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Watch Depressing Scott Weiland Footage From Performance At Bar In Texas


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Really is sad. Honestly I feel bad watching it. I don't derive any pleasure from seeing someone in this state. Someone like Keith Richards managed to do fucked up and still retain a measure of dignity. Even at his worst he wore his addiction elegantly. This thread is accurately titled as "depressing." I definitely see where Richard Patrick is coming from. Nothing could've driven home his point more than this video.

Edited by Mr. Dude
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That's a new level of performing while fucked up on drugs/alcohol/both

He needs to watch this video himself to see how it affects him, it could be a wake-up call

His manager already did damage control saying he was exhausted, had a few drinks, and his ear piece didn't work.

Still, even though he sounds bad he just has this dead look in his eyes

I would like to believe its a combination of the above, but I don't think so =/

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Damn. I figured the OP might just be exaggerating a little bit calling it depressing, like maybe he just sounded bad. No...he's gone. He's got that look in his eyes. It's all about the eyes. I hope we don't hear some really bad news about him soon. He's out there.

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