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GNR Women's Discussion - Part 2


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6 minutes ago, killuridols said:

Yeah, there was. But lots of others supported him as well. He was the hero for some people, the one who had to take revenge for what happened.

There are lots of people who support Trump now too. After all, he was elected. Even if he didn't get the majority of votes and was elected because of some flaws of the American electoral system, he still got a lot of votes. Trump's case and the support for him has some elements that are relatively new in the U.S. political scene, for example that far-right populism, and that worries a lot of people there.

10 minutes ago, killuridols said:

Im not sure there's one single party that can represent all of your views and opinions but I think it's pretty easy to know whether you lean right or left.
I don't believe people are 100% one or the other, there's always a middle or a tendency but even in that case, I think it is positive to choose something from what is offered to you.

None of the US parties is left for what left means in my book.

11 minutes ago, killuridols said:

I dont know. Maybe he has but........ if he's so hurt for what Trump says about inmigration and if he really really loved his TB, wouldn't he do an act of love and retire the OIAM song from the album?

In my opinion, that'd be a noble thing to do. I'd retract and replace everything I think and say of him if he had that capacity of showing that he really means it.

'Til then, I'll remain skeptic about all this.

I wouldn't agree with retiring OIAM from the album. It was what it was, it unfortunately represented Axl at that moment in time. I think it's meaningless to censor it retrospectively.


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23 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

There are lots of people who support Trump now too. After all, he was elected. Even if he didn't get the majority of votes and was elected because of some flaws of the American electoral system, he still got a lot of votes. Trump's case and the support for him has some elements that are relatively new in the U.S. political scene, for example that far-right populism, and that worries a lot of people there.

I know. I never took away his credit, that's why I said before I think his ideology is pretty clear to me and that many people adhere by it.

About far-right populism, I think that's a consequence of the past, of the things that happened before him and the seed that was planted years ago. He was smart enough to appeal to that far-right that was mainly hurt because of the uncontrolled inmigration and how most people think the main reason of their disgrace ARE the inmigrants. 9-11 was the cherry of the pie to justify this ideology.

And for some crazy stupid reason, the rest of the region has followed the wave, as the main countries in Latinamerica have turned to the right in the past 3 years :facepalm:

23 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

None of the US parties is left for what left means in my book.

Neither in mine but from what they have, I think you can align some things to the right and some things to the left, if we had to make an attempt to explain this to someone who's not American.

23 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

I wouldn't agree with retiring OIAM from the album. It was what it was, it unfortunately represented Axl at that moment in time. I think it's meaningless to censor it retrospectively.

I dont think it is necessary for it to be there, especially in this moment we are living. And Im not one person to go for censorship of any kind, but unfortunately, this song has never been graced with context or a good nice explanation (defense attempt) of what it might mean to the artist. He's tried but it is such a lousy excuse.

Not meaningless to censor it retrospectively when you have this band coming back from the past to resurrect in the present with their nostalgia act. I'm sure plenty of people have become curious about them (if they never felt it before) and have gone through their discography, only to find that ugly shit right there and be disappointed at those lyrics.

Anyway, I didn't mean that this should be done as reparations to society but more like a display of true humbleness and love towards the family he adopted and the children of those people.


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Axl would probably never remove a song from an album. But I would really love it if he made public statements in support of immigrants and women. He speaks out plenty about animals and children, but if he owes any groups apologies and support it's immigrants and (especially) battered women.

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That's the film of Stevie Salas, the dude who is on the pic with Izzy and Matt. Funny thing is: I've already seen this film in November on arte, a french-german tv channel. It was really really interesting but for some reason I couldn't see all of it. I want to see all of it now.


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1 hour ago, Fang said:

Axl would probably never remove a song from an album. But I would really love it if he made public statements in support of immigrants and women. He speaks out plenty about animals and children, but if he owes any groups apologies and support it's immigrants and (especially) battered women.

I can't see him ever admitting to that. Especially the battered women :unsure:

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4 hours ago, MaskingApathy said:

Izzy doesn't look so good.

Looks like he aged rapidly since the last time we saw his picture :unsure:

But I'd need other pics to judge better.... He certainly doesn't dress like a rockstar or an artist anymore. He's sporting the looks of an average Joe... so maybe that makes him look older?

I don't know. He's a far cry from what he was... 

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Poor Izzy. :( Never leaves the farm and the moment he does everyone acts like he looks like the crypt keeper.


It's just a bad picture. I think if we ever got normal pics he'd look fine for his age. :bitchfight:

Edit: Like this one taken 6 months ago...

He looks like a normal 50+ year old dude. :shrugs:

Edited by Zoot
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Yeah. In general I think he does look his age but in particular, he could take care a little bit more of himself.

