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Nestle Uses Aborted babies for Flavoring


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What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an aborted baby to produce food.

It took three letters before Nestlé finally admitted its relationship with Senomyx and claimed the abortions were well established in scientific research.

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They dont use em FOR flavouring you dozy fucker, they use em to test flavouring, you aint eating the fucking babies :lol: Theres a difference using CELLS from embroyos to test flavouring and using aborted babies for flavouring :lol:

Are you suggesting having more aborted babies is a good thing...?

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They dont use em FOR flavouring you dozy fucker, they use em to test flavouring, you aint eating the fucking babies :lol: Theres a difference using CELLS from embroyos to test flavouring and using aborted babies for flavouring :lol:

Are you suggesting having more aborted babies is a good thing...?
Can i ask where you percieved that the above post was 'suggesting having more aborted babies is a good thing?' first? I'm not sure how you saw that in my post.

Can you explain why you suggested babies are used as flavouring?

Edited by Len B'stard
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What worries me is that Jazz thinks that in Nestles flavouring department they're having to wheel in barrowload after barrowload of aborted babies to keep up with the demands of their research department, i mean do you know what a cell is? Do you think there's like, 2 cells per embroyo and they need like, 5 babies per chocolate bar or something? :lol:

Explain to me how you think cell research works please jazz? :lol:

Edited by Len B'stard
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What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an aborted baby to produce food.

It took three letters before Nestlé finally admitted its relationship with Senomyx and claimed the abortions were well established in scientific research.

Really? I can take that off my bucket list!

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There's always some Facebook post that too many dumb people buy into and it spreads like wildfire.

Hey, did you know if we all didn't buy gas for one day, the evil corporations would be FORCED to lower prices? See how they like that shit.

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What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an aborted baby to produce food.

It took three letters before Nestlé finally admitted its relationship with Senomyx and claimed the abortions were well established in scientific research.

There are so many fundamental inaccuracies with your article and post that it's difficult to know where to start debunking your claim.

Saying that Nestle "uses aborted babies for flavouring" is blatantly false - why don't you do us all a favour and do a little research before posting shit like this?

None of the cells actually make it into any products, and any HEK293 cells used were taken from a single aborted fetus back in the 70's (they have been cloned ever since). It's not like they're sitting there grinding aborted fetuses into food.

Edited by highvoltage
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There's always some Facebook post that too many dumb people buy into and it spreads like wildfire.

Hey, did you know if we all didn't buy gas for one day, the evil corporations would be FORCED to lower prices? See how they like that shit.

You mean those "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT" posts? Yeah, I hate those too.

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What they dont tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 human embryonic kidney cells taken from an aborted baby to produce food.

It took three letters before Nestlé finally admitted its relationship with Senomyx and claimed the abortions were well established in scientific research.

There are so many fundamental inaccuracies with your article and post that it's difficult to know where to start debunking your claim.

Saying that Nestle "uses aborted babies for flavouring" is blatantly false - why don't you do us all a favour and do a little research before posting shit like this?

None of the cells actually make it into any products, and any HEK293 cells used were taken from a single aborted fetus back in the 70's (they have been cloned ever since). It's not like they're sitting there grinding aborted fetuses into food.

Awwwww, i wanted to hear how he thought it worked! :lol: Like a little red flashing Batman phone goes off in The White House and its Nestle on the other end going 'yeah, we're running low on feotuses, we aint gonna make the output projections, send the liberal media out to promote pro choice or we're gonna have to fuck off the Presidents Milky Bars...and you know how Obama loves Milky Bars!' :lol: Edited by Len B'stard
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The American pro-life and pro-choice media I approach with caution. They both use emotive language above reason. I believed that the same website reported Pepsi for doing similar.

I'm not pleased with the Nestle/aborted foetus connection, but I've never liked them since their CEO has declared twice that he thinks that the worlds water should be privatised. They are the biggest employer in my city and even with my struggle for a job, I won't work for Nestle.

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This reminds me of any article that contains the phrase "What happens next will amaze you!" planted at the start. I don't like to be told how I'm going to react before reading a word of their shitpost. "You'll never believe what he did."

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The Milky Bars are in me!

I nominate the OP's post and Len's response for hall of fame status. This was fucking magic.

Also even if it had been true, I wonder how many of those outraged have swallowed a spurt of electric spaghetti in their time, eh? Wasn't sweetened with any sugar and cocoa beans either I'd wager.

Edited by tomfriend
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