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DJ Ashba quits Guns N' Roses

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Thanks for the answer downzy. I never insulted Axl in my post. Just giving my opinion about him.

I think Axl is lying and whoever is in touch with you is lying to you. Axl said last year that there was an album recorded. And now he's working on the album? :lol:

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Thanks for the answer downzy. I never insulted Axl in my post. Just giving my opinion about him.

I think Axl is lying and whoever is in touch with you is lying to you. Axl said last year that there was an album recorded. And now he's working on the album? :lol:

I have to agree. If the same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004..etc..and the album finally came out in 2008, why should we believe now is any different? Could be 2016, 2017, 2018.....2025. I want to be optimistic but there's still only been one release in 20+ years (and by that time the songs weren't that new). Edited by Trin9498
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Seriously, go on DJ's facebook and read all the comments.

What the hell?

There must be something in the water in Brazil to produce such an outpouring of stupidity.

I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

Well, I think CD's release was forced. Do you have any proof that the release was 100% approved by Axl? That would make me change my mind.

I insist. Axl won't release any new music based on what I can see. He is old, his songs are old, his demands are probably too out of reality to the label, he won't adapt himself to digital releases or internet and life in general, management's only interest is to keep Axl happy, they don't care about new music, Pitman said nobobdy buys albums anymore, the entire band sees GNR as a side project. He said the second half of CD was recorded, what is he doing in the studio then?

Sorry for being negative, I just think the odds of Axl realizing Slash wasn't such a bad guy and giving him a call are bigger than him letting go of his insecurity and laziness and releasing old songs made by people who are not in the band and don't even want to be associated with the band.

I reiterate my original point that I think 2016 will be a good year for GNR/Axl fans.

I've been looking for a choice quote for my sig. Cheers :lol:

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Seriously, go on DJ's facebook and read all the comments.

What the hell?

There must be something in the water in Brazil to produce such an outpouring of stupidity.

I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

Well, I think CD's release was forced. Do you have any proof that the release was 100% approved by Axl? That would make me change my mind.

I insist. Axl won't release any new music based on what I can see. He is old, his songs are old, his demands are probably too out of reality to the label, he won't adapt himself to digital releases or internet and life in general, management's only interest is to keep Axl happy, they don't care about new music, Pitman said nobobdy buys albums anymore, the entire band sees GNR as a side project. He said the second half of CD was recorded, what is he doing in the studio then?

Sorry for being negative, I just think the odds of Axl realizing Slash wasn't such a bad guy and giving him a call are bigger than him letting go of his insecurity and laziness and releasing old songs made by people who are not in the band and don't even want to be associated with the band.

I reiterate my original point that I think 2016 will be a good year for GNR/Axl fans.

I've been looking for a choice quote for my sig. Cheers :lol:

Make sure you either bold or italicize the word "think" :P

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Thanks for the answer downzy. I never insulted Axl in my post. Just giving my opinion about him.

I think Axl is lying and whoever is in touch with you is lying to you. Axl said last year that there was an album recorded. And now he's working on the album? :lol:

There was an album recorded in 2001. Doesn't mean he's done with it. I agree that working on the same songs for years on end is likely not going to produce better results, but ultimately it's his band, his music, and hence his call.

You'll just have to trust me when is say that I'm 100 percent sure my sources are not lying to me or being lied to. If Axl was truly done with releasing new music, it would be out there. The problem is that there's little communication about the matter. I think Axl felt burned when he reached out to the public on these matters so they now keep everything in house until there's something to announce. I've expressed to management that the current negative vibe towards the band is largely a product of having no new material and an unwillingness to keep fans in the loop. I don't want to speak for anyone, but my assumption is that this reality isn't lost on anyone associated with the band.

And I consider calling someone fat and lazy as insulting with respect to this conversation. It's just not necessary for our purposes; the conversation can be made without the personal attacks. If the conversation was specifically on the physical stature of Axl, then sure, offer your opinion on the matter. But it's not, so let's try to keep the conversation focused on the topic at hand (i.e. DJ quitting the band and the ramifications of future plans for the band). Thanks.

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Thanks for the answer downzy. I never insulted Axl in my post. Just giving my opinion about him.

I think Axl is lying and whoever is in touch with you is lying to you. Axl said last year that there was an album recorded. And now he's working on the album? :lol:

There was an album recorded in 2001. Doesn't mean he's done with it. I agree that working on the same songs for years on end is likely not going to produce better results, but ultimately it's his band, his music, and hence his call.

