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SLASH Can't Remember DJ ASHBA's Name (french interview)

Silent Jay

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Interview made for the french Slash forum The Pit

Niko : Do you plain others LP Slash Signature?

Slash : not at this time. But probably in future.

Niko : Why don't you use the Talk Box anymore?

Slash : I do. Just not on the last record.

Niko : A lot of french ppl would like to see you in the south of France, not only Paris. Do you think it's possible?

Slash : that really depends on the promoter. I suggest places all the time. But it depends if there is enough of a fan base to book a show.

Niko : You wouldl have a lot of ppl in Lyon.

Slash: We played with AC/DC in Nice.

Niko : What a great place!! The "Cote d'Azur"^^

Slash : Yes. We'll see if we can get a show down there again.

Niko : Would you like to do again a Slash & Friends album? Or maybe a blues album?

Slash : I might do another collaboration record one day. I don't know about an entire blues record.

Niko : Why did your collaboration with Adam Day stop after VR ?

Slash : VR didn't make enough money for me to afford Adam Day towards the end. I might hire him back one day.

Niko : Will we have the chance to see old GNR footages such as AFD and UYI recording sessions pics and videos? Even if Axl owns all the rights do you think you could do something for us to see those footages ?

Slash : There isn't any UYI session footage unfortunately.

Niko : Do you intend to use the silver jub' in a near future again? (There is a reedition announced today by Marshall hahaha)

Slash : in using one today actually.

Niko : Do you know about some french bands? If yes which ones do you like?

Slash : Gojira is my favorite metal band.

Niko : Since the beginning of your professional career with Guns N'Roses, in your opinion, which component of your guitar approach has evolved in the more significant way?

Slash : the ability to hear what I'm playing before I play it; song writing.

Niko : Among all the musical collaborations that you were able to establish, is there one that you are particularly proud of?

Slash : Ray Charles, Jerry Lee Lewis & James Brown. I grew up with them. & it was an honor to work with them.

Niko : Which track on AFD was recorded at Can-Am studios ? Live tracks were made at Rumbo studios, overdubs at Take one studio, but what was made at Can-Am studio ?

Slash : we recorded Shadow of your love with Mike Clink at Can Am as a demo.

Niko : Did you get news for the Gold Top you were searching for? The one you used in the early 90's

Slash : no news.

Niko : Someone told me you bought the re-issue of the Silver Jub'. Will you play live with it? Do you feel something special with this amp?

Slash : I didn't buy a reissue. I do like those amps. But I don't think I like them more than JCM800

Niko : Who are the guitarists that you particularly appreciate at this time?

Slash : I like Dereck Trucks is cool. I like Synester Gates. I haven't heard very many real exciting new guitarists lately.

Niko : Are you friend with some guitarists of the current GNR?

Slash : I've never met any of them except for the guy who wears the top hat. I can't remember his name.

Niko : What do you think about the new EMB wah? Will you use it live?

Slash : What is EMB Wah?

Niko : you used an EMB audio wah on the Use tour and apparently you bought the new one lately...

Slash : Oh, those old ones? I'm not using one now. I have a Dunlop rack mount driving multiple wahs.

Niko : Who is the rythm guitarist with whom you enjoyed the most when recording?

Slash : I would have to say for a 2 guitar team, Izzy sounds the most interesting at the end of the day.

Niko : Why did you choose to play all the guitars on your records since "Slash & Friends", conversely to previous records? Is it to feel more free during the songwritting?

Slash : Myles played Rhythm gtr on Apocalyptic Love. But I like doing all the guitars because I know what I want the parts to sound like.

Niko : Might you consider sharing again the guitar work in the studio for one of your next project?

Slash : I will probably do all the guitars on the next one. Myles likes to focus on singing. Frank just does the live stuff.

Niko : We all noticed that your sound noticeably changed since the Snakepit era. What drove your decision to make your sound evolve in this way?

Slash : I don't consciously change my sound really. I just work with whatever it is I have on hand at the time.

Niko : The itw is now finished, everybody thanks you a lot for your time and your kindess! Do you have a final message for french fans?

Slash : Tell the French fans they're fucking awesome. I love them. I hope the answers satisfy. The questions are very specific.


Edited by Silent Jay
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Interview made for the french Slash forum The Pit

Niko : Who is the rythm guitarist with whom you enjoyed the most when recording?

Slash : I would have to say for a 2 guitar team, Izzy sounds the most interesting at the end of the day.



During Appetite..., Lies and Use Your... I had to put up with Izzy the whole time. I never liked playing with him. It was wonderful to escape him on this record. It sounds tighter and so much cooler than anything we've done before. I always got irritated over Izzy's way of playing. It didn't sound right. Before "Spaghetti", we erased his guitar and Gilby put on a new one. It sounded perfect!

- Slash, Okej November? 1993, http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/articles/showarticle.php?articleid=13.

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Interview made for the french Slash forum The Pit

Niko : Who is the rythm guitarist with whom you enjoyed the most when recording?

Slash : I would have to say for a 2 guitar team, Izzy sounds the most interesting at the end of the day.



During Appetite..., Lies and Use Your... I had to put up with Izzy the whole time. I never liked playing with him. It was wonderful to escape him on this record. It sounds tighter and so much cooler than anything we've done before. I always got irritated over Izzy's way of playing. It didn't sound right. Before "Spaghetti", we erased his guitar and Gilby put on a new one. It sounded perfect!

- Slash, Okej November? 1993, http://www.heretodaygonetohell.com/articles/showarticle.php?articleid=13.

I've said this before but I've never bought that older Slash interview as legit. It doesn't sound like Slash's "voice", and doesn't even match up with other interviews where he was critical of Izzy.

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Lol... I think this says much... His prefered guitar partner is Izzy, with whom he hasnt recorded since 24 years... At least, Slash is lucid

Since 5 years if you are counting Izzy recording Ghost with Slash

Sounds great as well. If only Slash could recognise that.

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Niko : Are you friend with some guitarists of the current GNR?

Slash : I've never met any of them except for the guy who wears the top hat. I can't remember his name.

But he know's DJ's name enough to use it on a tshirt just to mock him:


Looks like ....


Edited by GUNNER PT
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