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Negativity for the sake of...

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Here's the trend I've seen since I've been a lurker here (roughly 2014)

"No Slash? No Guns"

*Slash AND Duff return*

"Not the AFD 5? Fuck this. I'm not going to any of these shows unless Steven and Izzy are there." 

I understand where these people come from, but you also have to remember that this wasn't advertised as an AFD reunion. It was advertised as an Axl-Slash-Duff regrouping and personally, I'm fucking estatic. 

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2 hours ago, Gibson_Guy87 said:

but you also have to remember that this wasn't advertised as an AFD reunion. It was advertised as an Axl-Slash-Duff regrouping

if it's not an afd reunion why are they playing at the troubadour ??

this is pure marketing, they're fucking with our sentiments in order to sell their world tour and get our money.

as i said yesterday, they won't get mine unless they change the drummer.

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12 minutes ago, supercool said:

if it's not an afd reunion why are they playing at the troubadour ??

this is pure marketing, they're fucking with our sentiments in order to sell their world tour and get our money.

as i said yesterday, they won't get mine unless they change the drummer.

Steven was supposed to be there, so it would have been close enough with 4/5. They cant force Izzy if he doesnt want to. Why let one bad apple spoil the whole damn fun?

Who knows maybe Izzy actually pulled out after Steven was unavailable and he wants to save his first appearance for the time when they will be the full 5. Don't be so pessimistic

Edited by StrangerInThisTown
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7 hours ago, Nintari said:

Anyway, it's pretty hilarious to see people pissed off at the notion of seeing a GNR lineup that is EXACTLY the same as the UYI lineup (3 out of 5). No one gave a shit back then (GNR was the biggest band in the world) but all of a sudden, the same ratio isn't good enough? It's ridiculous lol.


I cared. A lot. I remember watching the Paris show and thinking wtf is this? What happened to that amazing band?

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7 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

Ehh, the Illusion line-up made a double album and toured from that album. When you listen to November Rain it is Sorum you hear. Sorum - and to a lesser degree Gilby - solidified their place. That is their mandate. This 'Illusion ratio' thing is baloney of the highest order.

Agree completely (out of likes). 

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We all know the people involved on UYIs and the big tour their had. And was so big, that people want to get it back again.


Some fans, like me, love Sorum drums.... love UYIs and all 91-93 era too.  If DJ and Ron quits... why Ferrer dont?? 


I saw some of (all) videos from Trobadour... and i saw a little bad "connection" between Slash n Ferrer (wttj for example)... 


I say one time, that i will love to see Axl/Slash/Duff at least playing again in GnR.... i was totally happy with the news.... now, when i heard the drums, i feel like the drums are out of "wave". Ferrer dont fit with Slash.

We need to get back the Tank. And Adler in some AFD songs. Doing this BIG.

Just an opinion. I like Ferrer on CD songs... but we can try that with Tank. Why not? 


Idk... because Axl have issues with Matt yet?


Some part of the negativity around is the fan frustration. Is impossible to satisfied all the fans. We have purists from 85-99, some 91-93 ... and young CD fans.... some hotheaded fans too.


I think Axl can do the best for GNR. And i will wating to see them again.


But please... dont read me like a negative. Is just an opinion. The haters are other thing too....

Edited by axlvai
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Can't say I'm overwhelmed or happy that Frank and Richard are there but having Slash and Duff back is unbelievable and really fucking awesome.

I supported Axl's New GNR up until like 09, and that terrible period, from 09-14 was just the fucking pits.

Now I actually give a fuck about Guns N Roses again.



edit/PS: yes people did give a fuck back when Adler and then Izzy left, I was one of them...and I didn't know a 10th of all the inside stuff back then either, Sorum and Gilby just weren't from the same cloth.