You'll just have to trust me when is say that I'm 100 percent sure my sources are not lying to me or being lied to. If Axl was truly done with releasing new music, it would be out there. The problem is that there's little communication about the matter. I think Axl felt burned when he reached out to the public on these matters so they now keep everything in house until there's something to announce. I've expressed to management that the current negative vibe towards the band is largely a product of having no new material and an unwillingness to keep fans in the loop. I don't want to speak for anyone, but my assumption is that this reality isn't lost on anyone associated with the band.

And I consider calling someone fat and lazy as insulting with respect to this conversation. It's just not necessary for our purposes; the conversation can be made without the personal attacks. If the conversation was specifically on the physical stature of Axl, then sure, offer your opinion on the matter. But it's not, so let's try to keep the conversation focused on the topic at hand (i.e. DJ quitting the band and the ramifications of future plans for the band). Thanks.

I never called him fat. I said he was old and his songs were old too. But it's OK :)

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I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

Well, I think CD's release was forced. Do you have any proof that the release was 100% approved by Axl? That would make me change my mind.

I insist. Axl won't release any new music based on what I can see. He is old, his songs are old, his demands are probably too out of reality to the label, he won't adapt himself to digital releases or internet and life in general, management's only interest is to keep Axl happy, they don't care about new music, Pitman said nobobdy buys albums anymore, the entire band sees GNR as a side project. He said the second half of CD was recorded, what is he doing in the studio then?

Sorry for being negative, I just think the odds of Axl realizing Slash wasn't such a bad guy and giving him a call are bigger than him letting go of his insecurity and laziness and releasing old songs made by people who are not in the band and don't even want to be associated with the band.

When you say forced, do you mean the record company released the album without the expressly written consent of Axl? Because if that had happened, Axl would have made a ton of money from civil litigation. Contracts were offered up and signed by various parties with respect to the album release date and the Best Buy distribution deal. As the legal owner of the name Guns N' Roses, in contract with Universal Records, Axl would have had the chance to block the release of the album up until a certain point. I do agree that there were disputes over marketing and promotion, and that there might have been a short window a few week prior to the album's release that Axl might have backtracked, but at that point, he was legally committed to the album coming out. That's quite different than the suggestion that Axl had never approved of the album's release and was thus forced to turn the album over by Universal.

Who knows what he's doing in the album, but I can tell you from what I hear that he's quite motivated to get another album out. I can only tell you of what I know right now, not what's going to happen a year from now with any certainty. I reiterate my original point that I think 2016 will be a good year for GNR/Axl fans.

BTW, it is possible to discuss the matter without unnecessary personal insults.

Do you think we'll see him on stage again in the next 2 years?

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Disliked that insincere cunt from day one. I like GNR with no guitarist much better than GNR with a DJ, heh.

Only thing that saddens me in this is how he got to quit, as opposed to getting fired.

At least he left with his distinct and consistent style; by uttering fake, big, hollow empty, bullshit reeking words.

Had Axl booted BF and DJ both, it'd actually be one of the most remarkable signs of GNR being alive that we've had in a decade. It would have been a clear sign of actual motion, direction. Sign of there being a vision to pursue, and realization he has people with GNR tag who are unsuitable to be part of this vision. But nope. None of that. Both quit. That is the sad part. It isn't people leaving some crazy train ride that has gotten too much for them; like Izzy for example. Nope, it is people leaving mausoleum after ogglin an embalmed corpse for long enough.

I'd make usual rats&sinking ships analogy if the ship hadn't reached the bottom way back when. Scuba diving rats running out of air maybe?

Edited by LTD
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Had Axl booted BF and DJ both, it'd actually be one of the most remarkable signs of GNR being alive that we've had in a decade. It would have been a clear sign of actual motion, direction. Sign of there being a vision to pursue, and realization he has people with GNR tag who are unsuitable to be part of this vision. But nope. None of that. Both quit. That is the sad part. It isn't people leaving some crazy train ride that has gotten too much for them; like Izzy for example. Nope, it is people leaving mausoleum after ogglin an embalmed corpse for long enough.

Again, perhaps they both quit because neither were considered that crucial to the plans going forward (edit: with respect to new material).

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I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

I think the difference now though is that back then the jury was still out on how the public would digest nu guns' output. To put it generally, most simply didn't like it or just didn't take to it. I find it hard to believe that the label is enthused on releasing a comeback album that sounds a lot like the last comeback album that crashed and burned. I think they're maybe willing to release it, but that's about it when it comes to their end. They're not gonna fund anything for it or anything of that sort. And really who could blame them? Where's the indication that the general public really wants this material? The truth is, and I'm saying this as someone who would want to hear the material just on the off chance there's one more good Axl Rose song to be heard, there isn't one to be found.

