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Izzy Out.....

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41 minutes ago, bigpoop said:

Nothing against Duff but it's really kind of amazing the way his status has been elevated to one of the Big Three. The idea that he is essential and Izzy is not...it just doesn't make a lot of sense..

Agree 100%.. I love Duff but Izzy is far more important. Which I could have them both but if I had to choose one it would be Izzy every day...

34 minutes ago, KinseyHolley said:

It really doesnt. That band had two crucial songwriters and neither were Duff or Slash.

Songwriter or not, Slash's guitars have a huge impact on those songs though.

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37 minutes ago, Harry Sunrise said:

check out 4:07 and the next couple of seconds. And now their fighting and Izzy`s not involved? Sooo sad.

I wish people would stop pulling stuff out of the air. No one has said they're fighting. Just that Izzy's not involved. We don't know why.

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4 minutes ago, Ulnar said:

I wish people would stop pulling stuff out of the air. No one has said they're fighting. Just that Izzy's not involved. We don't know why.

Agreed. Fighting is an insane overstatement. I'm sure they haven't NOT asked him, but I'm sure it was definitely Izzy's decision to turn it down and not something out of spite that he's not involved. Izzy is friends with all of them, and particularly Axl, all this time and chooses the semi-reunion to FINALLY start fighting with them? Please!

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1 minute ago, gunsfanoldie said:

Agreed. Fighting is an insane overstatement. I'm sure they haven't NOT asked him, but I'm sure it was definitely Izzy's decision to turn it down and not something out of spite that he's not involved. Izzy is friends with all of them, and particularly Axl, all this time and chooses the semi-reunion to FINALLY start fighting with them? Please!

Did you watch the video he posted and do you know the words to that song?

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You guys all have good points.  However this is GnR they are just a rock band, an aging former great band,  5 guys.  Ok so maybe 8 guys now or 11 or whoever knows how many will be involved.   The point is they don't need to be best friends to make it all work, I doubt they ever we're to begin with. They just need to go on stage together.   With that being said to really recapture what they were there has to be some kind of familiarity with each other. That's what made it great in the first place.    Does anybody here think these guys have every even been in the same room together to try to work this out in the last 6 months.  If your managing this thing and your serious about it wouldn't you try to get everyone together for dinner or coffee or anything for that matter and  sit down and discuss what the plan is and at least give everyone a chance.   If you said ok we are all meeting in the studio on Friday to talk without lawyers or any bs and try to work something out.  What is stopping that from happening? Is anyone really suggesting that wouldn't happen because of Izzy?  Really?  He showed up in Europe and other gigs to basically be a 3rd or 4th guitarist for couple songs with no fanfare.  Now people are suggesting he doesn't like touring so he won't be bothered to drive an hour to Palm Springs for the biggest show of his life in over 25 years.  Give me a break.  Let go of the egos.  Hire some people to watch Adlers every move like a hawk and bring him out for 4 or 5 songs. Go kick ass one last time.  If it happens Axl could walk away from this a hero in everyone's eyes and a lot of his past antics will be forgiven and just make a better story in the history rock lore.  I love him as the bad guy but it's time to be the good guy for once.  They are so close and that's why it's soo frustrating.  I relize it's complicated but for history's sake they need to just do it. They are gunnna be shrivelled up old men in 10 years, this is the band and all of the fans last hurrah.  

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3 minutes ago, tsinindy said:

Sure it's speculation, but use your brain a bit bro

Seems to be a fairly straight forward message if you ask me, but I can see how others might say "JESUS! He just covered a song!" I mean, he only opened the twitter account to clarify that he's not playing Vegas right? Then for this to be posted not long after seems fairly directed to me.

Having said that, I do think the "THEY'RE FIGHTING!" talk is a bit much. Yeah, the Steel Panther guys said they're fighting, but my guess is they're just spreading hearsay. I would imagine anything that needed to be ironed out between Slash, Axl and Duff was probably done so with legal paperwork a while ago.

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16 minutes ago, HiredGun said:

You guys all have good points.  However this is GnR they are just a rock band, an aging former great band,  5 guys.  Ok so maybe 8 guys now or 11 or whoever knows how many will be involved.   The point is they don't need to be best friends to make it all work, I doubt they ever we're to begin with. They just need to go on stage together.   With that being said to really recapture what they were there has to be some kind of familiarity with each other. That's what made it great in the first place.    Does anybody here think these guys have every even been in the same room together to try to work this out in the last 6 months.  If your managing this thing and your serious about it wouldn't you try to get everyone together for dinner or coffee or anything for that matter and  sit down and discuss what the plan is and at least give everyone a chance.   If you said ok we are all meeting in the studio on Friday to talk without lawyers or any bs and try to work something out.  What is stopping that from happening? Is anyone really suggesting that wouldn't happen because of Izzy?  Really?  He showed up in Europe and other gigs to basically be a 3rd or 4th guitarist for couple songs with no fanfare.  Now people are suggesting he doesn't like touring so he won't be bothered to drive an hour to Palm Springs for the biggest show of his life in over 25 years.  Give me a break.  Let go of the egos.  Hire some people to watch Adlers every move like a hawk and bring him out for 4 or 5 songs. Go kick ass one last time.  If it happens Axl could walk away from this a hero in everyone's eyes and a lot of his past antics will be forgiven and just make a better story in the history rock lore.  I love him as the bad guy but it's time to be the good guy for once.  They are so close and that's why it's soo frustrating.  I relize it's complicated but for history's sake they need to just do it. They are gunnna be shrivelled up old men in 10 years, this is the band and all of the fans last hurrah.  



