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Apparently completely straight people don't exist...


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I suppose it is right that we are all bisexual, in the sense that we could enjoy sex with either gender if social upbringing/context wasn't inhibiting. I mean, an orgasm is an orgasm.

Maybe it's just personal preference and bad nothing to do with social upbringing or context.

You'd be stupid to think that social upbrining or context isn't a component in shaping our sexuality. I am not saying that without any such modulating factors we'd all be completely pansexual, just that we'd be more pansexual than we are today. And relating it back to the original article, I think they are wong in claming we are all bisexual (as in having the potential to fall in love with everyone regardless of sex), but I think it fits more with us all having the potential to be more pansexual (as in having the potential to enjoy sex with any gender, or situation).

This also fits in with what I have said earlier about the English languange missing established, well-spread terms for the difference between being, say, homosexual and homophillic.

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Maybe it is genetic as some scientists believe? There is evidence of very young children showing gay tendencies so I am not buying that it is strictly a learned behaviour. But I do believe homophobia is a learned behaviour and the result of our social upbringing.

The evidence seems to suggest that where one falls on the sexuality continuum is largely genetic. However, what I think the latest studies suggest is that it's not a binary consideration: the one is either completely straight or completely gay. Most straight people likely have never had a homosexual thought in their lives, but perhaps would still experience dilated pupils if shown depictions of homosexual acts.

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you're all gay

for the males you're missing a masculine gene somewhere, Downzy probably 2 for starting this thread

ladies it's because you're basically disgusted with the entire male species, a properly groomed hobby horse is a more appealing partner

Edited by shades
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I love how defensive people get about this. "No way! Complete heterosexuality has to exist, 'cause I know I don't want to fuck dudes!" The degree that people will go to in order to convince other people that they really aren't gay is just hilarious. Who gives a fuck if you're biologically attracted to attractive men on some minimal biological level? There's nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I trust science a lot more than people who work so hard to say "I ain't gay."

This also feels relevant:


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I love how defensive people get about this. "No way! Complete heterosexuality has to exist, 'cause I know I don't want to fuck dudes!" The degree that people will go to in order to convince other people that they really aren't gay is just hilarious. Who gives a fuck if you're biologically attracted to attractive men on some minimal biological level? There's nothing wrong with that.

Personally, I trust science a lot more than people who work so hard to say "I ain't gay."

This also feels relevant:

Why do you 'love how defensive people get about this'. Hows it hilarious, in what way? In the way that they're small minded people and your not? In the way that they're...what, less evolved than you, less comfortable with their own sexuality or perhaps the biological possibility or some inclination that sits under layer after layer of psychological suppression that you're far ahead enough to be aware of and have dealt with but I'm not?

You treat this shit like it's 'the degree people go to' and 'people work so hard to say 'i ain't gay'...why is me stating my opinion me going to fuckin' lengths, I mean i do it every day, on this forum and of, but about this subject I'm going to lengths and working so hard and blah blah blah...but what you're doing, insisting to the contrary, when basically all we're talking about is an unproven theory, this ain't some fuckin' according to Hoyle fuckin' scientific certainty y'know, this ain't like the time it was discovered for the first time that the heart was pumping blood around the body, this is someones fuckin' theory and i don't agree with it...but the only way i can disagree is for me to be the fuckin' crazy shook guy and for you to be the cool guy sitting down scratching your chin goin' 'hmmm, that might be true', getting a little stirring in your drawers watching a 1D video or something.

Fuck yes I'm fuckin' straight and i say it like I mean it, it's me, it's who i am and what i am and it effects me. Why do yous get to me insistent about your position and if i don't agree with you then I'm the one actin' all weird and getting out of my pram? Why can't it just be that i think what you are saying, in my regard and perhaps in the regard of a bunch of people, is incorrect, why can that possibility not exist?

You know what really winds me up about that shit though? It's the homogenizing of the human race, the making us all into this one shot fuckin' thing, this awful hippie attitude of we're all the same and lets all love each other and weave baskets together cuz we're all the same, fuck no we're not the same...and there's nothing wrong with that...but it is what it is and i refuse to be dragged along with some bullshit i don't believe in just cuz someone might go 'oooh, look at the way you're behaving just cuz someone suggested you're a little bit gay!'.

