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What are you watching? a.k.a. Film Thread v 2.0

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Robocop was on Fox Action Movies, it was still pretty great.

I fucking love that film! Y'know the bit when Ronny Cox is in the mens toilets with that bloke who looks like David Platt and he kinda runs his hand through his hair and goes 'you just *tugs his hair* FUCKED with the wrong guy!', the first time you saw that did you think for a second that he was tryna queer him up? :lol:

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The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)

Last weekend, for the first time ever; Was alright, made me laugh.

First time I saw that I was high as shit. What i do remember is bits and pieces, the part with the lsd in the eggs and seeing how they tortured one guy with strobe lights and barney singing his I love you song on repeat. Trying to understand all that while feeling like your sinking into the couch is a struggle.

I saw the later half of Girl with a Dragon Tattoo a week or so back. Daniel Craig and his suave ass, but the killer was seriously disturbed.

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Dressed to kill (1980).

One of the best movies by Brian de Palma.


I agree. This was an awesome movie. This movie was over the top with it's sex scenes and it's killing scenes. Exposing the killer was a shocker too! Love this movie.

I recently watched a foreign movie called "Reflections" It was about a serial killer in Spain. it was very good. Had a good spin in the story.

Also watched a movie with Nick Cage called Dying for the Light or something like that. He played a dying CIA agent who wanted to get a terrorist who tortured him 22 years ago. I like Nick Cage. I think he's a good actor even if he's a little over the top.

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The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey.

I recently watched the Hobbit The Desolation of Smoug and The Hobbit The Battle of the 5 armies and was very surprised how good they were, so TNT had the first one on last night. I actually liked the actor that played Bilbo.

It was very interesting having seen the Lord of the Rings movies how these movies lead right into them. Still can't stand Gollum though. Too much insanity.


What in the hell did I just watch?

That movie sounds familiar. What was it about? I watch so many movies I forget their names sometimes. Not sure if I saw that one.

Another movie by Brian Di Palma that was excellent was Body Double. That had a great mystery to it and a twist ending.

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I watched The Exorcist yesterday, I try to watch it once a month, I always find new things lurking around, the only film that comes close to the creeping, toxic atmosphere is The Shining, another colossal piece of psychological dynamite. The reason this film is so jaw dropping and bone shaking is that it is shot practically as a documentary with the supernatural only scorching the corners every so often (obv until the monumental exorcism scene itself). It's a wonderful triad of science vs paranormal vs religion. The character development is outstanding, how Burstyn never received the academy award for her performance I'll never know. The greatest scene for me, the most potent is when Regan is lying face down on the bed when Chris comes back in, she's just done something pretty horrific but I won't spoil it, it's a beautiful, twisted foreshadowing of what the viewer finds out a couple minutes later. (A brilliant slow fade of the Pazuzu statue is also next to the door as she leaves the room on a newer version of the film, I gleefully found that one watch when I'd never noticed it for many watches before).

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