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Guy heckles a KKK rally with his tuba


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on topic, I think they are both knotheads. grown men wearing skinhead getup acting like idiot racist haters.

the Tuba player is just looking for trouble, those idiots might bring hurt to him and or his.

Ignoring them would be a better option.

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He is a bit of a knobhead though, he's obviously one of those pricks that sticks his hand in your face and says "Can't get mad, I'm not touching you" and then sues on the basis of an unprovoked assault. Balls to him.

Doesn't make the KKK any less shite mind you.

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Someone should show some southern hospitality and knock the wanker out.

You're calling the tuba player at a KKK rally the "wanker"?

Well my opinion is basically the same as Shades et al: idiot racists certainly but an annoying ''look at me making a rhetorical point in a silly fashion which will certainly end up on the internet'' wanker.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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Let me get this straight. The guy playing the tuba is the nobhead and the hate-mongers are not? :wow:

Jesus, it's weird that this is the minority opinion around here. It's like Ben Shapiro, the asshole who went on Dr. Drew to talk about respect for the transgendered community (Shapiro took the anti-respect side of the convo), insisted on calling a trans woman by male pronouns, then filed a criminal complaint when she said "Call me sir again and you're leaving in an ambulance." If you're gonna poke the bear in the eye, the bear is going to eat you. I have no sympathy for Ben Shapiro, no sympathy for the Klan, and lots o' lulz for the people who cupcake those assholes.

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I do not really like shouty protests and grand rhetorical gestures. If the BNP had a march through my town I would just stay in doors and watch telly to be quite frank until it has ended. I do not even understand people who declaim allegiance to political parties and stick banners in their windows saying ''vote this way and such''. I do not understand any of this tom foolery. These are people that are alien to me. People should just stay at home and put on TMS or do some ironing or whatever it is you do when this sort of nonsense happens.

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I do not really like shouty protests and grand rhetorical gestures. If the BNP had a march through my town I would just stay in doors and watch telly to be quite frank until it has ended. I do not even understand people who declaim allegiance to political parties and stick banners in their windows saying ''vote this way and such''. I do not understand any of this tom foolery. These are people that are alien to me. People should just stay at home and put on TMS or do some ironing or whatever it is you do when this sort of nonsense happens.

That's all well and good, but why are you saying that about the non-racists instead of the racists? If the racists would just stay instead and do their ironing instead of walking around being fucking racists, then everything would be quieter.

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I do not really like shouty protests and grand rhetorical gestures. If the BNP had a march through my town I would just stay in doors and watch telly to be quite frank until it has ended. I do not even understand people who declaim allegiance to political parties and stick banners in their windows saying ''vote this way and such''. I do not understand any of this tom foolery. These are people that are alien to me. People should just stay at home and put on TMS or do some ironing or whatever it is you do when this sort of nonsense happens.

That's all well and good, but why are you saying that about the non-racists instead of the racists? If the racists would just stay instead and do their ironing instead of walking around being fucking racists, then everything would be quieter.

Allow me to clarify: ideal scenario, they all should stay at home, both the racists and the wanker with a tuba. Less problems in the world if people did not feel the need to ascend a rostrum at any given opportunity.

Edited by DieselDaisy
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Let me get this straight. The guy playing the tuba is the nobhead and the hate-mongers are not? :wow:

I don't think anyones said the last bit but yeah, i would pretty much say they are all nobheads. Not all nobheads on the same level but birds of a feather. See cuz most people who don't like the KKK don't need to make a spectacle of themselves to make that point.

Most normal people wouldn't give a fuck to follow them around with a Tuba, would they? Look at it this way, how many wilful publicly comedic gestures have you made in your life, somewhere where you've gone out of your way to draw attention to yourself in a big comical public gesture, the sort that might have you end up on the telly or youtube? Exactly, none, cuz you're a normal person and not a cunt.

Think about the actual reality of what he's doing and not the idea of how the gesture makes you feel.

Edited by Len B'stard
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