I've always said this: the grunge look doesn't go well with older people. There comes a time when having your hair very long or unkempt does not reflect youth and coolness anymore. Instead, these things make you look sick, older than you are and in general, a mess.

In the picture with Sorum he looks like the grandpa of the other two, primarily because he's inappropriately dressed for the occasion, so the other guys stand out with their looks. Also his posture is weird, while the other two are posing like 'winners'.

The other picture of him wearing black shirt has the same problem. The wrinkles of the shirt are inappropriate. The unbuttoned button doesn't go with the context and the hat is awful.

Untidy appearance when you are not 16 years old....unfortunately doesn't do any good to anyone.

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I feel bad for discussion Izzy's looks. Don't know why because I don't shy away from discussing Axl's. :shrugs:

Before I judge Izzy from yesterday's pic I would like to see more than 1 pic of the occasion, preferably also a clip where he moves or even talks. Then I could see how he is like, if he moves and behaves "old" or not etc. He could use some moisturizing lotion, that's for sure. And the green shirt and jacket is not a wise fashion choice. Lol.

It is clear Izzy is not interested in anything rockstar anymore. Otherwise he'd dress and style himself differently. Then again, maybe it was a busy day and he couldn't be bothered to change. He looked more fancy on his "Stuck in the middle with you" clip with his black button down shirt and the hat.

@Zoot I thought the pic with cheaptrick (whatshisname) was from 2012? He was 50 then.

@killuridols, where you talking about that pic with Cheaptrick as well? Izzy looks hot in that pic! And that undone button goes fine with me. :lol: I don't know what you mean with inapprorpiate wrinkles of the shirt, I really can't take my eyes away from that dude, his smile and the little piece of skin he's showing. And his cute Izzy hat.

Yesterday's pic makes me a little uneasy about his health. Matt already answered a fan's comment and said Izzy is not sick but "is great". 

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@Tori72 I thought it was taken in Palm Springs last year? :question: 

I do agree with @killuridols that his clothes make him appear older than he is. Izzy looks like a farmer for sure. (but is that really such a bad thing? :lol:) I just don't see the sickness part that you guys see. Other than him being skinny. But he's always been pretty thin so that's nothing new.

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2 minutes ago, beautifulanddamned said:

At this point we expect Izzy to appear with a face full of fillers and hair extensions, wearing leather pants and a tshirt with a naked lady in a garbage can.

Nooooooooooo! :facepalm: Nobody would ever expect that of Izzy. He never dressed like that.

I do get your point for sure. Well said.

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2 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

@Georgina Arriaga tbf that sentiment has been expressed quite a lot, especially about Axl. Not just here but everywhere.

That's true, Axl is always fair game :lol:

I think Izzy looks okay for a 55 year old. I never found him anything special, but he looks normal to me, he doesn't look sick at all. It's funny, people call Axl really fat, while he isn't really, Slash has moobs and now Izzy's too thin? :lol: Let our boys be :bitchfight:

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I don't think he looks sick- He does look old or older than the other guys, but I think it has to do with his styling. He's got no style at all :lol:

Sucks because he used to have a great style even before he was in GN'R. I loved his dreadlocks era more than any other phase. But now he's gone totally MEH and maybe that's why it is a shock for me (for us), to see him all stripped down of that image.

1 hour ago, Tori72 said:

@killuridols, where you talking about that pic with Cheaptrick as well? Izzy looks hot in that pic! And that undone button goes fine with me. :lol: I don't know what you mean with inapprorpiate wrinkles of the shirt, I really can't take my eyes away from that dude, his smile and the little piece of skin he's showing. And his cute Izzy hat.

Yeah, the pic Zoot posted one page ago.

I don't think he looks hot. I'm sorry. I guess it's a matter of personal taste, I guess :shrugs:

The shirt has wrinkles and unbuttoned and he's an old guy. Don't know how to explain but the untidy look in older people freaks me out. Not sure why, though.

1 hour ago, Oldest Goat said:

Maybe it's because I'm a guy but I feel sort of uneasy and defensive when people get obsessively critical of my boys looks. They're old...oooold I tells ya! Let them be lol.

I have not criticized his oldness. I know he is old, so are the other two guys next to him, yet they look really good.

1 hour ago, beautifulanddamned said:

At this point we expect Izzy to appear with a face full of fillers and hair extensions, wearing leather pants and a tshirt with a naked lady in a garbage can. This dude- who's now closer to 60 than 50- just wanted to put on some sneakers and go see a movie, and we're like, "Look at this sad old fuck!"

Nah. This is an overreaction.

No one expects him to wear Axl's clothes :facepalm: They are ridiculous clothes and Izzy wouldn't wear that shit, ever. He never did back then either.

I understand that he just wanted to go watch a movie, but it happens to be that there were photographers and it was some sort of red carpet, so he should have figured out his picture was going to be taken. He is a rock legend, after all.


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