer of our generation" and a group of posters on here would find a way to turn that into a negative against him.

I swear there are people on this forum who hate Slash more than Axl does. And that is just friggin weird. Must be strange going through life actually hating a musician just because your favorite singer doesn't like him.

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Slash is being pathetic again. "I knew there was a wedding in there somewhere" Oh, just shut up. The wedding scene is iconic, Slash was part of it, it was followed by one of his most epic solos and he is acting like it was nothing to him. It's annoying.

Your English is failing you. He said: "I knew there was a wedding in there somewhere, I was not into the concept of the wedding". He said "I knew" not "I know", in other words, when they were making the video he knew there was a wedding scene and he knew they were going to shoot it but he didn't understand the concept of it. "I know" would have made it seem and sound like he was no part of it but unfortunately for you or the idiots here, he didn't say that. :(

Free advice: You should post more, Manets. It seems that you're not practicing your English enough.

This whole Slash hard on is basically Axlites looking for an excuse for why their favourite singer is a lazy fat bastard, thats all it is, looking for someone to blame for why their man ain't doing shit. So whenever Slash dares to say he wasn't 100% with every single fuckin' one of Axls ideas it's basically Slash making Axls blood boil and causing his creative juices to run dry, to which i have to say two things. You name me one band, just one fucking band in the worlds history that, after the fact, when looking back over their careers have gone 'we were totally on the same page about any and every concept ever proposed by either of us'? The answer is fucking none.

And the second question, if Slash REALLY is just on a giant piss-take well then maybe Axl should stop acting like a fuckin' woman and grow up and get his blood pressure looked at.

Don't lay the blame at Slashes door just cuz your lead singers an indolent old cunt.

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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.


what the fuck are you doing here then? :lol:

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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.


what the fuck are you doing here then? :lol:

Listening to a band i like. Just cuz they didn't have the talent, inclination or originality to be 'great' doesn't mean they weren't good.

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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.
This dude's gone full retard. It's hard to know where to start.
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How the fuck did gnr benefit from these hideous videos beyond the pecuniary? They drew in a load of teeny bopper girls and housewives and made gnr look like egotistical wash outs at exactly the same moment that grunge was mounting its onslaught. Imagine if they retained their tough punk rock credibility when Nirvana smashed the hair bands into smithereens? We might be talking about GN'R as, pre-grunge, if they retained the Appetite sound and image rather than allow Axl to masturbate himself silly, in the studio, and on celluloid. Instead, GNR were a dinosaur rock star act which, deserved destruction.

No we wouldn't, they'd've been a one trick pony desperately trying to replicate the rawness of their original sound, i think the truth of the matter is that GnR didn't have the talent, the inclination or the originality to be the sort of band that their fans wish they were.


what the fuck are you doing here then? :lol:

Listening to a band i like. Just cuz they didn't have the talent, inclination or originality to be 'great' doesn't mean they weren't good.

I can say that a lot of people here over estimate their potential, but no talent?

that's harsh and too obvious trolling attempt

even on a gnr fan forum where posters constantly cupcake their own idols

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Without SCOM and November Rain and few Izzy songs you virtually got a tuneless/hitless album.

Here's the Slash UYI album:

Garden of Eden

Don't Damn Me


Civl War

Get in the Ring



YCBM (Stradlin)

Don't Cry (Stradln)

Nov Rain (Rose)

Estranged (Rose)

I'd take the first one any day... Although neither song on either list would be the same without both Axl and Slash.. Those cheesy videos are what ultimately killed Guns N' Roses popularity in the end IMO..

I've read a lot of Slash interviews and it's easy to derive from his words that he wanted to stop GNR from getting too big, from becoming U2 or Aerosmith or The Rolliing Stones. On the other hand, Axl was prepared to follow those stops and he wanted to be huge. In order to be huge like that, at that time or era, videos like this were necessary. Period.

Sorry but Guns N' Roses were the biggest band in the world before the trilogy came out. They were fucking huge!

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Slash didn't say anything really provocative in this excerpt that you posted.

And it comes across even less provocative when you watch the actual video of the comment. People dig pretty hard to try and make Slash out to be the devil himself.

Weird, isn't it.

I don't really even like Slash or his music. But I find myself defending him all the time just because of how out of touch with logic some of these people are.

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Just got done reading through this thread and man is it fucking dumb.. There are like 2 people that agree with the tinyrobot who is obviously a fucking clown. If you watch the actually video of Slash's comment it is so benign that it isn't funny. He doesn't come across as trashing poor Axl or taking cheap shots at him.

This videos were cheesy as hell and I know a shitload of people that jumped of the Guns N' Roses train during the whole UYI's evolution. I liked the albums but overall people thought they were bloated, the videos were lame as hell and most of all people just got sick of Axl's antics.

To 3 Axl nut swingers left in this thread.. I lived through it.. I loved Gn'R and Axl. I never heard anyone talk shit about Slash, Izzy, Duff or Steven... The fans that turned their back on Gn't got sick of Axl end of story.. He was the one I was always trying to defend.. I did this up until probably 12 or 13 years ago. What the fuck was I thinking?

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The 'trilogy' is ghastly. It ruined GN'R forever. Izzy hated it also. I would respect Slash more if he said the whole thing was a 'piece of cack'.

Yet it is why Slash is who he is today. Without UYI and their videos GNR would have been a one hit album band with a little controversy to their name. Funny how Izzy is just another no name solo artist that happened to be in GNR and writes great songs. Yet Slash still has a popular solo career. I wonder why....

I do not agree with that. What made GN'R - and by extension - Slash a household name was Appetite. The trilogy was a bunch of stupid cheesy crap which, if anything, harmed Slash's reputation.

what are you 12? or do you live in a tapper in the 90's?. The world got to know Slash/GNR cos the illusion records and those videos.

Bollocks. AFD broke GN'R. They were already household names before the cacky ballads.

No shit Appetite broke GNR. But UYI and the accompaning videos made them legends. The November Rain guitar solo scene, and outro scene with Slash on Axls piano elevated Slash to guitar god. Just cause Slash has to downplay what GNR did to make his new album look better than it is doesnt mean we have to.

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