On top of that, there's no way I believe the label is gonna release the album without a solid plan from Axl to really tour/promote it. They won't let that slide this time, no fucking way. Now there's two vacant (and really essential) spots to be filled before they can do that. Does Axl really have the energy to do that anymore? Finish what's essentially the sequel to Battlefied Earth AND find TWO new lead guitarists? For what point? For material the general public couldn't even be bothered to give a fuck about? Even for someone as seemingly delusional as Axl this has got to be beating a dead horse by now.

As I've said before IF an album ever gets released it will be after Axl's gone and when the label can milk it as "Hey remember that guy that sang "Welcome to the Jungle"? Check out what he was working on right before he croaked!". As morbid as that sounds, business is business and that's the only time a sequel to Chinese Democracy would even be remotely commercially viable. And with DJ and Ron gone it's looking more and more like that's the case.

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There is precisely fuck all hope for Axl actively working on anything new... there's zero evidence they worked on anything, I mean, would Ashba out of everybody jump this floundering ship if it was the case? Bumblefoot said he played a solo on Atlas but heard nothing of it for years since in an interview shortly before he left, that's a pretty big hint. Then the same old same old 'it's just around the corner, we've all got loads of ideas, we'll get in the studio honestly after the next tour...' what a waste. Axl can barely stand to play anything different off CD which was why Prostitute and TWAT were ''big'' news, which is so bizarre... he's so trapped in his numbing and comfortable routines... it's really sad this second era he's pissed down the drain after fighting so hard. CD was a beautiful record for me, but it ought've been followed up and developed with regards to where he wanted to take the band from the classic era then the staccato circus tent era with BH and Finck, which eventually worked, then the steady touring line up he got for the release... then the frozen ghost cycle... I don't get it but the ''mystique'' of Axl started getting real depressing after rock in rio.

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I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

I think the difference now though is that back then the jury was still out on how the public would digest nu guns' output. To put it generally, most simply didn't like it or just didn't take to it. I find it hard to believe that the label is enthused on releasing a comeback album that sounds a lot like the last comeback album that crashed and burned. I think they're maybe willing to release it, but that's about it when it comes to their end. They're not gonna fund anything for it or anything of that sort. And really who could blame them? Where's the indication that the general public really wants this material? The truth is, and I'm saying this as someone who would want to hear the material just on the off chance there's one more good Axl Rose song to be heard, there isn't one to be found.

On top of that, there's no way I believe the label is gonna release the album without a solid plan from Axl to really tour/promote it. They won't let that slide this time, no fucking way. Now there's two vacant (and really essential) spots to be filled before they can do that. Does Axl really have the energy to do that anymore? Finish what's essentially the sequel to Battlefied Earth AND find TWO new lead guitarists? For what point? For material the general public couldn't even be bothered to give a fuck about? Even for someone as seemingly delusional as Axl this has got to be beating a dead horse by now.

As I've said before IF an album ever gets released it will be after Axl's gone and when the label can milk it as "Hey remember that guy that sang "Welcome to the Jungle"? Check out what he was working on right before he croaked!". As morbid as that sounds, business is business and that's the only time a sequel to Chinese Democracy would even be remotely commercially viable. And with DJ and Ron gone it's looking more and more like that's the case.

Sure, there was more mystery and curiosity back then than there is now, but I still think an album by "Guns N' Roses" is still going to sell. Chinese Democracy only "crashed and burned" relative to other GNR released. Compared to 99 percent of other artists out there, the album sold a ton. There are only a handful of artists who can move a million copies. But that respect, Chinese Democracy was a success for the label.

Label enthusiasm will be high for any album that can sell, since so few albums actually do. What might temper their enthusiasm is the kind of marketing budget Axl is looking for, but don't think for a second the label isn't excited about the prospect of album that can sell 500k to 2 million copies world wide. 70 to 80 percent of albums fail to make the label money. They generally subside other artists through the sales of big named artists like Guns N' Roses. Would the label prefer to be dealing with a full band at present? Sure. But we're talking about an industry that's hurting for any artist that can move product. I still think GNR is still one of those bands.

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Personally, I think too many people in this thread (Not necessarily right now, but particularly a few pages back) are trying too hard to look for another reason he left, other than what he stated publicly. I don't think there's any behind-the-scenes reason that DJ is gone.

