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Appetite for Destruction Remastered General Thread

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9 minutes ago, Lio said:

Japan has the by far most. GNR logic, I assume.

Yeah, but shouldn't we have more in South-America then? They are arguably the biggest still in those two places (Japan & SA)


Its typical GNR logic - there is no logic :D 

6 minutes ago, vloors said:

I have a hunch that billboards are appearing in cities they plan to have upcoming tours in and a further tour announcement is imminent. 

The album re-release will come too but along side a further tour.

Nah, they still have shows coming up in most European countries, and they arent all sold out. So doesnt make sense to add more. And they'll never play 5 shows in Holland, and 30+ in Japan or so.

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10 minutes ago, LovelessNL said:

Yeah, but shouldn't we have more in South-America then? They are arguably the biggest still in those two places (Japan & SA)


Its typical GNR logic - there is no logic :D 

Nah, they still have shows coming up in most European countries, and they arent all sold out. So doesnt make sense to add more. And they'll never play 5 shows in Holland, and 30+ in Japan or so.

Wow that many in Japan. Well that thought is out the window. 

On another note its damn weird that the posters in Sydney were in the middle of nowhere in a area with no foot traffic and only junkies would go. It was close to a injection clinic and near public housing so no shops or foot traffic for normal everyday people to see.

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2 minutes ago, vloors said:

On another note its damn weird that the posters in Sydney were in the middle of nowhere in a area with no foot traffic and only junkies would go. It was close to a injection clinic and near public housing so no shops or foot traffic.

Fits AFD perfectly, right? :D

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I don't recall a band putting up billboards all around the World for the sake of re-release/box set. Even for the new album (unless supported by the tour). It's like "sales start at midnight" thing they did for UYI, vintage GnR drama. (Had they not parted ways post UYI tour we would have this shit on a regular basis.. :lol:)
One thing though - There are no words just pictures. They could easily add "New Box-Set coming.." banner at the corner of every poster, and avoid any ambiguity. They love the reunion (much more so than Steven). As long as it doesn't happen. It's like a mystery novel - when the murder is resolved the story is over.
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4 minutes ago, Colossus of Rhodes said:
I don't recall a band putting up billboards all around the World for the sake of re-release/box set. Even for the new album (unless supported by the tour). It's like "sales start at midnight" thing they did for UYI, vintage GnR drama. (Had they not parted ways post UYI tour we would have this shit on a regular basis.. :lol:)
One thing though - There are no words just pictures. They could easily add "New Box-Set coming.." banner at the corner of every poster, and avoid any ambiguity. They love the reunion (much more so than Steven). As long as it doesn't happen. It's like a mystery novel - when the murder is resolved the story is over.

My thoughts exactly. The posters are more than a boxset release for sure.

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1 hour ago, LovelessNL said:

One in my country is in Leiden, address is Nieuwe Rijn 46. Seems to be empty on Google Streetview. Maybe pop-up stores?

Ill get the addresses of the other ones.

The other one is Concerto in Amsterdam: Utrechtsestraat 52-60, a record store: https://concerto.amsterdam/

It's actually the location of the Velvet Leiden record store. Not the Plato. Vriendelijke groeten, een mede-Nederlander who lives close to Leiden.

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6 hours ago, ludurigan said:

i am not sure about anything but i certainly hope that 1) they didnt re-record anything and 2) if they were stupid enough to do it like they did before i truly expect them to state clearly on the liner notes that "this is a new recording done in 201X" instead of liveera-ing us again

"liveera-ing us" lol, well said!  Which I think they've done once with this track already on one of the b sides?  

I agree, but Im inclined to believe theres been at least some additional recording, unfortunately.  But hopefully Im wrong.

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6 hours ago, JustanUrchin said:





Quotes two and five:  One-fifth of all publishing of the #1 debut-selling album of all time?  Adler.  Laying down the party feel and groove to arguably the greatest hard rock album of all time?  Adler.  Taking pride in the music and the four other musicians who created and recorded it?  Adler.  The only one who says whatever the fuck he pleases and is still rn’r?  Adler.

