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Covid-19 Thread


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Numbers and hospitalizations up in Texas. 

Gov Abbott thinks he has a hold on it but he doesn't. He won't declare masks mandatory because he says some counties in Texas don't have any people with the virus. Maybe not yet, but if this keeps up they will pretty soon.

Camps are still open and I'm worried about my daughter when she goes to a day camp for July. I will talk to her and face time her everyday, but I'm still worried. I don't think Texas is ready for this.

IN the beginning they did well, but opened too quickly. They didn't wait for the curve to go down enough. 

I wish the Gov would listen when Dr. Fauci explains this virus and how if we don't get a handle on it, it'll cause more deaths. I don't get what it'll take for these politicians to listen.

If there are no businesses and people there won't be an economy.

Stay well out there.

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1 hour ago, soon said:

The ban is in regards to non essential travel. It applies to any mode of transportation.

so people drive across the border and fly in for essential reasons.

it has been discovered that Canadians can still fly in to US though, as you say. But not the reverse (only for essential reasons).


At this stage, I wouldn't let Americans come to any country at this point since the virus is spreading quickly agian.

I know Europe has banned Americans and even Hawaii has people stay inside for 14 days if you come to the island.

We should have closed our borders sooner and keep them closed until there's a vaccine, which according to Dr. Fauci won't be until 2021. He predicts many more deaths before then.

I'm so tired and scared of this virus. I just hope wearing a mask and staying inside really does help. I'm beginning to wonder at this stage of the game?

2 hours ago, Lio said:

Hm, yeah, and it's already in the headlines here. Stupid pigs with their diseases.

Well, I'm happy working from home for the past decade has turned me into a kind of recluse.

lol good for you. Yeah, it feels like a decade instead of a few months. I just wish more people would listen to Dr. Fauci because it does effect us all.

Stay well.

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9 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Livestock and other animals contains many viruses that might take the jump to humans. Finding one new one isn't really dramatic and wouldn't get any attention in the media if it hadn't happened in China right now. So relax.

I tell you this virus has opened my eyes to all the shit that's out there. lol It made me think more now about how I prepare food and how I look at everywhere I go and what and how I touch surfaces now.

I know even cats carry viruses, but I sitll love them so much. lol But when you're pregnant you can't go near their litter boxes.

My mom got bit by one of her cats years ago because he freaked out at the vet's office. Her hand swelled up and she needed a shot and antibiotics. it took over 2 weeks for her to get better. She also ran a fever too. Anyway, from then on if the cat had to go to the vet's office, they would wear these huge protective gloves and cover his head with a blanket and my mom wouldn't touch him until he calmed down at home. 

It's crazy how much shit is out there that can make us sick.

Stay well.

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1 hour ago, soon said:

The ban is in regards to non essential travel. It applies to any mode of transportation.

so people drive across the border and fly in for essential reasons.

You might want to tell that to my friend who flew from Toronto to NYC last week on personal, non-essential, business.

The real secrete is that people who have access to private jets aren't limited to any real travel ban.  A friend of mine works for a wealthy family and the father/parent has flown all over the place in his private jet (Europe, US, Canada).  

It's only the plebs who have restrictions put on them.  

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4 minutes ago, downzy said:

You might want to tell that to my friend who flew from Toronto to NYC last week on personal, non-essential, business.

Or indeed even to the US pleasure travellers who made it to Banff Alberta! That despite that Canada is not open, even by flight, to non essential travellers.

Fuck me, most of the time I'm not even allowed to cross the "border" into Quebec :lol:

People have reported being tipped off to the fly-in 'loop hole' by the same US border agents who are denying them entry at the land crossings. I actually did reference that in my full post,

1 hour ago, soon said:

The ban is in regards to non essential travel. It applies to any mode of transportation.

so people drive across the border and fly in for essential reasons.

it has been discovered that Canadians can still fly in to US though, as you say. But not the reverse (only for essential reasons).



6 minutes ago, downzy said:

The real secrete is that people who have access to private jets aren't limited to any real travel ban.  A friend of mine works for a wealthy family and the father/parent has flown all over the place in his private jet (Europe, US, Canada).  

It's only the plebs who have restrictions put on them. 

I fear this applies to pretty much everything. But yeah, this new normal could indeed usher in new echelon's of privilege(s). Gross.

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3 hours ago, Gavin82 said:

Top expert Dr Fauchi says USA could easy hit 100,000 cases a day the way it's going 

When Numbnuts said America First I'm not quite sure that this is what he had in mind.


