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[Bumblefoot] Little Brother Is Watching

Silent Jay

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I heard that song "Argentina" today...

It is the most horrible thing I ever heard in a long time.... A Queen wanna be song that sounds like 80's worst heavy metal..... :vomit:

It sucks, omg, thanks lord that shit didn't make CD2.

Most of Chinese Democracy sound like a queen wanna be that sounds like 00' hard rock. and with Axl and the band working on the song, it sure has the potential to be great.

The only song in CD with a Queen-esque air was "Catcher in The Rye" with Brian May on guitar. The version that made CD has very little reminiscence to Queen. So there.

BBF's "Argentina" is a major embarassment. Really sad he used the name of a beautiful country to entitle such a horrible song.

Man, if you can't see the Queen influence on CD you've not listened to either of them very often.

Production elements alone, link CD to Queen, multi layered vocals, Piano, guitar. Musically, Catcher, SOD, This I Love all hark back to Queens more bombastic side.

If the Queen you know is Stone cold crazy, or tie your mother down then the influence isn't so obvious but if you listen to 'The show must go on' the influences on CD are clear, just listen to madagascar (obviously heavily influenced by Zeppelin too) actually the full Innuendo album shows a band mixing a lot of different genres into one album... just like what CD did, maybe a bit more successfully though.

Edited by Tom2112
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  • 3 weeks later...

Official video for the title track

This is weird, I liked the song. As far as I remember, all the other songs I heard were utter shit, but this one, is alright. I liked it.

I'm not sure how it is related to the Egyptians, though. Also, is that his wife? If so, it is cool that she's supporting him in his projects. :)

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Regarding the video:

Director Gabriella Loutfi took a real cinematic approach with the song subject - rather than showing the current evolution of Orwell's 1984 "Big Brother", we turned the clock back to 1984 BC, showing how power struggles for control and order are timeless. The video plays out like chapters of a story - dominating rule, a demand for instant gratification, a revolt and the tables turn. Gabriella gave a 'tip of the hat' to pioneer filmmakers like George Méliès, often choosing organic methods rather than digital effects. An example is the drowning scenes - long blue and white sheets stretching across a room, each end held by crew, being rippled and waved by hand as the actors would descend between them.

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Official video for the title track

Gotta say I was really surprised by how good this video was. Most videos these days (even the ones you see on mainstream music channels) seem to be made on a shoestring budget and have little in the way of concept or substance.

Really enjoyed this video and I like that they went back in time and didn't go for the obvious futuristic/technological concept which the lyrics point towards.

And Mrs Bumblefoot is looking hot!! Ron's a lucky man!

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It's Ron Around the Clocks.

What the fuck does this even mean!?

I don't usually buy solo records but I might pick this up when I get Sol Invictus.

are you a schizo?

Btw Bumblefoot is boring

Yes, no, maybe.

Yeah I probably won't get it actually. Appetite for Democracy and Sol Invictus will be much better buys.

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That was actually way better than I expected.

Great video, cool song - very catchy.

Shame that Axl let this guy's talents go to waste. How many more creatively talented guitar players is Axl going to burn through?

Just one more I suspect. Fortus and DJ will probably stay. Bumble's replacement is gonna be it, unless it's someone comfortable with basicially being a session musician or just to help Axl out with touring.

Whoever it is, I'll probably find it hard to accept him as a real part of the band.

Edited by Rovim
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How did they do a DC video for Little Brother. It's a bit of a jig really.

It is kind of metal queen in a way. Opera Maiden if you will.

I can't see Axl singing on these songs. It's too quirky. Maybe if it was smoothed over. It might work, I don't know. When I listened to Shacklers instrumental isn't sound very GNR but add the vocal and it works.

Lots of parts and solos and cool bits.

Don't who to Pray though is kind of GNR if change the lyrics a bit and vocal.

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