Quick, but fun, legal facts to snuff out myth propagated in this thread by the few (I am NOT directing this at the three remaining quotes, merely answering their questions along the way) as users visit for news related to this viral marketing campaign imagined and launched by Universal:

LiveNation is the legal entity acting as promoter for the NITL tour.  Period.  No one’s personal “manager” is promoting the tour any more than you and I are by speaking or writing about it.  Universal is promoting the matter that it says will be divulged on Friday.

Slash maintains his own separate management and counsel apart from D/A.  Duff has his own separate management and counsel apart from S/A.  The singer is managed by his live-ins. The singer’s manager(s), thus, do not manage Slash or Duff.  Full stop.

The partnership formed by S/D/A can promote (or authorize third parties on its behalf, such as Universal) any and all endeavors using the imagery/artwork depicting the likeness of Adler and Izzy.  The S/D/A p’ship owns the back catalogue (AFD-UYI).  S/D/A control p’ship assets for licensing, synch and merch for all purposes, including promotional. 

Adler was unlawfully removed from the original p’ship, and thoroughly trounced S/D/A in legal proceedings, including for damages.  Izzy sold his equity share to S/D/A in ‘91.  A financially wise move—for the next quarter century.  Both Adler and Izzy maintain publishing royalties.

The singer owns the mark Guns n’ Roses.  He pirated it in a ’92 MOU to the p’ship agreement, and S/D failed to bring a colorable claim within Cali’s four-year statute of limitations.  Legal averments in pleadings (that were not denied by the singer’s counsel, and therefore deemed admitted) prove that the singer formed a new band on NYD ’96 and registered a new p’ship.  His new legal entity controlled the use of its assets after ’96, which translates to 15 songs, 14 of which landed on Wikipedia’s list of worst all-time albums.  The singer never controlled the back catalogue or original p’ship assets, though attempted to do so, and was met with litigation brought by Original Remaining Partners S/D, losing once again.  The S/D/A p’ship continued throughout with S/D in effect the majority.  This is why, e.g., the singer could not license songs or merchandize S/D/A logos and artwork.  To simplify, from NYD ’96 until 2016, there were two biz entities d/b/a Guns n’ Roses:  1. S/D/A and 2. Rose’s solo band (having legal use of the mark Guns n’ Roses—be it for a line of shorty-shorts, pianos or any other endeavor).

Each of these myths fester in stench on the pages in this thread.  One need not wonder long why a handful of users distract the rest with myth even when, in this case, it’s a release of some sort by Universal.  All that to get to this:  has the singer lost his mind?  He agreed with S/D to rerelease new-old music and potentially a few notes of new-new music?  Not in this lifetime.

Adler the past 25 years is a far cry from "pride" anyway it's a good thing he has his publishing locked in for this.

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2 hours ago, LovelessNL said:

One in my country is in Leiden, address is Nieuwe Rijn 46. Seems to be empty on Google Streetview. Maybe pop-up stores?

Ill get the addresses of the other ones.

The other one is Concerto in Amsterdam: Utrechtsestraat 52-60, a record store: https://concerto.amsterdam/

The one in Groningen is also the address of Plato / Concerto. Nicely spotted. 

So we can assume the map is highlighting retailers? 

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10 minutes ago, LovelessNL said:

Sure looks like it.

Not in Sydney. Its in a alley no where near shops.

45 minutes ago, Gavin82 said:

3 in Scotland now all this just for a CD box set & keyring lols lols

Yea narr its got to be more than that

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11 minutes ago, vloors said:

Not in Sydney. Its in a alley no where near shops.

Yea narr its got to be more than that

It doesn't seem to be the case here in Leeds, UK either. The posters below are under the arches at the bottom of town (credit to @Connorwith1C for the image). The other dot on the map appears to be close to the Brudenell Social Club, a small venue north of the city centre.


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The Camden one was close to a venue too. I was thinking maybe they just chose those spots just because target audience might come there? Ie concert goers or people buying cd's or records?

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