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April 23rd, 2014 - Golden Gods - Los Angeles, CA - Axl receives "Ronnie James Dio Lifetime Achievement Award"

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I'll rag on the guy like any other, but after watching the entire show, I really think axls having some serious shit going on with his throat and/or vocal chords. And I think we're witnessing the end of possibly his singing career, which is kinda sad to me. Honestly I saw wincing during certain parts of songs, a couple of times during this I love n Wttj were hard to ignore. Damn dude this sucks hope everything's alright. I think that's why he skipped during this I love. He knew where the TelePrompTer was

I don't think Axl's voice is getting any worse.... If it was, I'm sure he wouldn't be doing all the nonstop touring he's done for the last 4 years.

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Axl was proud of the honour you can see it. Some of us liked some things, or not but one thing is for sure his performance last night doesn't define his life. I like to take a minute and think about why I am a fan, why I come here everyday. When I think about It I see 2 things, one is he was proud of this award and so am I. Second thing is he is obviously having trouble on stage, He knows that, I don't think he needs everyone to bash him because of it. Imagine him reading some of the Shit thrown today, you could say well it's his fault, sure it is, however no one can deny what got him here. It is understandable you may not have liked the gig but to deny him of a moment that should be great news for us as fans is low in my book. If we didn't like the performance that's cool. They took a chance, maybe it worked maybe it didn't but listen to cage again, the award was well deserved.

Ramble on I guess

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well,i think Axl really had potential.

it's just sad.

and with Kurt Cobain,yeah,he killed himself,but that should not define him.

at least Axl wouldn't do that.

but he needs to say IM SORRY.

to Slash.

that's what would mean something to me.

no fucking lawyers.

a fucking old skool phone call or in person.

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watching the performance of jungle is the most bizarre vocals ive seen. He hits a line with the right tone, and the very next line its mickey..and back and forth and back and forth...dont know if there is another example quite like this of this over the past two years. Ive played live and recored tracks for vox and at times when i couldn't hear myself i was a mess. Dont think that is the real issue here with axl but ive spent alot of time studying vocals and preparing and this has me completely puzzled. its like he just cant find where he is suppose to be.

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well,i think Axl really had potential.

it's just sad.

and with Kurt Cobain,yeah,he killed himself,but that should not define him.

at least Axl wouldn't do that.

but he needs to say IM SORRY.

to Slash.

that's what would mean something to me.

no fucking lawyers.

a fucking old skool phone call or in person.

Courtney killed him

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so how was y'all's day after staying up late for the broadcast? (@magisme @Black Sabbath @DJAshba)

i got about three hours sleep and had to work an eight hour shift. for whatever miraculous reason i never crashed. i'm about to hit the gym before the inevitable crash consumes me and i pass out.

all in all, not as bad as when i stayed up all night for the Hammerstein shows or Rio 4!

Rock n' Roll! :wow:

You forgot me :max:

I actually felt pretty good for staying up all night, but I had some of the bitchiest fucking customers I've ever had. I had one guy who wouldn't let me ring him up because I'd just blown my nose and he was a germaphobe that didn't believe me when I told him it was just allergies. He made me get a coworker to come up and cash him out :lol:

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I feel so sorry for Axl. Here he wanted to do something special so instead of playing one song or 3 he played a bunch. You can clearly hear the rasp is completely shot. 2001 / 2002 style but more gone. The good news is he got it back before, the bad news is that was a period of 1993-2006. Here we are and he last had it good in 2010. So how many years will it take to heal?

The good news is Axl was in good spirits and seemed to actually enjoy himself immensely. The bad news is, his voice is fucked.

But even worst, what the hell DJ. Stop playing once you know you are fucking up the most popular song in GNR. Axl should fire DJ for that. Not to mention ALL the Botched solos and lead. He didn't even do the SCOM main riff fill after the fucked up intro. Did you see Frank laugh like. we are seriously doing this. He should be fired for that.

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