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Wrestling Thread Vol. 3


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Anyone else watching Beast in the East?

It was much as expected, a house show with a special Lesnar appearance in which he dismantles some African Americans. Balor/Owens and Neville/Jericho are also enjoyable, it's cool seeing them try different styles and so on. I think they should record more house shows for the network, it's just something a bit different that isn't forcing storylines.
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Mil Muertes is awesome, that is all

Most of that crew is delivering big time on LU.

NJPW is top level stuff these days too


Even though this stuff is more readily available these days,I can't get most WWE marks to step outside of the bubble. Or they say dumb stuff like "If these guys were so good,they'd be in WWE" The Bullet Club angle is great and the t-shirts are everywhere. I guess for us Indy fans,it's cool when you have Steen and Prince Devitt doing so well now in WWE. They deserve it.

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Mil Muertes is awesome, that is all

Most of that crew is delivering big time on LU.

NJPW is top level stuff these days too


Even though this stuff is more readily available these days,I can't get most WWE marks to step outside of the bubble. Or they say dumb stuff like "If these guys were so good,they'd be in WWE" The Bullet Club angle is great and the t-shirts are everywhere. I guess for us Indy fans,it's cool when you have Steen and Prince Devitt doing so well now in WWE. They deserve it.

Aries is going back to ROH, I wonder if he will end up in NXT too?

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Another great Cena/Cesaro match on Raw. As is, ****. If not for Cena's kickouts being so shit, it'd probably be a ****1/2.

Cena's been on fire this year (particularly the US run), great match after great match. Granted, he's probably got complete choice in who he faces, but you'd have to say that the majority of the best ten matches this year so far have involved him in some capacity. You're right about his kickouts though, they do my tits in. Regardless of what's happened, he starts kicking out at 2, and even more criminal he kicks out with the wrong shoulder. Everytime. Surely it can't be that hard to get kickouts right? He must be doing it deliberately, gott'a look strong. His ridiculous calling of matches is silly too, but it seems to be working for him so I'll let it slide.

Best kickout of the year has got to be Lesnar after the two spears at Wrestlemania, that was so perfect. Kurt Angle has outstanding kickouts too.

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Can always count on Chicago for a few Punk chants.

Even though this stuff is more readily available these days,I can't get most WWE marks to step outside of the bubble. Or they say dumb stuff like "If these guys were so good,they'd be in WWE" The Bullet Club angle is great and the t-shirts are everywhere. I guess for us Indy fans,it's cool when you have Steen and Prince Devitt doing so well now in WWE. They deserve it.

Yeah you can point to a good number of names in the big time who all have cut their teeth in ROH or NJPW.

Edited by moreblack
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There's apparently an AAA show at the Albert hall tomorrow night, with the likes of Fenix, Pentagon Jr (who is awesome by the way) and El Hijo del Fantasma on the card. Gutted I didnt find out about this sooner as I now am not able to go :(

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Saw a live event last Saturday night. It was alright. Only big star matches were Ryback vs miz vs big show, Wyatt vs reigns, and ambrose vs Rollins. Kinda cool to see it live again after so many years, but they aimed way too much of the live show at kids I found. Ah well.

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Major Battleground rumor/spoiler:

Taker is going to cost Lesnar the title match, setting up a rematch at Summerslam.
Stuff I've been reading has been saying the opposite; Lesnar's a face right now and really needs to win a match, so have Taker somehow cost Rollins the strap, then Taker/Rollins for summerslam

Either way, the important part is the same.

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Major Battleground rumor/spoiler:

Taker is going to cost Lesnar the title match, setting up a rematch at Summerslam.
Stuff I've been reading has been saying the opposite; Lesnar's a face right now and really needs to win a match, so have Taker somehow cost Rollins the strap, then Taker/Rollins for summerslam

Either way, the important part is the same.

Taker/Rollins I could get behind easily. I'm sure Rollins could drag another 4 star match out of the guy too. Fuck, I could even get behind Taker going over and having one last title run. Just hope it doesn't end with a shit Sting match at 32. :lol:

Taker/Lesnar rematch doesn't make sense to me, as it wouldn't really help anyone. Lesnar doesn't need to decimate Taker again, he's already done it once on a grander stage with infinitely higher stakes. Taker getting his win back would just make Lesnar look like a goof.

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Major Battleground rumor/spoiler:

Taker is going to cost Lesnar the title match, setting up a rematch at Summerslam.
Stuff I've been reading has been saying the opposite; Lesnar's a face right now and really needs to win a match, so have Taker somehow cost Rollins the strap, then Taker/Rollins for summerslam

Either way, the important part is the same.

Taker/Rollins I could get behind easily. I'm sure Rollins could drag another 4 star match out of the guy too. Fuck, I could even get behind Taker going over and having one last title run. Just hope it doesn't end with a shit Sting match at 32. :lol:

Taker/Lesnar rematch doesn't make sense to me, as it wouldn't really help anyone. Lesnar doesn't need to decimate Taker again, he's already done it once on a grander stage with infinitely higher stakes. Taker getting his win back would just make Lesnar look like a goof.

Is this serious? If so, makes sense that Heyman pointed it out for the first time in a while on Raw. You've got to genuinely expect (for the first time) that the upcoming Wrestlemania is his last, so it makes sense for him to work a couple of matches leading up to it before his last one. Probably have a brawl or two with Kane too, though if he is indeed feuding with Rollins, you can have the Kane history for either side, and a mask in there too, without needing the two of them to actually have a match.
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I just don't want Taker vs Sting. Given how fucking awful Sting was in the HHH match the last thing I want is for Taker's final match to be as shit as that one. Only good thing about it was Hogan vs X-Pac.
Unlucky son, apparently they're both confirmed to be at Summerslam.
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I just don't want Taker vs Sting. Given how fucking awful Sting was in the HHH match the last thing I want is for Taker's final match to be as shit as that one. Only good thing about it was Hogan vs X-Pac.
Unlucky son, apparently they're both confirmed to be at Summerslam.
doesn't mean they're wrestling each other necessarily
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I just don't want Taker vs Sting. Given how fucking awful Sting was in the HHH match the last thing I want is for Taker's final match to be as shit as that one. Only good thing about it was Hogan vs X-Pac.
Unlucky son, apparently they're both confirmed to be at Summerslam.

doesn't mean they're wrestling each other necessarily
Taker interferes with Lesner/Rollins, Sting interferes with Taker/Rollins?
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