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General Hospital and Other Soap Talk

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Bold was sooo funny yesterday. I swear Bill has some of the best lines like when he was talking about having to sleep with crazy Sheila and then how he was on a donut break. Too funny!

But getting married now, a fake marriage? I just hope he knows what he is getting into here.

I used to think Chase and Brook Lynn was a good match but not so much anymore, I did love Willow with Chase though. and I don't think the actress is leaving GH, so it is almost guaranteed she will get the bone marrow. They just have to stretch it out for dramatics sake.

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I agree Bill had some really funny lines. It's so good to see him and Ridge working together. I hope Brooke's dad doesn't blow it. I read that Sheila will figure out that Bill is playing her, but Ridge will ride to the rescue.  It'll be either Sheila gets away or goes to jail. I really hope she goes to jail. Maybe they will confront Deacon and see what he says. I wonder if Sheila gets caught if Deacon will too? Guess we'll see.

I know the whole Brooklynn Chase thing is getting played out. I knew once she told him she made a deal with the creepy manager, Chase would be pissed. I was so hoping Rena Sofer would come back as her mother Lois and fix things, but I haven't read anything about this happening. I know next week what is going on to Ephipheny will come out. I guess they will kill her off. It'll be very sad.

And even if Esme doesn't remember her past her true character is coming out. She has to go too since Ryan is dead and I'm sick of her. lol

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I saw the preview for next week's Bold. Shit is gonna fly cause the secret is out! Bill just blew it by pushing the marriage way too hard and saying too many times about Sheila opening up to him. Can't wait to see how this all plays out. But I'm sure Deacon's role in all this will be revealed but when Hope finds out that may be the end of their relationship because I don't know how you can explain that one!

and I read too that the tribute to Epiphany will be on March 29th I think? The whole episode is going to be dedicated to her or so I read. That is good. She will be missed.

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Yeah, right about Epiphany's dedication episode. It'll be sad since Sonya really died. I know GH will do her right. They usually do when it comes to losing an actor and their character. I wonder who will get her job? Liz?  I know Felix will be back too. I wish they would put him in a regular job. He is a good character and GH needs nurses. The Nurses's ball starts next Monday. I really wish they would get Victor out so Anna and Val and Lucy can come back. I know Gladys will continue to do stupid stuff and I hope Sasha finds out.

Yeah, Bill was pushing too hard.  It's not usual that a man like Bill wouldn't want a pre nup. I think Sheila's story might be ending soon. I hope so. Want her gone.

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18 minutes ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

All I'm going to say is BOLD was awesome today! 

GH was good and some shocks. Tomorrow they will honor Sonya (Epiphany).  GH does sad very well. 

Well if it is the preview that I saw last week but kept hush, then I can't wait to see the whole episode! Yas! 

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GH did Epiphany proud! It was a wonderful sweet tribute and I did cry when Monica read that letter over the phone to Elizabeth. Nice way to bring Monica into the episode. and nice to see all the other familiar faces too like Milo. 

and yeah, but of course Sheila magically gets up and drives off! :facepalm:

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Yeah, lovely for GH to have Monica even though it was over the phone. I don't think she can act anymore. Too old.

I was so happy that Deacon joined in the way to take down Sheila. Now if only everyone at Eric's would shut up and let Ridge and Bill explain how they took down Sheila.  Whatever happens to her, they better get her in jail forever. So sick and tired of her.

Have a good weekend. The heat has arrived in Texas and I think it's here to stay until November. Not a fan of the heat.

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Wow, did not think that Deacon was such a huge part of the undercover sting. He did a good job, had me fooled! But yeah if it got out how involved he was with Sheila, I don't think that Hope would forgive him.

As far as not loving heat, you are in the wrong state lady.  :P

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Tell me about it. I know but my dad's job was on the line so we had to move here. it's been 30 years and we're still not used to this heat. Thank goodness for central air.

Some one posted online about how Sheila falls from a window onto concrete and gets up and goes to Deacon, but then a heart attack takes her down. lol

We know that Finn being a doctor will probably save her. I don't care if she lives or dies, just get rid of her!

Today starts the GH Nurses' Ball. I think someone might get killed this week since now Victor knows where the safe house is thanks to Lucy. I love Lucy, but she's getting on my nerves now. Also, I have doubts about Wllow's bone marrow transplant. Maybe she will have to use Wylie's. He is Nelle's son and her nephew. Bet that would work. I want that story to end soon too. 