Edited by DR DOOM
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Adler or Izzy hasn't done touring in 20+ years, so people really think they would be capable to do full world tour now? It's pretty hard work you know.

sure they're done some shows here and there, but still think about it

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8 hours ago, theconspirator said:

I'm not sure why you say Izzy doesn't want to do a tour. 10 years ago he was up for a reunion. He quit the Illusions tour for 3 reasons. 1. Slash Duff and Matt were too high and drunk all the time and he was sober. 2. He thought the band had totally changed with the loss of Steven. 3. Axl was driving him crazy. I think its unfair to say he didn't want to be a part of this or any future reunion/regrouping/whatever tour. Sure he doesn't tour with his solo band, but maybe everyone being sober it being the old band enticed Izzy for himself or for the fans. It's unfair to say Izzy didn't want this....he was compelled to make a Twitter account. THAT says something.

I'm happy with the lineup except for Frank and the second keyboardist. Frank butchers the songs; I'm sorry. Brownstone's a mess, and what were the extra hi hat hits in the WTTJ clip? Fortus is great and IF Izzy didn't want to be a part I'm glad they chose him. The keyboardist adds nothing and I really don't understand her purpose. But on the bright side at least she does nothing for me rather than bring down the songs (Pitman). 

I like Frank most of the time. He is good mix of Adler & Sorum. He has more swing and power than Sorum. Frank is better equipped with proficiency to play UYI & CD than Adler. 

Problem is Frank tends to overplay quite often. There were parts of the show where you could not her the other 4 guys clearly. And that is something that Slash & duff always despised. A drummer that over plays doesn't fit in GN'R. The drummer has needs to stay in the pocket. No extra hit hat beats like you said. That is why everywhere Slash & duff went after Guns they brought Sorum with them. Snakepit, Neurotic Outsiders & VR.

You have to think after watching the Troubadour footage. Slash and Duff will have a talk with Frank. Like I did with Adler when Duff and Izzy hid his excess drum equipment everyday at rehearsal for AFD.

Posted this in the "Regrouping" thread....

Josh Freese and Brain were the best drummers GN'r ever had. I'm partial to Brain since Freese is looked at more a hired gun. Was so disappointed when Brain left. Axl, Slash, duff, Fortus, Brain would've been epic

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Adler is the best drummer GNR ever had, maybe not technically but he was and is the perfect drummer for that band just the same as Axl, Slash, Izzy and Duff are all the perfect and best members in their respective spots.

That's all there is to it.


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13 hours ago, Nintari said:

Am I the only one not surprised at some people's less than positive attitudes/comments about this tour? Over the last 15 years or so, I always wondered what the negative people would do should the band get back together and for years, I was always left with a few guesses. One of them was of course the whole "not the original five? fuck off" people. I always knew getting Steven on drums was just a pipe dream even if they all got back together. His drug issues and emotional instability puts him in a place of such liability that pulling off a full world tour would be foolish and too risky. Izzy was always going to be a "guest" spot as well because he just doesn't want to tour the world. I mean, think about it, the guy didn't want to do it back in 1991 when GNR were 10 times better than Taylor Swift... what are the chances now?

Anyway, it's pretty hilarious to see people pissed off at the notion of seeing a GNR lineup that is EXACTLY the same as the UYI lineup (3 out of 5). No one gave a shit back then (GNR was the biggest band in the world) but all of a sudden, the same ratio isn't good enough? It's ridiculous lol.

So I have come to the conclusion that there's just people out there that NEED to be negative. They're negative people. It's what they do... it defines them. They probably walk around being negative but everything else in their life as well. If the original 5 were touring, they'd probably be in here bitching that they don't move around like they did in their 20's, old, lame, washed up, cash grabbing whores... etc. You get the picture.

I for one am perfectly fine with the UYI ratio. Izzy would be great if there were new music involved but as a live performer, we're not missing much. Gilby was fine back in the early 90's and Fortus will fill the same roll. Steven has an amazing groove but again, not the greatest live drummer in the history of rock n roll and NOT the drummer on the Illusion tracks. Personally, I'd rather have Sorum but Frank will handle it well. As far as the new girl, who cares? I barely noticed Dizzy back in the 90's and I won't notice him now, let alone an unknown second keyboardist. I mean, shit... they use to travel with like 5-7 women singers and horn players for sucks sake and that was again, when they were the biggest band in the world. No one gave a shit either. I'm happy with the UYI line up, and for those of you who are as well, cheers. Just ignore these...er... people.

