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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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He sounds worse when he comes back from time off since he doesn't seem to do anything between, the mysterious aura would have you believe he makes piles of records and conducts the symphony of destruction with the band from his mansion on the hill but I don't think he thinks about GNR or any sequels anymore, it's quite sad to consider that the vault is probably three finished songs and endless piles of Buckethead and Finck noodling, lines of lyrics on coupons and DJ Ashba rejected tapes in the trashcan.

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Axl was nervous as hell from the start...when giving the acceptance speach he was thanking Caram Constanzo? CD engineer? was he thinking this was a CD award??

He is not good on awards that way remember 2006 presenting the shitty Killers...

Then in ISE fuckin hidding behind DUFF...he was nevrous as hell, I dont get it how can he be nervous at this point?

Because he comes on the forums and hear's his supposed "fans" ripping him a part on a daily basis. I am beginning to think that Guns n' Roses fans are part of the problem. Axl really hasn't sounded great live since the 80's. He has moments of pretty damn great, but not amazing start to finish since the 80's. He still sounds great in the studio, and I think live he IS STILL better than 90% of the singers out there. But imagine if your own fans tell you you suck, how that would kill your confidence. Besides he is a human being, he isn't allowed to be nervous or have butterflies? He is human folks...

You must have not heard or been to the 2010 gigs, Axl's voice was amazing.

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This show honestly wasn't as bad as some people are/were making it out to be.

How hard do you have to convince yourself of being right?

I'm guessing your posts on every other page claiming that "GUYS IT REALLY WASN'T THAT BAD" helps your mental gymnastics.

Show sucked dude - Axl needs to leave the memories alone.

Depends on what you're comparing it to. It didn't suck anywhere near as much as I thought it would. Axl had some truly decent moments.

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Proper published pro shot of Paradise....oh god.

Those dislikes....

EDIT: I just fucking pissed myself with laughter at Axl's first "HOOOOOOME" before the big end, and EVEN MORE at DJ's solo during the outro, he's just scratching his strings in a rhythm...fuck me that was hilariously bad,


Edited by SMG
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This show honestly wasn't as bad as some people are/were making it out to be.

How hard do you have to convince yourself of being right?

I'm guessing your posts on every other page claiming that "GUYS IT REALLY WASN'T THAT BAD" helps your mental gymnastics.

Show sucked dude - Axl needs to leave the memories alone.

I'm sorry but... This.

Of course standards have been low since 2011. But this was bad. I feel really umconfortable listening to Axl singing cause I see and hear how much he struggles to deliver every line. Which some of you call Axl giving his all. It's actually lack of fitness/training.

Sometimes I think Axl is not very smart. ISE sounded great. Why? Easy for him to sing.

And then he chooses to play Better (he always sucks), TIL (hard song, he's never in tune) and YCBM (struggles with is since the 90s)... Just choose another songs dude.

Was it a disaster? No. Why? Because it's been a disaster since Rio 4, we're used to it. 5 seconds of rasp are praised, Axl moving on stage is praised, Axl removing the hat for 1 song is praised. You can't make up stuff like this, it's hilariously sad.

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This I Love he usually is bang on tune and hits great rasp, not last night but even at the weaker shows he does well on that.

Those videos are gonna go viral and it won't be pretty. If only they done it during the 2010 touring cycle ffs. He had a last hurrah and it was awesome to behold where the heck it goes from here, I guess the last four years tell us.

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Proper published pro shot of Paradise....oh god.

Those dislikes....

EDIT: I just fucking pissed myself with laughter at Axl's first "HOOOOOOME" before the big end, and EVEN MORE at DJ's solo during the outro, he's just scratching his strings in a rhythm...fuck me that was hilariously bad,


6 likes and 15 dislikes - I'm sure Axl wilm be having restless sleeps from those damning statistics! :lol:

The dislikes have probably been contributed by the YT alts of cupcakes here.

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I said in one of the voice threads that Axl in his current state has no control over rasp coming out versus his clean voice. For him it's a very thin line between the two and if his voice isn't strong enough you get that clean Mickey sound. But everyone laughed at me and said he's a professional singer, he knows what voice he's using. The truth is based on that performance that he had no idea if he could rasp it or sing clean. He was just trying to sing like he use to and you got a mixed voice

Better was cool when he started jumping on stage like he use to then he nails rasp in the second half.

I thought it was kinda insecure of Axl to hang around Duff a lot at the beginning of the show. The first couple songs he looked like he wanted to hide behind him. Duff seems to provide Axl with comfort on stage. It seems odd because he's a grown man, but I remember reading that Axl had extreme stage anxiety and it made him extremely nervous to go on in front of people. Maybe that's why we've seen so few live performances from him.

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This is all Team Brazil's fault we are in this situation.

Instead of letting him sit around all day on the couch eating potato chips (while they kiss his ass) they should be kicking his ass to get in a gym, get in shape, and then head to the vocal coach before coming home to have dinner and put in some studio time.

Edited by Naupis
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Proper published pro shot of Paradise....oh god.

Those dislikes....

EDIT: I just fucking pissed myself with laughter at Axl's first "HOOOOOOME" before the big end, and EVEN MORE at DJ's solo during the outro, he's just scratching his strings in a rhythm...fuck me that was hilariously bad,


The dislikes have probably been contributed by the YT alts of cupcakes here.

You keep telling yourself that. :lol:

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I'm watching it now. It's not bad. If you're still expecting Axl to sing like he did 4 years ago, you're going to be let down. Kinda cool seeing them perform in a small venue.\

If the only highlight you saw was the middle part of Better, you'd think it was their best performance since Ritz 88. He's still got it, he just won't use it for some reason.

Edited by JimMorrison4
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Just for the record, when Axl thanks Caram is cos he's the sound manager at live gigs, not cos his work on CD.

Caram, artistically, is more important to Axl than any of the band members. It's reassuring to know that he is still around.

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