If only shit was ever that simple when it comes to Guns N Roses though. Unforunately everything is more complicated than it needs to be with GNR. Now with everyone having their own representation, established careers outside of GNR it adds to the level of complexity. They were a volatile bunch 30 years ago, and seems like that hasnt changed much. All we can hope is that things arent as bad as we think they are, and that things eventually work themselves out

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On 3/1/2016 at 4:58 PM, Kill_YourIdols said:

Yeah my brain says it's ridiculous to jump to conclusions and pass speculation and opinions as fact when we don't have any idea what's been going on behind the scenes.

I used this right after I saw the video Izzy posted:


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I think Duff was more important than some people give him credit for after reading some of these messages. Sure he probably wasn't the most important person in the songwriting process, but I think he was the musical director/conductor in that band. He was the guy with the most band experience and who played all the instruments, drums, guitar and bass. At least kinda. I think he put more songs together than people think, even if the original song concept didn't come from his hand.

Like in his book, he talks about how he and Slash put so many songs together when they were together in Chicago waiting for the other guys to show up, while Izzy and Axl weren't even there. But evidently he never got any credit for that if you read the booklet.

Edited by EvanG
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So Axl Izzy Slash > Axl Slash Duff? 


I dont care just give me Axl Slash, everything else is a bonus. Unless they write new music, but as of now Axl and Slash are enough. But like I said if we get another GNR album then I'd like the original 5 to write it to see if there is anything left in their creative tanks 

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11 minutes ago, Babooshka said:

Credits are often more about band politics, rather than the value of who did what. Duff is very underrated imo.

Yeah, Duff said in an interview once that they were fighting over song credits at the time of UYI so he told them to leave his name out of it because it wasn't worth the fight. I can't know if that's true, but I think he helped shape more songs than people think. Like that bass intro in Pretty Tied Up, or the intro to YCBM... it's probably all Duff's but because it's based on Izzy's original song he doesn't get any credit. Same goes for Slash's solos in Estranged and November Rain, because it's written over Axl's piano chords he doesn't get any credit, but where would they be without Slash's solos? Maybe still good, but definitely less epic!

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Izzy has said that without Steven it's not the same band. So to him maybe if he will be involved in this hybrid line up with Frank, Fortus, Pitman, then why wasn't he in New Guns? I feel like he does just prefer what he's doing. To the big rock star thing. He might do it if it was the original 5 in a cool way at clubs or something. 

Having said that he might just turn up at some point. Unless he feels like they aren't doing the right thing. 

To me it looks more like New Guns 3 - The Last Crusade. So I can see why he's not in. 

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1 hour ago, EvanG said:

I think Duff was more important than some people give him credit for after reading some of these messages. Sure he probably wasn't the most important person in the songwriting process, but I think he was the musical director/conductor in that band. He was the guy with the most band experience and who played all the instruments, drums, guitar and bass. At least kinda. I think he put more songs together than people think, even if the original song concept didn't come from his hand.

Like in his book, he talks about how he and Slash put so many songs together when they were together in Chicago waiting for the other guys to show up, while Izzy and Axl weren't even there. But evidently he never got any credit for that if you read the booklet.

Agreed. I think that Duff is way underrated and fully deserves to be considered one of the Big Three. And frankly in the AfD era he was a lot more interesting to watch onstage than Izzy, who basically planted his feet in one spot and looked down all night.



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7 hours ago, CheapJon said:

LOL. http://ultimateclassicrock.com/steven-adler-tour-postponed-rehab/

Adler has cancelled almost as many gigs as they've played and certainly more shows than Axl in the last 15 years. Steven Adler is the GNR definition of unreliable. 



There was also this incident, where he left his entire band stranded on another continent.


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There is no "Big Three", it's just a load of made up bollocks :lol: I can kinda understand the whole "Axl and Slash are the only 2 which the general public cares about" argument but this latest label makes no sense, and is just forum lies you see regurgitated from time to time in an effort to downplay Izzys significant role in founding the band and writing a load of the material.

If Izzy changes his mind will we call it the Big Four, or will it just be labelled the Big Three + Izzy? :bitchfight:

Edited by downliner
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If you remember from Slash's book, when the formed Velvet Revolver, Slash, Duff, & Matt were the driving force, but Izzy didn't want to commit.  There was no Axl or GnR machinery involved, it just wasn't his thing.  If Axl, Slash & Duff are serious about a world tour and really doing something with this, they need another guitar player that's totally into it. That's just not Izzy these days.

All that said, it's fine, and I expect Izzy to show up when he wants, and the rest of the guys to have him play any time he wants.  I don't think the other three should stop this reunion if Izzy doesn't want to do a full on tour.  We can still enjoy the live shows (I'll be at both Vegas shows),  and at the end of the day, it's just a band, a band who's songs play in my headphones almost every day, but still, just a band.  It's all gonna be fine.


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