Furthermore, i resent the picking me up and putting me in a box and dictating to me my own fuckin' propulsions and I'm not allowed to say anything because if i do I'm being all shook and hilairious and 'wow, look at the degree you're going to'.

Y'know how else this is bullshit? It's bullshit in the way it's presented. I mean why is it presented as 'we're all a little bit gay?', why is it not presented as 'all gay people are a little bit straight?'...i mean if it why that, why the focus gay, why does it have to be that? If i went up to a gay person and said, y'know what fella, you're not ACTUALLY 100% gay, biologically you're part straight!' y'know what the reaction would be? It would be 'fuck...you!'...i mean isn't that the sort of mentality those old school fuckin' torture doctors and shrinks used to believe in, they're kinda straight inside too, biologically or psychologically and if we can somehow stimulate their straight side and supress their gay side then we can cure these motherfuckers, thats the fuckin' train you're boarding, all the while thinking you're all right on and everything is everything.

The fact that i have to say the following is also insulting but lest I'm misunderstood, nothing against gay people, gay marriage, gay fuckin' schoolbooks, whatever...just don't come round telling me how i feel, and this ain't some massive indicator of repressed homophobia, I'm like that every time someone tells me what I'm thinking or I'm feeling and when i say they're wrong the response is 'a-ha, well you're just not intellectually sophisticated enough yet, you're still kinda repressed psychologically', no, fuck you, I'm the worlds foremost fuckin' authority on Len, i get to say what he thinks or feels or responds to, not you and certainly not some half baked fuckin' bullshit theory masquerading as science that is presently really kinda obviously and ham-fistedly in terms of the ideas it's trying to push.

You don't get to tell me what I'm thinking, you don't get to tell me how i feel, you don't get to tell me how i respond to things, those things are precious to me, i consider them my identity, they are what makes me an individual and i value my individuality more than anything else in this world, and if that bothers anyone well they can go and get stuffed. Thank you, that is all.

Edited by Len B'stard
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Yeah well i say Bjorks a cunt :). And her musics shite.

True. But, Army of Me > your non-existent homophobic repressed homosexuality.

Look, I'm just a little dark skinned boy running around trying to make sense of these crazy white people. And make no mistake about it, this is a white man ting :lol: If there's one thing the modern white man cannot bear under any circumstances is being called prejudice. Call him anything, ANYTHING you like, say you shagged his bird, say his football team are shite, say his food is bland and tasteless, say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANY fuckin' thing you like but for fuckssake don't call him prejudice. It's the contemporary incarnation of white guilt and it stems from this deep seated psychological thing that their fuckin' forebearers went floating around the world knocking sambos about and taking over their countries...so the result is the great great great grandkids skip merrily along into any old fuckin' craziness as long as you don't call em prejudice :lol:

Call em a fuckin' racist, see what happens, they'll do you fuckin' cirque de soleil backflips to prove that they're not, call em fuckin' homophobic, islamaphobic, chineseaphobic, call them any kind of fuckin' prejudice and they lose their shit. And y'know, it's sweet and commendable and admirable and applaudable and we all should get along and everything but, come on now white people, lets not get carried away here, i know how you guys take a good idea and run with it and take that shit too far (cuz you know a white man invented the quadruple cheeseburger right? :lol:) well this is one of those instances white folks, relax, you're not prejudice, no ones gonna call you prejudice, i promise, just relax, you're doing fine, we're gonna make it :lol:

And y'know, you shouldn't be a ashamed of your forbearers, it weren't all rough going, they were good folk bringing enlightenment to the darker regions of this world like where Dramas mum and dad come from :lol: I don't think i like this new pussified white man y'know, someone sling a brick through my window and we'll go back to the old days again, fuck this, this is too much, if the end result of white people being nice is we all have to be poofs then I'd rather go back to ducking the National Front again :lol:

Disclaimer: the above post was meant in good humour!

Edited by Len B'stard
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