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Terminator Genisys

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I don't know why but I like what I see in that spot.

Yeah, looks good. To be honest, I liked the trailer a lot more seeing it on the big screen too.

I'm still excited even though I'm not expecting a T2-quality film. I could easily see this being the third best based on what we've seen though.

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As I said in my OP, I really like the IDEA they're bringing to this, even if the execution ends up being lackluster.

This new TV spot is miles better than the trailer (love the CGI shot of the T-5000 a la Terminator 2 walking through the fire), but there's still something a little...off.

Hate to say it, but Arnold has aged horribly -- all those years of heavy lifting, steroid abuse and so on probably didn't help much, but that shot of him walking out of the cop car, he looks as frail as Clint Eastwood. I love the guy to death but I'm just hoping it wasn't a miscalculation to have him back in this role, because without excessive use of CGI, I'm wondering how it's going to be possible to buy this guy as being an indestructible machine at this point.

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I see I'm not the only one who thought the TV spot was better than the trailer.

Hate to say it, but Arnold has aged horribly -- all those years of heavy lifting, steroid abuse and so on probably didn't help much, but that shot of him walking out of the cop car, he looks as frail as Clint Eastwood. I love the guy to death but I'm just hoping it wasn't a miscalculation to have him back in this role, because without excessive use of CGI, I'm wondering how it's going to be possible to buy this guy as being an indestructible machine at this point.

The man is in better shape than he was few years ago, but I don't think "aging" is his problem. It's that he can't act for shit. Yeah, it's not like he could act before but when it came to portraying a machine he was an absolute badass.

I watched Sabotage and I can't tell you how much I cringed watching that movie. Arnold was terrible, just like he was in Expendables 3 and Escape Plan, so that's my main issue. His acting could potentially sink the movie.

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Meh, he was never a good actor -- but he's charismatic, and he was good in the other Terminators, so if he approaches the role the same way, I can't imagine the acting being a turn-off for me. Again, it's the physicality that I think will be an issue. It's hard to buy a frail-looking guy who's hobbling about going up against 30-something guys, let alone a younger version of himself.

I thought he was terribly miscast in Sabotage. But it was more-so his aged appearance -- the role seemed a good fit for a mid-'50s grizzled action dude (like, Arnold a decade and a half ago), but he looked like a grandpa. When he throws Joe Manganiello across the room and grabs his throat it was kind of embarrassing to watch.

Arnold is my hero and I love his old movies, but he probably shouldn't have come back to the movies.

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As I said in my OP, I really like the IDEA they're bringing to this, even if the execution ends up being lackluster.

This new TV spot is miles better than the trailer (love the CGI shot of the T-5000 a la Terminator 2 walking through the fire), but there's still something a little...off.

Hate to say it, but Arnold has aged horribly -- all those years of heavy lifting, steroid abuse and so on probably didn't help much, but that shot of him walking out of the cop car, he looks as frail as Clint Eastwood. I love the guy to death but I'm just hoping it wasn't a miscalculation to have him back in this role, because without excessive use of CGI, I'm wondering how it's going to be possible to buy this guy as being an indestructible machine at this point.

He's almost 70 man.

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As I said in my OP, I really like the IDEA they're bringing to this, even if the execution ends up being lackluster.

This new TV spot is miles better than the trailer (love the CGI shot of the T-5000 a la Terminator 2 walking through the fire), but there's still something a little...off.

Hate to say it, but Arnold has aged horribly -- all those years of heavy lifting, steroid abuse and so on probably didn't help much, but that shot of him walking out of the cop car, he looks as frail as Clint Eastwood. I love the guy to death but I'm just hoping it wasn't a miscalculation to have him back in this role, because without excessive use of CGI, I'm wondering how it's going to be possible to buy this guy as being an indestructible machine at this point.

He's almost 70 man.


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As I said in my OP, I really like the IDEA they're bringing to this, even if the execution ends up being lackluster.

This new TV spot is miles better than the trailer (love the CGI shot of the T-5000 a la Terminator 2 walking through the fire), but there's still something a little...off.

Hate to say it, but Arnold has aged horribly -- all those years of heavy lifting, steroid abuse and so on probably didn't help much, but that shot of him walking out of the cop car, he looks as frail as Clint Eastwood. I love the guy to death but I'm just hoping it wasn't a miscalculation to have him back in this role, because without excessive use of CGI, I'm wondering how it's going to be possible to buy this guy as being an indestructible machine at this point.

He's almost 70 man.


I hope I'm in the same shape as Arnold & Stallone if I hit 70. These guys are leading examples to men who give up on diet & exercise.

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Clint looked better at 70 than Arnold does, honestly. Arnold is truly one of my heroes, but he was very active in the bodybuilding world when little was understood about the science behind the drugs and supplements they were taking, and I think it has taken a huge toll on him physically as he's gotten older. He literally looks like he's shrunk from about 6'1 to 5'9, and that's not just natural aging, but probably bone compression from all the heavy weights.

Stallone only looks good because he's taking a healthy regimen of HGH. I'm not knocking the guy's dedication, but it's an unreasonable expectation for someone naturally aging to ever look like that. It's also questionable whether it's really "healthy" or not.

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If they have the technology to make CGI Arnolds, perhaps they should have just used that? I suppose the idea here is that machine Arnold portrays is covered in organic matter, and just like all organic matter, it degrades with age.

But as it's been noted, if it doesn't take a lot of acting chops to portray an Arnold terminator, maybe that would have been the better route.

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The problem with this old Arnie Terminator is that he looks and sounds like a parody of himself, kinda like Axl. I'll give the movie a chance though.

You can't stay 25 forever dude.
I know. You can age gracefully though.

True. I'm 29 and it ain't happening to me lol.

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Age aside, I do agree with the consensus that the spot looks much better than the trailer. The plot actually seems kind of cool - altering the timeline but in a way that doesn't entirely scream "reboot" and at least honours the original film. Hopefully the execution lives up to it.

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The worst part is that Jai Courtney made it past an exhaustive casting search for Reese.

He must have been one of dozens of choices they actually tested and considered, all of whom had much more Michael Biehn in them than he does. In the end, it was reported that the director chose Courtney because he felt that the actor had a future to his career and the potential to be a marquee name.

I just can't fathom how you pick the least interesting actor out of a pool for a very iconic role. Other than that, I'm excited by what this movie promises.

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Age aside, I do agree with the consensus that the spot looks much better than the trailer. The plot actually seems kind of cool - altering the timeline but in a way that doesn't entirely scream "reboot" and at least honours the original film. Hopefully the execution lives up to it.

Feels MUCH more faithful to the fans than what they are doing to Ghostbusters, but thats a different thread.

Too early to say how good its going to be, but it does look better than Salvation, which I didn't hate btw. I liked the CGI Arnie at the end of Salvation. But this film almost looks like you can still count all other films, including Salvation and it all works in the same universe. I could be wrong, but it at least "appears" that way.

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