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NIKKI SIXX Says SIXX: A.M. Will Become His 'Main Project' After MÖTLEY CRÜE Is Done Touring Read

The Black

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Will this mean goodbye Ashba?

Nikki Sixx doesn't strike me as the person who would drop a tour or recording session just because GNR have booked another tour out of the blue.


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Will this mean goodbye Ashba?

Nikki Sixx doesn't strike me as the person who would drop a tour or recording session just because GNR have booked another tour out of the blue.


Ain't no way DJ is ever going to leave Guns willingly.

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It also depends what James Michael's schedule is like as a producer, I don't think Nikki's going to be pushing for Sixx:AM to be a year round thing, and might put more time into Sixx Sense and photography (probably start doing art galleries and coffeetable books).

He could also resurrect the Brides of Destruction. I don't know if he answered that on Reddit or in recent interviews regarding future plans.

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Yeah, I read that. I thought that DJ was already working on the new Sixx AM cd? He had something on his twitter awhile back about it. He said he and the singer Michael wrote some songs and had begun recording them. Maybe I misunderstood.

Well, as long as GNR and Sixx AM don't tour or do anything at the same time, I'm sure DJ can do both.

When I saw the first Cruefest, Nikki was playing with Sixx AM and the Crue. Maybe Sixx AM and GNR will tour together one day! NOT! That would be cool though.

Anyway, the Crue will be touring for over 3 years and are supposed to record a new last album, so I think DJ is okay with whatever GNR is doing for the near future.

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Will this mean goodbye Ashba?

Nikki Sixx doesn't strike me as the person who would drop a tour or recording session just because GNR have booked another tour out of the blue.


No, it's most likely Nikki Sixx will find another 40 year old emo kid if DJ Ashba choose the GNR paycheck

Btw this isn't belong to the D & N section, just because Ashba is a member of GNR

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I suspect DJ would go with whichever band is paying him the most money.

Id imagine "Guns n Roses" (wink wink) makes more than Sixx AM.

You would think a guitar player like him, who is really addicted to trying to turn himself into an "iconic" type guy, would go with the band that allowed him to express himself as an artist. The band that allowed him to write and record music, and then allowed him to perform live music he helped create.

That must be a real hard thing for DJ to come to grips with. GnR gives him the publicity and "fame" aspect of being in a legendary rock band. But all he does is plays guitar parts that OTHER people wrote and made famous. And just being associated with GnR and Axl helps DJ become "famous" just by association.

But with Sixx AM, he is actually involved with writing the music.

Would you rather become famous and popular because of music you wrote, or because you are playing in a band that has already achieved that success? As an artist, which route would you go?

So I retract my initial statement. I think fame and popularity is more important to DJ than how much money he makes.

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Personally I can't stand Dj as a player, but! I realise that Axl has a good friendship with him, and it seems as though he considers him a good writing partner... If Dj was to leave I think Axl would be very bummed out. A replacement musician would be easy to find (Dj is not a great player by any stretch), but getting the right personality might be that bit trickier.

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