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The love/sex/relationship thread


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2 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

yeah if you make a move on her and she maces you that might be a clue! :lol:

I used to know this bird Veronica who used to mace people for a laugh when she was drunk :lol:  It was hilairious, a group of us would be driving somewhere and she'd go 'stop the car, stop the car!' like something urgent had happened, jumped out, mace someone and then jump back in goin' 'drive, drive, drive!' :lol:  After the third time she did it we learned not to stop the car.

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Just now, Len Cnut said:

I used to know this bird Veronica who used to mace people for a laugh when she was drunk :lol:  It was hilairious, a group of us would be driving somewhere and she'd go 'stop the car, stop the car!' like something urgent had happened, jumped out, mace someone and then jump back in goin' 'drive, drive, drive!' :lol:  After the third time she did it we learned not to stop the car.

my secret wish is to taze someone! i love watching Cops, the ones where they taze people are awesome!

did she/you guys ever get caught? :P

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Just now, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

my secret wish is to taze someone! i love watching Cops, the ones where they taze people are awesome!

did she/you guys ever get caught? :P

Never, no :lol:  Annoyed me though because like, it's a really small town and you bump into the same faces often, i always worried i was gonna be on my own one day and someone was gonna recognise me from the car and kick my head in.  Cuz they don't know you weren't in on it eh, they just see you as one of the nobheads in the car.  

She's got 3 kids now, i see her outside school picking em and it's like woooooowww, there's the last person on earth I'd expect to end up a responsible parent...but she is.  She got married to this quite well to do guy, runs a building company and all her kids are quite posh, get violin lessons and all that and it makes me think like, i wonder if they (or her husband for that matter) know that me and their Mum used to go tearing around town getting up to all sorts of shenanigans back in the day.  She would do the stupidest things just to annoy people.

 To give you an example right, one day it's morning and we've met up to hang out for the day, we go to McDonalds and she's like i'll buy you breakfast, so I'm like sweet...so we go to McDonalds, she orders and when it comes time to pay she brings out like 7 pounds but all in pennies wrapped up in a little plastic carrier bag thing, dumps them all on the counter and starts counting em out really slow, sliding each penny one by one...n I'm like what the fuck is she doing?!?  The guy at the counters like OK well I'll serve the ones behind you and shes like no no, i was here first!!  I was like look i got the money, I'll pay and she pushes me back goin' no no, whats wrong with my money, it's the queens currency isn't it?!?  So she keeps on counting...loadsa people just went and got in the other queues but not everyone was having it and this one lady goes excuse me can you let us get served please?  And shes like no i fuckin' can't you impatient cow, wait your turn!  And this big argument starts between her and this girl and it becomes this big kick off, her man gets involved so i get involved and it's just this big hullabaloo and the manager turns up and he's like 'i'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave' and the girls are raging by now, i remember this big fucker in a rent-a-cop outfit dragging her out, i didn't know McDonalds even had security, while shes screaming at the other girl 'who done your eyebrows, who done your eyebrows you fuckin' ugly slag!  I know where you live!' :lol:  As if she's some fuckin' gangster whoose gonna go lookin' for her, so we get chucked out and we're walkin' off and I'm goin' 'why the fuckin' hell did you do that, what was all that about, why'd you bring all those pennies for, i could've paid for it...and she pulls out her purse, opens in and theres like at least 80 quid in there and she goes so could i, haha :lol:

I mean think about that for a second, that means that at some point the night before or that morning she dreamt up that completely ridiculous and pointless prank just to fuckin' get everybody at it and cause a scene...and for what? :lol:  Thats some fuckin' commitment to pranksterism!

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hahaha OMG you have me rolling! she sounds like someone i'd have loved to hung out with in the day! my bff used to be almost certifiable like once she comes and gets me around 11 at night and shows me this knife, like a cheap serrated bread knife and says we're going to slash my boyfriend's tires! so we go there and i am about to freak out and then i said you know what? if we take the things off where you put air in the tires they will deflate so she agrees! and this was just one of the boyfriends she had at the time! she always had a main boyfriend but cheated with a few on the side but if she even suspected her main bf or the secondary ones of cheating all hell would break loose :lol:

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6 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

hahaha OMG you have me rolling! she sounds like someone i'd have loved to hung out with in the day! my bff used to be almost certifiable like once she comes and gets me around 11 at night and shows me this knife, like a cheap serrated bread knife and says we're going to slash my boyfriend's tires! so we go there and i am about to freak out and then i said you know what? if we take the things off where you put air in the tires they will deflate so she agrees! and this was just one of the boyfriends she had at the time! she always had a main boyfriend but cheated with a few on the side but if she even suspected her main bf or the secondary ones of cheating all hell would break loose :lol:

Sensible people always keep a spare handy, first thing they teach you at scouts :lol:

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On ‎2016‎-‎11‎-‎10 at 4:25 PM, john lennon said:

hi how do i convince myself i don't own other people that is how the fuck do i stop worrying about some dude i fuck fucking other people when i'm not around thanks

Well listen, it's not possessiveness to not like the fact that someone who is sleeping with you is also sleeping with someone else..that is called pride and having a sense of self-worth, so what you are feeling is not wrong. You do need to bring this whole situation up with him though..because once you know where he stands, then you can make the informed decision on whether you will continue or not. If he is I don't recommend trying to convince yourself you are ok with any scraps he throws your way, bc that road just leads to hurt. The next time yous are just sittiing around, just get it out in the open:

You: So, like dude, are you seeing other people?

Dude: Ya.

You: Well I don't know if I'm cool with that. I'd rather it just be you and I.  (and then see what he says)

OR it goes like

Dude: No, I;m not

You: Ok cool, me neither..so does this mean we're a couple or something?  (and then see what he says).

(Btw, that convo is me trying to sound like I'm in my 20's..don't know if I pulled it off :lol:)


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2 hours ago, Whiskey Rose said:

Well listen, it's not possessiveness to not like the fact that someone who is sleeping with you is also sleeping with someone else..that is called pride and having a sense of self-worth, so what you are feeling is not wrong. You do need to bring this whole situation up with him though..because once you know where he stands, then you can make the informed decision on whether you will continue or not. If he is I don't recommend trying to convince yourself you are ok with any scraps he throws your way, bc that road just leads to hurt. The next time yous are just sittiing around, just get it out in the open:

You: So, like dude, are you seeing other people?

Dude: Ya.

You: Well I don't know if I'm cool with that. I'd rather it just be you and I.  (and then see what he says)

OR it goes like

Dude: No, I;m not

You: Ok cool, me neither..so does this mean we're a couple or something?  (and then see what he says).

(Btw, that convo is me trying to sound like I'm in my 20's..don't know if I pulled it off :lol:)


Totally didn't pull it off, but neither would I, and I am in my 20s. Or, I'm 20. That is your 20s, right? 

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34 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

Her: Yo bae, are you an ass wrangler?

Dude: Affirmative. *boop beep bop*

Her: That makes me jelly, fam.


Dude: Negative. *beep boooop*

Her: Word. We legit then?

I feel like this is more realistic, also he's a social media robot.

LOL ok then. Geez, I'm so out of touch :lol:

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43 minutes ago, Chris1989 said:

Hoping my girlfriend will give the go ahead that she's ready to get engaged soon. I'm pretty much there, we're discussing it all the time. Shouldn't be long.

D'aww! As I've gotten older, I get all dreamy-eyed about getting engaged and weddings. Go for it! She can only say no… :wub:

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The deal is that she doesn't expect me to ask, and doesn't want me to ask until she decides she will say yes. Therefore I just have to sit tight and wait until I get the "I feel ready now" go ahead, then I will just go for it whenever I feel the time is right.

Ideally she will be ready by the end of the year or early next year.

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1 hour ago, Oldest Goat said:

Her: Yo bae, are you an ass wrangler?

Dude: Affirmative. *boop beep bop*

Her: That makes me jelly, fam.


Dude: Negative. *beep boooop*

Her: Word. We legit then?

I feel like this is more realistic, also he's a social media robot.

can you please translate this?? :P

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28 minutes ago, Gracii Guns said:
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Tonight the husband and I would be trying for a baby. But instead I'm moderating the forum for the Brazil gig. :popcorn:

Only click above if you don't mind me oversharing.

How many posts can you miss in 30 seconds? :P:lol:

Just be happy you have broadband. I could've fertilised half of Teesside in the time it took a page to load in the days of dial-up. :lol:

Edited by Dazey
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