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Even Newer Newest Newly New Brand New AKA Issac Newton of The Trill McCoy's life issues and style advice thread!


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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

I just really don't know how to carry the conversation, and they weren't really talking too much to give me a lead to ask any questions or whatever.

Edited by The Real McCoy
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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

Me, me, me, me! I only talk about me! I am so special! My mom wipes my ass every morning and tucks me in at night! I am the best person in the world because my name is McCoy! Have I told you how awesome I am everyone? I don't know why girls don't like me! I am the best person in the world. Me, me, me, me. The world revolves around me. I think Pennsylvania should be renamed to McCoyville USA because I am by far the most important person in the whole fucking state because I am on radio! McCoy Me, me, McCoy I am McCoy. You can't spell cunt without McCoy.

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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

Me, me, me, me! I only talk about me! I am so special! My mom wipes my ass every morning and tucks me in at night! I am the best person in the world because my name is McCoy! Have I told you how awesome I am everyone? I don't know why girls don't like me! I am the best person in the world. Me, me, me, me. The world revolves around me. I think Pennsylvania should be renamed to McCoyville USA because I am by far the most important person in the whole fucking state because I am on radio! McCoy Me, me, McCoy I am McCoy. You can't spell cunt without McCoy.

Tell me how you REALLY feel, Nate.

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It is certain that if Ravaillac had not assassinated Henry IV there would have been no documents of his trial deposited in the Rolls Office of the Palace of Justice, and no accomplices interested in the destruction of those documents; consequently no incendiaries obliged, for want of better means, to burn the Rolls Office in order to burn the documents, and to burn the Palace of Justice in order to burn the Rolls Office; of course there would have been no fire in 1618. The old palace would still be standing with its old great hall; and I might then say to the reader, "Go, look at it," and thus we should both be spared trouble, myself the trouble of writing, and him that of perusing, and indifferent description. This demonstrates the novel truth-that great events have incalculable consequences.

It is, indeed, possible that the accomplices of Ravaillac had no hand in the fire of 1618. There are two other plausible ways of accounting for it; first, the great "star of fire, a foot broad, and a foot and a half high," which fell, as everybody knows, from the sky upon the Palace on the 7th of March, after midnight; secondly, this stanza of Theophile:

Certes, ce fut un triste jeu,

Quand a Paris dame Justice,

Pour avoir mange trop d'epice,

Se mit tout le palais en feu.

Whatever may be thought of this threefold explanation, political, physical, and poetical, of the burning of the Palace of Justice in 1618, the fact of the fire is unfortunately most certain. Owing to this catastrophe, and above all, to the successive restorations which have swept away what is spared, very little is now left of this elder Palace of the Louvre, already so ancient in the time of Philip the Fair that the traces of the magnificent buildings erected by King Robert, and described by Hegaldus, had then to be sought for. What has become of the Chancery Chamber, where St Louis consummated his marriage?

Real shame, Henry IV was really the first truely good king France had seen in a long time. And by no surprise, religious lunacy is what killed him. Sad.

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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

I just really don't know how to carry the conversation, and they weren't really talking too much to give me a lead to ask any questions or whatever.

and you're on the radio ....hahahaha

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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

in medical terms its called being a pussy

I just really don't know how to carry the conversation, and they weren't really talking too much to give me a lead to ask any questions or whatever.

and you're on the radio ....hahahaha

Go figure. I can do the radio thing with no issues. It's second nature. I have to get up on stage on Saturday and introduce an artist to thousands of people - THAT won't be a problem either. One one one trying to initiate conversation? I struggle with it. I truly benefit from having a wingman or wingwoman.

Edited by The Real McCoy
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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

Because you are homosexual in denial?


I'm fine in a group situation. Completely fine, laid back, and comfortable. Left to my own devices? It's painful.

Fine, laid back and comfortable? No you're not. You WERE in a group situation, yet still you were uneasy and awkward. You have SERIOUS insecurity issues, which is why women run when they spend more than a few hours with you. A confident man would have lapped that situation up, but you were awkward and ran as quick as you could. Of course women are ultimately going to run and avoid you. :lol:

Why is this so foreign to you? You can't relate to yourself, let alone to women. You're also boring, because you keep saying the same things over and over. A bit harsh, I know, but you're the one who wants this thread to continue, so lets start being honest here.

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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.


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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

He needs to have a fucking drink basically. :shrugs:
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Went out to trivia tonight, chatted with a girl that I met last week. She was with two of her friends (one that I've met before, the other that I met for the first time tonight.) Just kind of made small talk, but I just felt kind of awkward and didn't really know where to take the conversation. I kind of felt like an afterthought so I called it a night before I felt even more awkward than I already did.

I don't know why the hell this is so foreign to me.

He needs to have a fucking drink basically. :shrugs:

Couldn't agree more. There's a difference between having a pint or two and getting absolutely hammered and making a fool of yourself. Figure it out McCoy.

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Saying 'you need to drink' is stupid. There is more to it than a little alcohol fixing the worlds problems.

You remind me of a tampon Chris

Long, thin, white and always ready to stick your nose into people's business

Dazey is obviously making a suggestion, one that McCoy won't listen to anyway

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