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Terrorist attack thread


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43 people were killed in Lebanon the other day. I don't see people changing their profile pictures for Lebanon. People are more struck by the Paris attacks because it is Paris, a Western country and it is mostly non-Muslims being killed. But if people in Beirut are murdered, it is almost like it is expected.

Just throwing it out there

Why didn't you make a thread about it and you can always change your profile pic for Lebanon. It was an horrible bombing as well, I agree.

To be honest when that bombing happened I actually expected a thread made here about it. Ofcourse it's more expected a bombing take place in Lebanon then in Paris. The Hezbollah is not exactly friends with IS, it actually was expected. That whole region is not the safest place on earth right now. Not that it makes it any less horrible ofcourse, just more expected. But in Paris far away of the conflict, it was less likely. However most western european countries the terrorism code has been high (orange) for years now.

I don't just my profile pic for anything. Also, I won't post another thread because I can just mention it here. It is worth bringing it to attention to show that the people of France are not alone. IS is killing people in other countries.

and Lebanon is not just Hezbollah, there's real people. Innocent people. Shia Muslims, Sunni, Christians and whatever.

Saw this on my feed.


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43 people were killed in Lebanon the other day. I don't see people changing their profile pictures for Lebanon. People are more struck by the Paris attacks because it is Paris, a Western country and it is mostly non-Muslims being killed. But if people in Beirut are murdered, it is almost like it is expected.

Just throwing it out there

Why didn't you make a thread about it and you can always change your profile pic for Lebanon. It was an horrible bombing as well, I agree.

To be honest when that bombing happened I actually expected a thread made here about it. Ofcourse it's more expected a bombing take place in Lebanon then in Paris. The Hezbollah is not exactly friends with IS, it actually was expected. That whole region is not the safest place on earth right now. Not that it makes it any less horrible ofcourse, just more expected. But in Paris far away of the conflict, it was less likely. However most western european countries the terrorism code has been high (orange) for years now.

I don't just my profile pic for anything. Also, I won't post another thread because I can just mention it here. It is worth bringing it to attention to show that the people of France are not alone. IS is killing people in other countries.

and Lebanon is not just Hezbollah, there's real people. Innocent people. Shia Muslims, Sunni, Christians and whatever.


I know that Lebanon is more, like all countries in that area. Think most of us know, there are many different groups living in the middle east. But the area bombed was an Hezbollah area. Hezbollah was clearly the target that doesn't make the people killed any less innocent, cause it was done just in a neighberhood.

Think we all know that IS is killing people in other countries, it isn't hard to miss. Other muslims seems to be the main target.

Love that Hebdo cartoon Dazey!

Edited by MB.
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They target other Muslims but when the media starts covering attacks on non-Muslims they stir up a shit storm. Thankfully there's a social media movement countering it. Including quotes from the Qur'an stating that taking a human life is as bad as killing humanity and saving a human life is saving humanity. Like the Talmud that says saving a life will save a generation in time.

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They target other Muslims but when the media starts covering attacks on non-Muslims they stir up a shit storm. Thankfully there's a social media movement countering it. Including quotes from the Qur'an stating that taking a human life is as bad as killing humanity and saving a human life is saving humanity. Like the Talmud that says saving a life will save a generation in time.

what i see all the time is muslims sacrificing their lives to fight these extremists. they are dying just as our men and women have been dying. when a christian hears the voice of god and decides to blow up an abortion clinic or go on a mass shooting christians arent pressured into speaking out about some nutjob who went off who happens to share their religion, yet every fucking time a muslim does something other peaceful muslims are somehow obligated to denounce it. people forget about the candles being lit by muslims on sept 11th, people also seem to forget the kurds have been fighting and dying at the hands of isis and they just took the city of sinjar in iraq, yet a couple of fucking crazies go off and people try to paint the whole religion as such.

To think such fuckin' insight could come from a metaller, and there i was thinkin' you were all fuckin' animals :lol: Did all this come to you in the middle of a ouijjaboard with all your mates? :lol: There must be something to this occult lark!

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So I hear various posters here complaining about Obama not doing anything about ISIS so I ask you what do you think he should do?

Tell us what you plan would be if you were in his shoes?

first off I find it sad that you find the way to defend your heroes performance by pointing out that no one else on a guns and roses forum knows what to do so therefore...

pretty sad isn't it? even by your standards.

And what I want Obama to do, at this point is just get out of the way, I don't want him to do ANYTHING, because in all likelyhood he will fuck something else up.

this is on him,

we had a chance to stop ISIS as they were just forming, we had resources in the region, instead he cut and run from Iraq for some political points.

He drew a red line with Asaad when he poisoned his people, then he backed down,

He "announced" he was sending 50 special forces into the battle in Syria, who does that? Now THOSE 50 have targets on their backs, their being hunted.

The crisis in Syria is not his to fight anymore, he has been replaced, Stay out of Putins way and let him do the job.

Maybe our next president (not named Hillary) will form a group of generals with a strategic plan to eradicate this disgusting band of crap.

God bless the victims both in Paris, in Lebanon, and everywhere else where decent people are feeling the wrath of this evil.

