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"Cancel Culture" Opinions?


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6 minutes ago, action said:

I'm his parent, I decide which values I teach him. I don't need to ask my son which values I am allowed to pass onto him lol.

Just saying I’d maybe not be too strident on such issues. I mean how is he going to feel if he is that way inclined knowing that he has to hide it from his dad? 

My friend Emma went through hell over coming out because her mother had spent years spewing that kind of bile. My daughter knows that we love her for who she is and she’ll never be afraid to speak to us about such things. :shrugs: 

#notaliberal :lol: 

Edited by Dazey
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18 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Racism soul? Still waiting....

Oh, and I'd like a quotation where I discuss Apartheid. Thank you in advance. 


Now we are discussing why you are against drag queens talking to kids about alternative sexual lifestyles. Is is drag queens themselves that you don't like or teaching children that it is okay to live alternative sexual lifestyles? Or -- since I am oh so liberal and open to everything -- maybe little bit of both? What negative outcomes do you think will befall us from kids being exposed to drag queens/knowledge about modern sexuality?

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17 minutes ago, Dazey said:

How is it a straw man to draw the comparison that you’re fine with a nine year old watching Bob Morton snorting coke off a hooker’s tits but you’re dreadfully offended at the idea of a teenager knowing what a drag queen is?

This is another straw man and not worthy of a reply.

3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:


Now we are discussing why you are against drag queens talking to kids about alternative sexual lifestyles. Is is drag queens themselves that you don't like or teaching children that it is okay to live alternative sexual lifestyles? Or -- since I am oh so liberal and open to everything -- maybe little bit of both? What negative outcomes do you think will befall us from kids being exposed to drag queens/knowledge about modern sexuality?

Are we now? I thought you just lie incessantly?

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1 minute ago, Dazey said:

Just saying I’d maybe not be too strident on such issues. I mean how is he going to feel if he is that way inclined knowing that he has to hide it from his dad? 

this is a very rare "sexuality" (is that the right term?). He probably is not inclined that way. He's a real boy, not feminine in the slightest.

He just laughs with boys who even remotely sport female characteristics, like using water bottles with pink wrapping. 

Still, it's all the same. There are many values I want to pass onto my son. The world of Drag Queens not being one of them. But I can't stress enough, how I reckognise the rights of drag queens. In the same way that I reckognise my own rights to be a heterosexual, stereotypical "mannish" man

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3 minutes ago, action said:

just as how netflix will be faced with more problematic content in the future, which they will have to discard consequently.

in life, we all meet values that are not our own.

But you are not Netflix, you are a dad. Netflix don't have a responsibility to, say, gay TV viewers. They can choose the content as they desire. But you have a responsibility to your potentially gay son. And that responsibility is to raise him in an environment that is open and inclusive, mostly because that is the only kind thing to do but also because if it turns out your kid is gay or trans or whatever himself, he needs to know he has a supportive and loving family, not some bigoted parents who tried to shield him away from what is a fixed part of society because they had been raised wrongly.

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3 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Are we now? I thought you just lie incessantly?

That's another interesting thought of yours that we could discuss, but right now it is your thoughts on drag queens, sexual education, and alternative sexual lifestyles that is of interest - and keep in mind you started it. But if you don't want to say what you really feel on the subject, if you are a coward unlike @action, that's fine. And if you want to desperately try to change the topic because things got uncomfortable, that's fine too. It all just reflects on you.

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5 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Where exactly have I claimed offence ''at the idea of a teenager knowing what a drag queen is''?

You have a problem with the video you posted yes?


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5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

But you are not Netflix, you are a dad. Netflix don't have a responsibility to, say, gay TV viewers. They can choose the content as they desire. But you have a responsibility to your potentially gay son. And that responsibility is to raise him in an environment that is open and inclusive, mostly because that is the only kind thing to do but also because if it turns out your kid is gay or trans or whatever himself, he needs to know he has a supportive and loving family, not some bigoted parents who tried to shield him away from what is a fixed part of society because they had been raised wrongly.