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Numbers are still up in Texas. Haven't gone out so now sure about mask wearing.

I watched Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, today on the View.  He said the government needs to give all citizens those masks the surgeons wear since they are the best at keeping everyone safe and not spreading the virus. Otherwise, he's afraid the virus will keep spreading. I know he won't agree to opening up his team if this keeps up.

I read that alot of Nets basketball players tested positive to the virus and they are supposed to go to Orlando for practice. How the hell can they do this?

Mark also said he's voting for Biden. lol I know Mark has been paying the employees who work for the AT&T stadium since everything has closed. I commend him for that.

Whoopie said he should run for President. lol 

It's not an easy job, but Mark does have a lot of money. 

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12 hours ago, Gavin82 said:

Top expert Dr Fauchi says USA could easy hit 100,000 cases a day the way it's going 

EU borders re open from today there is a list too look up also 1Greece has stopped UK flights for another 2wks 

Dr. Fauci is the only doctor I believe. He doesn't sugar coat anything and he does try to give you the bad news as nice as possible. I don't know why some people still don't listen to him?

He admits when he has no idea how this virus works and why it does what it does. It's scary but I respect him for admitting when he doesn't have a clue. This is anew virus and since it seems to change from day to day, at least he tells you what you can do to try to slow it down.

He said might get a vaccine by January? Will it work? Who will get it? Will your doctor take a chance on giving you the shot? My doctor won't even do the corona virus testing, so who knows?

By fall it'll be flu season and we'll need a shot for that. Texas is still in the first round of this virus, by fall, if we get a fall, not usually, we might not be able to leave our homes at all.

School starts in August, Teachers are scared and no one in government seems to care. Do I send my kid or not? I'm sorry she may fall very behind in her studies, but will she get the virus and give it to my elderly parents or me or get very sick herself? This shit is keeping me up at night because I can't stand the thought of my child getting sick. What the fuck should we parents do?

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On 6/30/2020 at 11:34 AM, Dazey said:

Remember the last time you told us all to relax? :lol: 

I can't remember the last time I actually was able to relax? I'm high strung normally, so this whole virus thing has pushed me further than anything in my whole life.

Can't stand thinking about it or hearing about it anymore. Sometimes I wish I could just hide in the closet and not come out until 2021.

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5 hours ago, action said:

even trump now admits the benefit of mouth masks, richly too late.

I think you're in bad company, when you've dismissed mouth masks all this time... just like trump did

Me? I have never "dismissed mouth masks all the time". I think face masks is a great thing for health care people who work with COVID-19 patients and for other people who might get in contact with sick people and where social distancing is difficult. It is proven beyond doubt that they work, which is why health care people have been using masks to protects themselves from infectious diseases since long before COVID-19. Do you want me to repeat the reasons why it can in some situations be stupid to wear face masks? Like when there is little to no probability of getting in contact with sick people? And when there is a limited supply of face masks which must be prioritized to health care people? Do you really want me to go over all this again? And explain to you why some countries initially advised against face masks but later, as availability and infection numbers increased, recommended or even made them mandatory? You know what, I think that would be a waste of time for both of us ;)

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Numbers sill are up in Texas. finally, the beaches in Galveston are closed for the holiday weekend. It's like a little too late if you ask me.

More patients admitted to the hospitals too.

I can't believe Texas still wants to open schools on August 10. The news said last night that teachers still have to sign up for the new school year. 65% don't want schools to open and feel it just won't be safe for them or the kids.

I was watching CNN and they were talking to a big shot pediatrician and she was saying how kids needs to be social and interact with one another, especially kids with disabilities and learning problems.  When the news woman asked her what would happen if one kid gets the virus and spreads it all around. Well, like I figured, she said it would be the schools and the local governments job to keep kids and teachers safe. I was bitching like crazy watching this. How can you say open schools for the kids to learn and socialize, but don't have any answers if a child gets sick and spreads it.

Over 600 kids have the corona virus now which was spread through day care. Parents going back to work without anyone to care for their kdis have to put them in daycare and this is what happens?

It seems no matter how clean and sanitizing you do, this virus will find a way in.

I want my daughter to get a good education, but I mostly want her safe as well as the teachers and the other kids. 

If schools and the governments don't have a great way to do this, then push the school date back.

NYC, which usually begins schools after Labor day, has no idea if/when their schools will open. Why doesn't Texas and the rest of the country do the same thing?