Edited by shades
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So I hear various posters here complaining about Obama not doing anything about ISIS so I ask you what do you think he should do?

Tell us what you plan would be if you were in his shoes?

first off I find it sad that you find the way to defend your heroes performance by pointing out that no one else on a guns and roses forum knows what to do so therefore...

pretty sad isn't it? even by your standards.

And what I want Obama to do, at this point is just get out of the way, I don't want him to do ANYTHING, because in all likelyhood he will fuck something else up.

this is on him,

we had a chance to stop ISIS as they were just forming, we had resources in the region, instead he cut and run from Iraq for some political points.

He drew a red line with Asaad when he poisoned his people, then he backed down,

He "announced" he was sending 50 special forces into the battle in Syria, who does that? Now THOSE 50 have targets on their backs, their being hunted.

The crisis in Syria is not his to fight anymore, he has been replaced, Stay out of Putins way and let him do the job.

Maybe our next president (not named Hillary) will form a group of generals with a strategic plan to eradicate this disgusting band of crap.

God bless the victims both in Paris, in Lebanon, and everywhere else where decent people are feeling the wrath of this evil.

I am not defending anything..... you and others are complaining that Obama has dropped the ball and I asked a simple question. You think he is not doing the right thing tell us what he should do... so he is asleep at the wheel yet you want him to do nothing.

If that is what you want then stop complaining as he is doing what you want yes?

And Putin is doing exactly what Obama is doing except attacking the Syrian rebels instead of ISIS so he is no hero....

Interesting reports that Russia has deployed SAM antiaircraft missiles in Syria. Wasn't aware that ISIS had an air force? ;)

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This shows you there is no security 24/7 for anyone and it's very scary to know this.

ISIS and any other crazy terrorists don't fear death, so there's no way to threaten them and they are relentless and will not stop.

Yeah, there are millions of good Muslims, but no matter how many members ISIS has it seems to be enough to bring a country like France to it's needs.

It's just a matter of time, before the US is hit again. No one knows for certain who these members are or where they are.

France just caught a few suspects in Belgium, so how easy it was for them to escape France before the borders were shut down?

All those innocent people shot down without any remorse or emotion behind it.

This is a terrible world now and it's not going to get any better.

As always, you are a breath of fresh air.

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I think if Paris officials find some of the terrorists who did this, they should cut their heads off right in the middle of Paris for all to see.

I don't think playing fair is the way to go. You can't deal with savages who are ready to die because they hate so much. How can you deal reasonable with them?

The only way to stop this or at least try to is to act exactly like they do and do whatever it takes to stop them.

These fuckers make Hitler look like a saint compared to what they do and it's very scary to think it won't stop because they think they are so right.

I say the US and all it's allies should get the hell out of every Arab nation and let them deal with their own shit. Eventually, they will probably kill each other off. As for the innocents, people die everyday because of violence and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Satan must be laughing his ass off because of all the souls he's going to have soon.

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I say the US and all it's allies should get the hell out of every Arab nation and let them deal with their own shit. Eventually, they will probably kill each other off. As for the innocents, people die everyday because of violence and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

The US and it's Allies only interest in the Arab world is to solve their problems yeah? Of course. Nothing to do with oil and self interest at all. As for your last comment about innocents dying well if thats the case why you bothered about the Paris attacks for, they were innocents just innocents in the middle east are. Sorry, i forgot, white people are more innocent than the rest of us right?

But over and above everything else, your immediate reaction to attacks in France, 120 innocent people are dead...and your first thought is 'it's only a matter of time til America is attacked again', you couldn't, even for one second, keep your thoughts respectful over a bunch of dead french people, your immediate fuckin' reaction was 'OMG, IT COULD BE ME NEXT!'. The only fuckin' issue you've got is cowardice, lack of bottle, when push comes to shove, when it becomes about you and your life it's fuck the rest, any fuckin' moral crime whatsoever is acceptable and passable as long as the rains off your back, to me that makes you a lesser person even than terrorists, least they're monsters that fight for a cause, you've got all the same characteristics of them upstairs, just none of the ability to do anything about it, if you could press a button now and wipe out every Arab man woman and child to preserve you and yours you'd do it in the blink of an eye...cuz hey, fuck the innocents right, violence goes on every day, as long as you and yours are alright who gives a fuck eh?

Well done girl, really showed your class there, nice one, i bet your kids are proud ;)

Edited by alfierose
removed personal insult
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Idk if it's been discussed in here yet but the French retaliated by sending jets to drop 20 bombs near an ISIS camp in Syria

Just saw that. This situation is starting to freak me out a little bit.

Seems like war is in the air in much the same way it was after 9/11. If France goes all in I'm worried that America might follow them into another mess in the Middle East.

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Well here's a report from Nostradamus


Tout à l'entour de la grande cité,
Seront soldats logez par champs & ville,
Donner l'assaut Paris, Rome incité,
Sur le pont lors sera faite grand pille.

All around the great city
Soldiers shall find lodging in fields and towns
Paris shall be assaulted, Rome incited
Their great plundering shall be done on the pontiff.

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