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Chinese Democracy Sales

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Actually, it seems I don't like CD and enjoy talking about GNR because I'm a bitter man with a bitter life.

You don't like CD cause you have shit taste in music. And yes, you're a bitter man with a bitter life. But barely a man. You have a child-like quality about you.

Why make it personal? You are THAT mad? Tell me more about being "child-like"...

It's a quality I sense in you everytime I read one of your horrid propaganda posts. It's being immature to the point even your jokes do not compensate for the sterile bullshit you've been known to spew.

I'm not that mad.

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Rovim, it can't be "their" sound if Axl copy/pasted their work however he pleased. Didn't he try to do that with May's solo?

I always refer to Axl as "them". "Their" sound, dem shiny yellow rainy coats. He didn't just try, he fuckin' nailed it, copy/pasting the fuckin' hell outta May's work and coming up with something really cool, and then like the insane ginger that he is, didn't even use it.

Robin was there from the start. Stinson was there from the start. I guess it's the sound of a ginger collaborating with a bunch of talented musicians in more then just one way. He pieces it together like a puzzle. Wasted said it's kinda like Axl is the director and his ability to put together musical ideas is brilliant.

And why would you refer to Axl as "them"? Piecing it together is the biggest flaw of the album, which is, oddly enough, exactly what you find more fascinating about it.

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Rovim, it can't be "their" sound if Axl copy/pasted their work however he pleased. Didn't he try to do that with May's solo?

I always refer to Axl as "them". "Their" sound, dem shiny yellow rainy coats. He didn't just try, he fuckin' nailed it, copy/pasting the fuckin' hell outta May's work and coming up with something really cool, and then like the insane ginger that he is, didn't even use it.

Robin was there from the start. Stinson was there from the start. I guess it's the sound of a ginger collaborating with a bunch of talented musicians in more then just one way. He pieces it together like a puzzle. Wasted said it's kinda like Axl is the director and his ability to put together musical ideas is brilliant.

And why would you refer to Axl as "them"?

Cause Axl is Gn'R. Umm...yeah it is interesting to me how just because I like his approach, it opens up a chance for me to enjoy the material. To accept the sound basically on it's own terms, which is what I've been trying to explain in this thread for a while now.

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Rovim, it can't be "their" sound if Axl copy/pasted their work however he pleased. Didn't he try to do that with May's solo?

I always refer to Axl as "them". "Their" sound, dem shiny yellow rainy coats. He didn't just try, he fuckin' nailed it, copy/pasting the fuckin' hell outta May's work and coming up with something really cool, and then like the insane ginger that he is, didn't even use it.

Robin was there from the start. Stinson was there from the start. I guess it's the sound of a ginger collaborating with a bunch of talented musicians in more then just one way. He pieces it together like a puzzle. Wasted said it's kinda like Axl is the director and his ability to put together musical ideas is brilliant.

And why would you refer to Axl as "them"?

Cause Axl is Gn'R. Umm...yeah it is interesting to me how just because I like his approach, it opens up a chance for me to enjoy the material. To accept the sound basically on it's own terms, which is what I've been trying to explain in this thread for a while now.

That doesn't make Axl two or more different entities so my question still remains, why would a single person become "they"?

Like I said, maybe if I were a heartbroken depressed OCD paranoid maniac about to kill myself I would probably "understand" or "appreciate" CD more, but since I am not, I just think it sucks. If your opinion of CD being a masterpiece should be accepted, why any opinion that differs from it should be automatically voided?

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So if we don't play piano or guitar we can't criticize music? Gotcha. :lol: And how many of us have literally NEVER EVER (with the big girl caps!) touched a piano or a guitar?

Yes you can, but not in the way some of you do, as if you were professional musicians and had amounts of musical experience. Some people here talk as if they were Beethoven or something.

I dont know how many of you have "literally" ever touched a piano or a guitar, but looks like very few have. An artist understands another artist.

Part of me wants to :facepalm: you, but part of me agrees. That's basically how I said I enjoyed it. I embraced the bitterness and the delusions of genius and the out ta get me paranoia and I got into it. But I don't think that's what you mean. What you mean is weird and creepy, I think.

What is weird and creepy? That I can relate to an artist with whom I share certain personality traits?

Lots of words that don't mean what you think they mean in there.

It means that I don't pay attention or even take serious certain people here who hate for the sake of hating. Because that's the character they play online, in this forum. It's an acting they do and they are comfortable with that. But I don't buy it.

Of course they did. We're talking about an album that gets students spontaneously dancing in school hallways. How are tinyrobots totally real friends not gonna love it?

Also, "personal victory"? :lol:

Lots of words that don't mean jack shit. "teacher".
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You don't like CD cause you have shit taste in music.

Is that a general rule?

From a guy who considers my posts "child-like" that sentence is just priceless.

