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Wrestling Thread Vol. 3


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Assuming Reigns gets the belt this weekend (which I'm not convinced he will), he'll hold it for a while, but there's no way he drops it to Rollins who'll return as a face, so somebody has to get it before that. Seems a bit weak to drop it through cash in for Seth to pick it back up. I'd imagine he's your 2017 Royal Rumble winner though. The saving grace of Reigns winning the title is that it opens up this year's Royal Rumble, which is a good thing.

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I'm very not-excited about Survivor Series. And I'm sort of afraid they'll just fuck everything up royally.

I'm on the fence.

Also looks like there's been an ISIS threat to the arena hosting survivor series for tomorrow night. This shit is getting crazy.

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Online activist collective claims WWE Survivor Series targeted for ISIS terrorist attack, FBI officials comment
2015-11-21 11:56:01

Anonymous claimed Saturday that the WWE Survivor Series event in Atlanta, Georgia is among the worldwide targets for ISIS terrorist attacks on Sunday. International Business Times published the following list of additional potential targets listed by Anonymous, whom they list as a "loose collective of online activists."

-Cigales Electroniques with Vocodecks, RE-Play & Rawtor at Le Bizen (Paris)

-Concrete Invites Drumcode: Adam Beyer, Alan Fitzpatrick, Joel Mull at Concrete (Paris)

-Demonstration by Collectif du Droit des Femmes (Paris)

-Feast of Christ the King celebrations (Rome/Worldwide)

-Al-Jihad, One Day One Juz (Indonesia)

-Five Finger Death Punch (Milan)

-University Pastoral Day (Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon)

The Anonymous collective who reported the news included the following statement: "The goal is to make sure the whole world, or at least the people going to these events, know that there have been threats and that there is possibility of an attack to happen. Another goal is to make sure Daesh knows that the world knows and cancels the attacks, which will disorientate them for a while."

Source: http://prowrestling.net/article.php?Online-activist-collective-claims-WWE-Survivor-Series-targeted-for-ISIS-terrorist-attack-FBI-officials-comment-44894

Edited by AtariLegend
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Never liked Sheamus. Bummer.

Then again, they were desperate on how to book a cash-in for him anyway. And it'll help Reigns overcome more adversity and gain more support as a face when (not if) he does beat Sheamus. Hell, I kind of want him to be champ now. And they didn't turn Ambrose, which I'm glad about. I like him as a face. I do still think they'll have him turn on Reigns later on though.

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Well that was a fucking dreadful PPV.

Yeah, but we knew that in advance didn't we? The "Survivor Series" PPV had one actual Survivor Series match and WWE couldn't even be bothered to build it or announce the competitors. That's a fucking joke and just plain lazy. Tells you a lot about the WWE right now.

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Last night was Sheamus' first televised win since October 5th :lol:

Well that was a fucking dreadful PPV.

Yeah, but we knew that in advance didn't we? The "Survivor Series" PPV had one actual Survivor Series match and WWE couldn't even be bothered to build it or announce the competitors. That's a fucking joke and just plain lazy. Tells you a lot about the WWE right now.

In one sense, sure. It was horribly built, and in the few cases there was any story, it was horribly executed. Even if we put that to one side, in terms of actual match quality, it was dreadful. Now I know story plays a big part in that, but even still, fuck me. The best match of the night was probably Ambrose vs Owens, and even that was the most Raw match on a standardly boring Raw. Ziggler vs Breeze was probably second and that was such a throwaway of something I don't care about in the slightest. I mean really just awful stuff. And now there's only a three week build to TLC.

Cesaro's confirmed to be out for six months now as well, they're fucked. I thought they were booking themselves into a corner last year but this takes the piss. They've been slaughtered with injuries, and made absolutely zero adaption as a result. That said, I could quite happily watch Reigns suffer through every single cash-in for the next five years.

Like them or not, the roster is looking ridiculous weak with Cena, Orton, Bryan, Rusev, Cesaro, and Rollins. Their most over face is Ambrose who has been nothing but Roman's bitch boy for the last six months, followed by Ziggler, or fuckin' Ryback. Reigns is getting piss poor reactions, and their two most over heels are getting face reactions in the form of Lesnar and New Day. I thought last year's Wrestlemania looked bad on paper... This is going to need some serious magic.

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Rumours that sheamus expected to hold title till Rumble. 2.0 rating inevitable.

Who needs reports? Isn't it obvious? Seamus will hold it until the Rumble, drop it to Reigns, and then Reigns will carry the strap at least until Mania.

Only question in my mind is who he fights from there. Honestly, I put my money on Hunter vs. Reigns at Mania and until Rollins comes back. Hunter takes the strap from Reigns, then feuds with Rollins when he's healthy. That's probably how Id do it.

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