I agree and have always said post Y2K that it was never Guns N' Roses until you have Axl, Slash and Duff at a minimum.  Now we have that back, it's just so exciting.  I'm not even upset about Izzy not being there.   I have accepted Richard and think he is the man for the job.  He is the shit.  You know.... screw Izzy, he doesn't want to do it, well stiff shit.  Fortus is one rockin' axeman and really cool.   Even myself being a drummer, I'm not devastated by no Steven or Matt.  GN'R ain't about drums as much as it is about guitars.  However, I'm not the greatest fan of Frank because he puts his own spin on things.  I don't like that as a drummer.  He's there to play the songs we know and love, so he should play them right.   Anyhow, if he's good enough for Slash and Duff, then he's good enough for me.  The others are like... whatever.   Like I said, when you have Axl, Slash and Duff in the same band.... It's Guns N' Fucking Roses baby!

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7 hours ago, Gibson_Guy87 said:

Here's the trend I've seen since I've been a lurker here (roughly 2014)

"No Slash? No Guns"

*Slash AND Duff return*

"Not the AFD 5? Fuck this. I'm not going to any of these shows unless Steven and Izzy are there." 

I understand where these people come from, but you also have to remember that this wasn't advertised as an AFD reunion. It was advertised as an Axl-Slash-Duff regrouping and personally, I'm fucking estatic. 

Like I said earlier, I'm just filing it under "It Is What It Is". 

If people aren't happy with it, it's not going to detract from my experience one bit this weekend in Vegas and a couple months from now in Detroit. Someone else's opinon has zero effect on whether or not I enjoy something. Having said that, I do think some of the negative posts in the past few days have been a little overboard. People are allowed to have their own opinion though, but I do think some of them are going overboard. 

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4 hours ago, axlvai said:

I saw some of (all) videos from Trobadour... and i saw a little bad "connection" between Slash n Ferrer (wttj for example)

I noticed that also.

Frank just came in badly and Slash turned and looked at him like ...... what are you doing?

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5 hours ago, supercool said:

if it's not an afd reunion why are they playing at the troubadour ??

this is pure marketing, they're fucking with our sentiments in order to sell their world tour and get our money.

as i said yesterday, they won't get mine unless they change the drummer.

It's not and has never been called an AFD reunion. That is a label everybody but band or management put on it.

Why the troubador? Well, beyond just the appetite line up, its in LA, and more importantly beyond our nostalgic feelings for guns shows that we didn't attend: Axl, Slash and Duff probably love the venue and get a kick out of playing in a small room... Especially considering the rest of the shows are stadiums. And!! it's there history to use as they please.

The most important thing here is the guys looked excited to be on stage together - so many times you see reunions (or regroupings ;) ) and the guys don't Interact with each other at all in stage. I'm more positive about what's to come now,compared to the last 3/4 years.


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5 minutes ago, nathanhall said:

I noticed that also.

Frank just came in badly and Slash turned and looked at him like ...... what are you doing?

Yes. Just like anyone in a band does when anyone else in the band makes a mistake. Frank made a mistake, Slash got with him and they corrected it. It's really not a big deal.

2 minutes ago, Tom2112 said:

It's not and has never been called an AFD reunion. That is a label everybody but band or management put on it.

Why the troubador? Well, beyond just the appetite line up, its in LA, and more importantly beyond our nostalgic feelings for guns shows that we didn't attend: Axl, Slash and Duff probably love the venue and get a kick out of playing in a small room... Especially considering the rest of the shows are stadiums. And!! it's there history to use as they please.

The most important thing here is the guys looked excited to be on stage together - so many times you see reunions (or regroupings ;) ) and the guys don't Interact with each other at all in stage. I'm more positive about what's to come now,compared to the last 3/4 years.


100% this. If I could like this twice, I would.

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5 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

Yes. Just like anyone in a band does when anyone else in the band makes a mistake. Frank made a mistake, Slash got with him and they corrected it. It's really not a big deal.

Not a big deal, but it's the difference between average and awesome.

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Just now, nathanhall said:

Not a big deal, but it's the difference between average and awesome.

So you're saying anyone who's ever made a mistake on stage is average?? Then Axl is the very epitome of average. LOL. I get what you're saying overall though, I'm just in a good mood and cracking jokes.

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