Rovim - you forgot to tell me about my "agenda" against Axl.

But you like Better and Madagascar but judging by your posts you'd think the whole album is shit and it isn't even worth the patience required to give it another listen with objective ears.

Not every old Guns fan got over the fact Slash is not in the band anymore. People will get used to it in 20 more years. There will be less people like you that enjoy some songs from Chinese, but talk about the album in such a negative and bitter way.

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Can we get back on topic please otherwise this will be locked. Personal attacks on other forum members are against the rules. Thanks

Went through cleaning up the thread. Took out all of the name calling, personal attacks and general horseplay that went on after Alfie asked nicely for the those things to stop.

Feel free to start up the discussion again as long as everyone involved can do so in a respectful manner.

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I can't believe you took out the general horseplay. What a dick.

Here's the problem:

The horseplay along with the shenanigans caused a ruckus. This I cannot abide.

But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun, and their shenanigans are cruel and tragic, which makes them not shenanigans at all, really.

edit: I had the (dis)pleasure of reading this before it got cleaned up. Jesus fucking christ it might've been the worst thread I've ever seen. If you like CD, you like CD, if you don't, you don't, chill the fuck out.

Edited by Mansin Humanity
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I was on a long drive the other day and listened to Guns for the first time in a while. Went through my standard Illusions playlist, which meant I skipped like half the songs, mostly because I've just heard them too many times, Don't Cry, NR, Estranged for example. Then I decided to give CD another try, like I do every once in a while. I got all the way through it. Most of the time I don't. And I enjoyed it. That never happens. I feel kinda weird. Like I just realized I'm a little gay or something. Not gay, I'm still straight, I'm just not as straight as I thought maybe. :lol: I don't know. This happened over a week ago. I wasn't sure I wanted to admit it to the forum. I have a reputation to uphold. :lol:

Haven't listened to the album again since. I'm afraid I'll hate it again. Did I just break up with someone and I don't know it?

Nothing wrong with you or anyone enjoying the album. The problem is when you hear things like CD it´s a masterpiece like it was some kind of before and after in the history of music. Unfortunately CD is far from being such thing.

I don't think I've heard anyone say that?

I think once I read something about CD being the last of the big budget albums from that excessive era.

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Anybody think touring CD for years could have helped CD's sales?

Probably but cd sales down.

Rock or Bust has about the same first week sales as CD did. 200k. That's way down from 700k they sold on Black Ice.


This doesn't look good for CD II.

Black Ice was an exclusive at the world's largest retailer with monumental promotion, of course Rock or Bust wasn't going to come close it.

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So since this thread has gone way off-topic, I have to ask you guys who enjoy discussing music in general. Why hasn't Chinese Democracy found a fanbase among people who enjoy a more complex/progressive sound? I visit some other music forums and CD is nowhere mentioned, unless someone is making a joke. Everybody is aware of its existence but people seem simply uninterested about it. I wonder why...

Good point. The way this album was hyped up - and I admit, I bought into the hype for a time (Rio 3 period) - it was like Axl Rose was going to collaborate with Aphex Twin and Roger Waters and change music overnight haha. People who like electronic and progressive music do not listen to this shit.

All we got was a, semi-good late '90s rock album with a bunch of Pitman farts overdubed over the top.

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So since this thread has gone way off-topic, I have to ask you guys who enjoy discussing music in general. Why hasn't Chinese Democracy found a fanbase among people who enjoy a more complex/progressive sound? I visit some other music forums and CD is nowhere mentioned, unless someone is making a joke. Everybody is aware of its existence but people seem simply uninterested about it. I wonder why...

Good point. The way this album was hyped up - and I admit, I bought into the hype for a time (Rio 3 period) - it was like Axl Rose was going to collaborate with Aphex Twin and Roger Waters and change music overnight haha. People who like electronic and progressive music do not listen to this shit.

All we got was a, semi-good late '90s rock album with a bunch of Pitman farts overdubed over the top.

And that's not even true since Pitman or whoever was in charge, stole Ulrich Schnauss music for one of the songs released in Chinese Democracy. They were so desperate to make the songs so bloated and full of nonsensical, unnecessary sounds that the ones they came up with were not enough so they had to steal some more. :lol:

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You mean Pitman's stinky farts were plagurised?

By the way, there is one Pitman overdub which never fails to perplex me. On one of the songs a strange UFOey sound appears, seemingly at random: ''bubblybubblybubblybubblybubbly''. Unfortunately I will have to listen to the album to find out the exact part but it might just go down in history as the most pointless overdub ever. Perhaps this one overdub absorded 10 years and 13 million of Axl's budget?


It is Riad (cannot spell Riyadh correctly) and the Bedouins. 1.00, on this, a mysterious beepy overdub appears,

Edited by DieselDaisy
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