GH has to move on soon from these story lines now. And I want Sasha to find out about Gladys. That one has to go too. lol

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GH episode from yesterday aired today. The performances began. So talented.

I really hope Sheila is really going to jail, but I'm not convinced.  I know I was pissed at Finn but he is a doctor. Yeah, what's with Katie? Why can't Carter get a woman who really cares and loves him. Crazy. I did like how Taylor and Brooke told Ridge they are friends and taking care of themselves first. I'm still wondering if Ridge tells one of them he loves them, what will happen? lol

I really can't stand Victor anymore. He has to go. Holly (Emma Samms) comes back next week or maybe the week after now that we're back a day yet again. I also read that Nicholas is making an appearance at the Nurses's ball, not sure how or who? and I really hope that Gladys gets found out. I'm hating her all over again. lol

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Ok, I get why Liam went off but I am kind of with Hope because she is like you have to trust me....BUT then again she is starting to have subconscious feelings about Thomas now...so Idk, it is a sticky situation!

If Sheila goes to jail, you and I both know that it will only be for a hot minute,

and Nicholas at the ball? Can't wait to see that!

Unfortunately I was not able to watch GH last night because even by 9 pm, Hulu didn't have it! Grrrrr.

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I hate when channels don't have the soaps at a good time. The On Demand won't put GH on until 11:00. Luckily I can stay up, but I hate not being able to speed up the commercials. I'm glad Days moved to peacock. Never any interruptions and they show it multiple times.

Well, I bet Brooke breaks her word to Taylor about Ridge. This woman annoys the hell out of me.

And Victor is getting every damn thing he set out to get. I'm so sick of him. He has to go!

Enjoy your weekend. Today is the last cool day. Back in the 70's and then 80's. Hate it. lol

My brother might take a trip to Alaska in the fall to do some yoga conventions. Not sure, but I told him I talk to a great lady from Anchorage. I will let you know if it really happens. lol

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Yoga convention up here? Interesting! Has your brother ever been up here to Alaska before? We just got more snow....I swear this winter has been brutal, so over it!

and yeah Brooke is something else. "Oh Ridge, I can't, I made a pact with Taylor. Oh whoops, my sexy bathrobe slipped off!" Puh-lease!!!!

I don't think Victor is going anywhere soon, I wonder if he signed a contract. Hmmm.

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No none of us has ever been to Alaska. Not sure if this will happen. Sometimes people say stuff and it never happens. lol 

I know please. I think that Taylor and Brooke need to talk . I think if Brooke and Ridge still love each other they should be together. someone mentioned maybe Bill and Taylor. That might work. And they said Sheila was in jail? Really? I want to see it.

God! So many people on twitter hate Victor and want him gone. Now's he's kidnapping people and almost killed Anna.  Holly will be back next week. I hope she brings her son Ethan with her or maybe Luke? Who knows? 

The Nurses's Ball was too short this year. The whole Victor drama took away from it. Damn them.

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It is unreal how many people Victor has kidnapped! It is almost comedic at this point. I wonder if he even knows that Leisel was supposed to donate her bone marrow to Willow. I wonder what will happen now with her. and man oh man, Trina needs to be careful, I am scared for her!

and wow, when Hope yelled at Brooke the other day. Definitely taking it out on her mom since she feels guilty af for having thoughts about Thomas! It will get worse from here on out...


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Yeah, and Brooke left out that she did come down with a nightgown when she told Taylor she and Ridge had dinner. This isn't going to end well.  it was nice to see Zende again. lol

I know Sonny figured out that Victor left on a ship. I wonder how long it'll take them to realize it was the Haunted Star. I mean no one on the dock saw this ship just leave the harbor. What kind of security do they have there? 

I don't think Victor would care if he knew Willow needs Liesl's bone marrow. I still say Wylie will be a match for her. How long will it take them to realize this? i thought after Esme got hit on her heard her memory would come back. I bet the old Esme would find a way to get to the ship and get her baby back. lol I hope Trina and Liesl get together to fight Victor. I really can't stand him anymore.

Holly comes back on Monday since we missed one day due to Trump and if she'll be back with her son Ethan? or maybe Tracy. She's coming back too.

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1 minute ago, janrichmond said:

I gave up on Eastenders years ago, I only watch Emmerdale

Mm . Good move. Although I don't watch the other ...but what i do know is Eastenders have a huge turn over in writers , so it is never  a consistent solid script  like it used to be (80's/ 90s very early 00s )

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