I mean, he's recently married. He's got his first kid in the way. Nikki Sixx has made it abundantly clear that Sixx: AM will become a full-time band after Motley finishes up this year. DJ has been with Sixx: AM since the beginning, and he has total creative freedom there. Whether or not Axl is actually working on CD2, it's probably become more and more apparent to DJ that he will not have creative freedom in GN'R. Seems like a no brainer to me that he would want to stay where he's allowed to be more creative :shrugs:

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I think Axl wants to stop making music. When was the last time Axl released an album? Many years ago.

Axl will always be considered a legend, but I think he doesn't want to make new music anymore.

You're correct. Axl won't release any music in his lifetime. I think that's quite clear actually. His last album was in 2008 and remember, all things indicate said release was forced, if it was up to Axl, CD would still be "in the works, getting final touches".

Not sure about the legend thing. GNR and specially AFD will be remembered as legendary. Axl is too out of the spotlight to be remembered. Slash will always be a guitar legend, and he works hard for that status.

The same things were said in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and most of 2008. Then an album came out. The release of Chinese Democracy was not forced. If that were the case, the album would have been out ages ago.

I think the difference now though is that back then the jury was still out on how the public would digest nu guns' output. To put it generally, most simply didn't like it or just didn't take to it. I find it hard to believe that the label is enthused on releasing a comeback album that sounds a lot like the last comeback album that crashed and burned. I think they're maybe willing to release it, but that's about it when it comes to their end. They're not gonna fund anything for it or anything of that sort. And really who could blame them? Where's the indication that the general public really wants this material? The truth is, and I'm saying this as someone who would want to hear the material just on the off chance there's one more good Axl Rose song to be heard, there isn't one to be found.

On top of that, there's no way I believe the label is gonna release the album without a solid plan from Axl to really tour/promote it. They won't let that slide this time, no fucking way. Now there's two vacant (and really essential) spots to be filled before they can do that. Does Axl really have the energy to do that anymore? Finish what's essentially the sequel to Battlefied Earth AND find TWO new lead guitarists? For what point? For material the general public couldn't even be bothered to give a fuck about? Even for someone as seemingly delusional as Axl this has got to be beating a dead horse by now.

As I've said before IF an album ever gets released it will be after Axl's gone and when the label can milk it as "Hey remember that guy that sang "Welcome to the Jungle"? Check out what he was working on right before he croaked!". As morbid as that sounds, business is business and that's the only time a sequel to Chinese Democracy would even be remotely commercially viable. And with DJ and Ron gone it's looking more and more like that's the case.

Sure, there was more mystery and curiosity back then than there is now, but I still think an album by "Guns N' Roses" is still going to sell. Chinese Democracy only "crashed and burned" relative to other GNR released. Compared to 99 percent of other artists out there, the album sold a ton. There are only a handful of artists who can move a million copies. But that respect, Chinese Democracy was a success for the label.

Label enthusiasm will be high for any album that can sell, since so few albums actually do. What might temper their enthusiasm is the kind of marketing budget Axl is looking for, but don't think for a second the label isn't excited about the prospect of album that can sell 500k to 2 million copies world wide. 70 to 80 percent of albums fail to make the label money. They generally subside other artists through the sales of big named artists like Guns N' Roses. Would the label prefer to be dealing with a full band at present? Sure. But we're talking about an industry that's hurting for any artist that can move product. I still think GNR is still one of those bands.

Yeah but let's be real here, the album's commercial endurance was almost entirely at the beginning with the key components being almost entirely of hype and mystique instead of the album's actual merits. There's NONE of that this time. Most of the reaction was pretty mixed critically and negative to indifferent at best among the general public. And almost every retrospective article on the album usually contains the words "underwhelming" surrounded by an all around negative vibe.

Up until even just last year, Axl indicated that the next album was very similar in sound as CD, even referring it to "the other half". With all the negative vibes that surrounded the first helping and all of this in mind, I find it hard to believe the label is expecting people to be fooled again for seconds. Again, I believe they're willing to release it and do what they're obligated to do, but not a cunt hair more (which also probably serves as yet another bothering factor for Axl).

Will just having the GNR name attached to it help initial sales somewhat? More than likely. But it won't be anything compared to what CD did. There's really no reason for the label to believe otherwise. And I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the label releasing it without Axl having a functional band to back it this time, because there's no way in hell I believe from last time that they hadn't learned their lesson. Plus, something's gotta make up for the mystique and hype that's absent this time around. If it ain't touring, what else?

Edited by Bobbo
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A GNR album would sell well by reasonable expectations. The label would not lose money on it.

i agree completely, especially if most of the tracks he has in the can are recordings that were part of the bloated CD budget we have all heard about over and over

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