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June 4, Las Vegas, NV - No Trickery! *PROSTITUTE and YESTERDAYS played!*


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My goodness, Prostitute sounded fantastic.

I'd put YCBM and Sweet Child towards the end of the show.

Is there a video of Tommy singing The Stones?

I hope someone got a video of it. He only did the first verse and chorus, but it was really cool. Wouldn't mind at all if it developed into the full song over the next few gigs.
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I will be honest. I was so excited after I saw Prostitute played, I could barley sleep... I am seeing the final two shows of the residency this weekend...

Prostitute is by far my favorite song of all time by GNR. It was emotional to watch the video, and if they play it on the weekend I will be the guy crying being made fun of by his wife... :lol::headbang:

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That was good. I can see them playing that again.

Just reading that doc died less than a day before the band played the song. That's either a really good that the band pulled it off so quick or its a big coincidence and had been rehearsed for a while.

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That was good. I can see them playing that again.Just reading that doc died less than a day before the band played the song. That's either a really good that the band pulled it off so quick or its a big coincidence and had been rehearsed for a while.

I don't think it was rehearsed, Axl said a couple times "we kinda fucked that up!" during the song. It felt very off-the-cuff.
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Great to hear Axl was in a good mood. :lol:

he was pissed off earlier in the set if it makes you feel any better :lol:

What pissed him off

Someone threw something during like Brownstone. Afterwards he said the usual "you wanna throw shit, we'll just go home right now" thing.
It seems when Axl gets a little mad his tendency is to win over the crowd by performing better or in this case playing rare tracks.

Probably just me making up stuff. I'm sure they had this planned prior to the show. I don't think Axl would just tell the guys.."hey let's try Prostitute" or maybe he did who knows.

Nope, that's exactly what happened. There was a pause between songs and he was going like "Let's see..." then said "We're gonna try something we haven't done in awhile."

Fairly positive it was not pre-planned. Yesterdays maybe, but not Prostitute.

How do you know?

Because I was there and saw it happen? Lol With the way it went down, the chances of Prostitute being pre-planned are very unlikely.

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Boring. Seeker-esque. There are plenty of GNR songs to choose from, Axl. :)

It was a tribute to the guy who died.

Boring. Seeker-esque. There are plenty of GNR songs to choose from, Axl. :)

They did it as a tribute to Doc Neeson who died on Tuesday. I see no problem with that. And I honestly really enjoyed it.

I'm a bad person. :(

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