I have to decide in a few weeks whether my child goes to school in person or does her work online. We've all seen how shitty that was in the spring. Teachers are stressing out over this too.

many of whom have their own kids and don't want to get sick. having back up teachers isn't reassuring either. You know if this virus gets just one person, that whole school will go down.

Every doctor is telling all of us to stay inside, wear a mask and distance, how can kids do this in school and on a school bus everyday? Many of the parents that live in my city have to work, so I would say tons of kids will probably attend school in person, but I don't feel that our kids/teachers will be safe enough.

One of the hospitals in Dallas, had to open up a 4th floor for covid 19 patients. I mean do you realize how many people are sick with this virus that they are hospitalized immediately now?

Also a doctor on today in a San Antonio hospital was saying how patients respond better to giving them blood transfusions with more anti bodies. he even admitted that ventilators can be worse for patients because it's giving them oxygen into diseased organs. 

It seems doctors are learning about what to do each day, yet some patients do respond to a ventilators. If doctors aren't 100 % sure what to do, how can we as parents be confident that schools will be safe for our kids?

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Almost 54,000 new cases today and the final numbers aren't even in yet. Fuckface's strategy as you can see above is "I hope it's just going to disappear". :lol: 


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13 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Me? I have never "dismissed mouth masks all the time". I think face masks is a great thing for health care people who work with COVID-19 patients and for other people who might get in contact with sick people and where social distancing is difficult. It is proven beyond doubt that they work, which is why health care people have been using masks to protects themselves from infectious diseases since long before COVID-19. Do you want me to repeat the reasons why it can in some situations be stupid to wear face masks? Like when there is little to no probability of getting in contact with sick people? And when there is a limited supply of face masks which must be prioritized to health care people? Do you really want me to go over all this again? And explain to you why some countries initially advised against face masks but later, as availability and infection numbers increased, recommended or even made them mandatory? You know what, I think that would be a waste of time for both of us ;)

You know what I really don't understand?  Why are people driving in their cars alone with a mask and rubber gloves?  I see a dozen or so people every day doing this.  Who are they protecting themselves from exactly?

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1 hour ago, Swampfox said:

You know what I really don't understand?  Why are people driving in their cars alone with a mask and rubber gloves?  I see a dozen or so people every day doing this.  Who are they protecting themselves from exactly?

You're supposed to wash your hands right before putting the mask on, so it's not contaminated. So it was suggested to put it on at home right before you leave and keep it on until you get home, take it off and immediately wash your hands again. 

So I think it's people following those guidelines.

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1 hour ago, Swampfox said:

You know what I really don't understand?  Why are people driving in their cars alone with a mask and rubber gloves?  I see a dozen or so people every day doing this.  Who are they protecting themselves from exactly?

Maybe they are going from a place with people to a place with people and don't take it off in between? Ideally you should handle the mask as little as possible so from an epidemiology viewpoint it makes sense to keep it on until you are back home.

So happy I don't have to think about face masks. Since this all started I have only seen people wearing masks three times here in Norway. 

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4 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Maybe they are going from a place with people to a place with people and don't take it off in between? Ideally you should handle the mask as little as possible so from an epidemiology viewpoint it makes sense to keep it on until you are back home.

So happy I don't have to think about face masks. Since this all started I have only seen people wearing masks three times here in Norway. 

I don't get why anybody outside of a clinical setting would be wearing gloves. Surely a virus on a glove is just as virussy as a virus on your hands? Unless this has mutated to spread via skin contact that is. Also if you're wearing gloves wouldn't you be be less inclined to sanitise or wash your hands?

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57 minutes ago, Dazey said:

I don't get why anybody outside of a clinical setting would be wearing gloves. Surely a virus on a glove is just as virussy as a virus on your hands? Unless this has mutated to spread via skin contact that is. Also if you're wearing gloves wouldn't you be be less inclined to sanitise or wash your hands?

If you fear you have handled surfaces with the virus I suppose you can just throw away the gloves and won't have to wash your hands. Seems like an expensive protection to me, compared to just washing your hands, I mean. Yeah, I don't see much use for them either and I suppose there aren't since health authorities don't recommend them.

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1 minute ago, SoulMonster said:

If you fear you have handled surfaces with the virus I suppose you can just throw away the gloves and won't have to wash your hands. 

At which point you then need to put on another pair of gloves or simply wash your hands negating the reason for the wearing of the first pair of gloves. :lol: 

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