I can also chose how I raise my son, as I desire, and I sure will pops :lol:

You don't have to teach me about responsabilities. You won't disagree with me when I say, parenthood is a constant battle, and every parent makes mistakes. Parents who claim they are perfect, have serious issues.

My only responsability is to be coherent and constant. If you can be consistent with the values you teach, then you're coming a long way.

Personally, I feel what is going on in this woke world, is total lunacy. It is my responsability as a parent, I believe, to provide a normal, stable environment. Not one where morals change almost daily, as is the case in the world of woke. I'd turn him into a fucking shizophrenic if I did that. 

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Just now, Dazey said:

You have a problem with the video you posted yes?

I didn't claim that I have a problem with  ''the idea of a teenager knowing what a drag queen is''? 

(I actually assume a teenager already knows what a drag queen is.)

Stop it with the aimless Strawmen!!

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Just now, Dazey said:

So, in summary. 

Okay for kids


Not okay for kids



So I am not well-versed in Millennial jargon, but is this what is referred to as "toxic masculinity"? That old-fashioned masculinity, whores and drugs and violence and all of that macho bravado, is entirely okay but that anything that is opposed to that, opposite to it, like effeminacy, homosexuality, drag, etc, is baaaad.

Come to think of it, Diesel can hardly let any opportunity to label Scandinavians as effeminate pass. It all makes more sense now :lol:

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Just now, DieselDaisy said:

I didn't claim that I have a problem with  ''the idea of a teenager knowing what a drag queen is''? 

(I actually assume a teenager already knows what a drag queen is.)

Stop it with the aimless Strawmen!!

In that case I’m willing to stand corrected. What is it that you do have a problem with re teenagers and drag queens? 

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Just now, SoulMonster said:

So I am not well-versed in Millennial jargon, but is this what is referred to as "toxic masculinity"? That old-fashioned masculinity, whores and drugs and violence and all of that macho bravado, is entirely okay but that anything that is opposed to that, opposite to it, like effeminacy, homosexuality, drag, etc, is baaaad.

Come to think of it, Diesel can hardly let any opportunity to label Scandinavians as effeminate pass. It all makes more sense now :lol:

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m completely morally flexible when it comes to children watching horrendously violent 80’s action movies. I just don’t hold myself up as a paragon of virtue in other areas as a result. :lol: 

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Further, that GCSE bitesize is secondary, i.e.,  11- to 19-year: 11-12 years, pre-teen. And the school visit was a Primary School. We are not just discussing teenagers here. 

5 minutes ago, Dazey said:

In that case I’m willing to stand corrected. What is it that you do have a problem with re teenagers and drag queens? 

I am not sure why you and Soul constantly have recourse to endless strawmen, rather than following through with the actual post which seemingly triggered the two of you,

1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:

Further, children are being indoctrinated by sexualized wokery in our schools. 


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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

So I am not well-versed in Millennial jargon, but is this what is referred to as "toxic masculinity"? That old-fashioned masculinity, whores and drugs and violence and all of that macho bravado, is entirely okay but that anything that is opposed to that, opposite to it, like effeminacy, homosexuality, drag, etc, is baaaad.

Come to think of it, Diesel can hardly let any opportunity to label Scandinavians as effeminate pass. It all makes more sense now :lol:

Well in his defence and given his geographic handicap you probably shagged his great, great, great, great Grandma. :lol: 

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2 minutes ago, action said:

I can also chose how I raise my son, as I desire, and I sure will pops :lol:

You don't have to teach me about responsabilities. You won't disagree with me when I say, parenthood is a constant battle, and every parent makes mistakes. Parents who claim they are perfect, have serious issues.

My only responsability is to be coherent and constant. If you can be consistent with the values you teach, then you're coming a long way.

Personally, I feel what is going on in this woke world, is total lunacy. It is my responsability as a parent, I believe, to provide a normal, stable environment. Not one where morals change almost daily, as is the case in the world of woke. I'd turn him into a fucking shizophrenic if I did that. 

Yes, it is your choice. I haven't said it isn't.

Being coherent and consistent in your parenting is only a virtue when the message is love and inclusion. 

There is nothing "normal" or "stable" in raising your kids up not knowing that a significant fraction of other people like to cross-dress and like to have sex with people of the same sex. You are actually shielding his son from fringe groups of society and nothing good can come out of that.

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7 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

That's another interesting thought of yours that we could discuss, but right now it is your thoughts on drag queens, sexual education, and alternative sexual lifestyles that is of interest - and keep in mind you started it. But if you don't want to say what you really feel on the subject, if you are a coward unlike @action, that's fine. And if you want to desperately try to change the topic because things got uncomfortable, that's fine too. It all just reflects on you.

he that flatters you more than you desire, either has deceived you or wishes to deceive

flattery is like chewing gum. enjoy it, but don't swallow it

flattery works best on minds previously occopied by conceit

flattery is refined deception - it is the froth of language - it is the alcohol of social intercourse - it is the prescription of the subtle - and the nectar of fools


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Just now, DieselDaisy said:

Further, that GCSE bitesize is secondary, i.e.,  11- to 19-year: 11-12 years, pre-teen. We are not just discussing teenagers here.

I am not sure why you and Soul constantly have recourse to endless strawmen, rather than following through with the actual post which seemingly triggered the two of you,

I addressed the school visit in my earlier post. I don’t think that discussing drag with the parents of 11 and 12 year olds is a step too far. As I said to @action earlier. What if you have an LBTQ child who is afraid to come out to their parents because of what they hear day in day out over the breakfast table? In all seriousness kids kill themselves over this shit all the time. 

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2 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Further, that GCSE bitesize is secondary, i.e.,  11- to 19-year: 11-12 years, pre-teen. And the school visit was a Primary School. We are not just discussing teenagers here. 

I am not sure why you and Soul constantly have recourse to endless strawmen, rather than following through with the actual post which seemingly triggered the two of you,


Here is the sentence I have been reacting to: "I wouldn't want them to be exposed to an ''educational'' seminar on this LGNJSGDYUG+ ideology fronted by a drag queen (in actual fact I believe all sexual education should be scrapped)".

1. So why is it the fact that it is fronted by a drag queen that bothers you?

2. And why is it problematic to expose children to a seminar on alternative sexual orientations and lifestyles?

3. And why would you scrap sexual education?

No straw men here, as always just reacting directly to your statements.

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2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Yes, it is your choice. I haven't said it isn't.

Being coherent and consistent in your parenting is only a virtue when the message is love and inclusion. 

There is nothing "normal" or "stable" in raising your kids up not knowing that a significant fraction of other people like to cross-dress and like to have sex with people of the same sex. You are actually shielding his son from fringe groups of society and nothing good can come out of that.

It is Action's prerogative to raise his children exactly the way he desires, and he should do this free of criticism. Religion, politics in a foreign country, is there any segment of human existence that you are not willing to apply your lofty superiority to? Soul now has an opinion on how you should raise your own children haha. 

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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

There is nothing "normal" or "stable" in raising your kids up not knowing that a significant fraction of other people like to cross-dress and like to have sex with people of the same sex. You are actually shielding his son from fringe groups of society and nothing good can come out of that.

like you said, he will no doubtly come into contact with this fraction. As a matter of fact, he already does. Every child does. Children sometimes dress up as a game, this involves dressing up as women too.

Do you really expect me to teach him, a 7 year old boy, how some people like to take hormones to get breasts and like to get their dicks surgically removed? No, don't answer that. I'm pretty sure I'm on the right side of the moral spectrum. And if I'm not, only god is my judge. Not twitter, not social justice warriors, and not you.

My stance is clear, and I am not going to change it. I'm sure, you're in the same boat on this.

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1 minute ago, SoulMonster said:

1. So why is it the fact that it is fronted by a drag queen that bothers you?

Drag queen? Inherently highly sexualised. Associated with burlesque and vaudeville. Inappropriate as a teacher.

2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

2. And why is it problematic to expose children to a seminar on alternative sexual orientations and lifestyles?


2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

3. And why would you scrap sexual education?

Parents' prerogative, the teaching of sexual education.

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