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07/06/16 - Cincinnati, OH - Paul Brown Stadium (Steven Adler 2 Songs)


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1 hour ago, oaka said:

I think it's true. His trainer has been traveling with him since the Axl/DC tour and posting pictures of the cities they performed in. So, he is definitely with him. 

Who is it then? IG username?

I thought it was Royce Gracie, but I guess not. 

Either way he's mixing more cocktails for Axl than mixing up his training regime. 

I'm through giving them all the benefit of the doubt with fitness. 

If you WANT to do it it's not difficult. 

I'm convinced Axl had a steady stream of amphetamines to keep him lean and mean in 06/07. ;-D

Not being funny, but Steven looks the best out of all of them! 

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18 minutes ago, Blake Sabbath said:

Who is it then? IG username?

I thought it was Royce Gracie, but I guess not. 


The trainer's IG account is jordanfperform . 

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1 hour ago, Asia said:

People moaning that a 54 years old man who jumps, runs, dances and moves every night for over two hours as much as Axl does and still sings as good as he does is out of shape are... well I find it difficult to find the proper word. And as for the beer drinking: if he wanted to be a disciplined non-drinking saint he would have become a monk rather than a rock'n'roll star. I mean, really, the expectaions on this forum are sometimes just completely nonsensical...:facepalm:

It's because Axl is fat, you can't deny that, he is fat! He might not be bothered about it, we all still like him anyway, but why should we pretend he ain't fat when he is? 

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6 minutes ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

It's because Axl is fat, you can't deny that, he is fat! He might not be bothered about it, we all still like him anyway, but why should we pretend he ain't fat when he is? 

I think some of us are tired of people obsessing over his looks because it's just petty. I was at this show and not once thought, jeez, Axl looks a little too heavy and isn't getting the job done. He was great. I think if he was like 50 pounds heavier, it would be worth going on and on about. He's got a few extra, but he's in a great mind set and putting on amazing shows. I'm not attacking you by any means because the post I'm replying to isn't really mean, but others just need to move on and be thrilled that this "reunion" is so damn good.

Edited by Ak1nney
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23 minutes ago, Italian girl said:

he's getting thinner

You just gotta go back a page or two where you can see for yourself again the balloon on his torso :lol:

Doesn't mean we can't love him even when he's a cuddly bear. But just telling it like it is. 

He's still one of the world's best frontmen though, regardless how he looks :headbang:

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1 hour ago, Ak1nney said:

I think some of us are tired of people obsessing over his looks because it's just petty. I was at this show and not once thought, jeez, Axl looks a little too heavy and isn't getting the job done. He was great. I think if he was like 50 pounds heavier, it would be worth going on and on about. He's got a few extra, but he's in a great mind set and putting on amazing shows. I'm not attacking you by any means because the post I'm replying to isn't really mean, but others just need to move on and be thrilled that this "reunion" is so damn good.

I don't know, its an observation really. I see the YouTube vids, and yes I think they sound great, but I can't say I don't sit there thinking "man, Axl is fat, I wish he weren't so damn fat" cos I do :lol: on every single clip. He's only little isn't he? so his fat looks worse than Slashs fat :/ 

Its not stopping me thinking this is the best time to be a guns fan, you know, I'm still going to buy a ticket if they tour near me. It's just you can't really unsee the fat. As long as they're happy, that's the main thing. 

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Sure it might be a tiresome topic like seats on the pitch in the US, but honestly it's the only thing outsiders have on this whole set up and it grates my gears for that reason alone. 

Theyre going on early, Slash and Duff are back, Adler just cameod and Axl sounds good... but how many chins can you count?

It doesn't have to be like this and I wish it wasn't. 

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It does matter, of course it does. If Mick Jagger blubbered up and came out to sing for The Stones looking like a balloon with lips, then everyone would laugh their heads off. 

Axl is currently in two of the biggest bands on the planet, playing to hundreds of thousands of people between them, he is all over the rock music media. In that case, I don't think it's unreasonable for his fans to want him to look the best he can. Casual fans will look on social media and see a fat ginger guy, sad but true. They need those casuals to turn up for these concerts. So, yes I think it matters. 



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40 minutes ago, Asia said:

I just don't understand why it matters so much to you, is this a beauty contest? Is this a fucking pageant? Do you wish to fuck him?

I mean the guy is a musician and as a musician he's doing everything great so what the hell does it matter what size of a gut he has? Does he have to look great or sing and perform great?

It wouldn't if he was BB King (i.e. an artist who just made music) but when you make a career that kinda trades on youthfulness and youth culture and rebellion well then you're gonna look a bit silly when you get older if you end up looking like a pudding. 

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35 minutes ago, Asia said:

Do you wish to fuck him?

There are many people here who would like to do exactly that if given the chance.

Apart from that, I agree with @Blake Sabbath and @MillionsOfSpiders - "fat Axl" is all anyone talks about in real life. No one knows or cares how good he sounds or how much he moves around or whatever, all they see when they look at Axl is a fat ginger cunt. Is that really what you want for the singer of your favorite band and his own (and the band's) reputation? He needs to win the casuals over as well if they really want to have a bright and successful future.

Besides, he himself is obviously sensitive about that whole topic as well, as that whole meme removal drama showed, so why not do somthing about that weight problem instead of trying to control the internet :facepalm:

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it matters for all the wrong reasons.  of course it should not, but people are going to talk about it regardless.  i think it is also worth noting that 50 today is not the same as 50 20 years ago.  Axl has plenty of life left in him.  we are still on page 1 of this new chapter.

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Any vids of Estranged?

Both this and Paradise sounded like weak sauce vocally at this show. Loving Civil War these days, pretty good Coma and great end to RQ. Pretty decent SCOM too, especially the ending.

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8 hours ago, downliner said:


Really so great to see Adler up there. My missus loves the Adler "Back From The Dead" album (as do I tbh) and she was about in tears when I told her that Adler had performed with Guns (as was I lol). His smile is just infectious and you can tell just by looking at a photo how much it meant to him. Hope he comes to the UK as he's the only OG that I've not seen live.

OMG William that tweet is hilarious, but true! I was there when you said it :)

And glared...heavily in your direction!

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Hey guys!

Wednesday night was the best night of my fucking life. I cried. I screamed. I smiled so hard. I laughed. I have bad 4 inch bruises on my calves from the chairs, my neck hurts STILL from head banging so hard. What a night.. Like I can't begin to explain. I'm sure you all have heard it by now though. Adler was the icing on the cake.

i had my fanclub lanyard on, as well as a VIP one too, I was in section C row 2. I'm the one that had the sign! I was told in the lounge that if I hold it up I will get it taken away and possibly kicked out. They apparently made the "no sign" rule up AFTER I had gotten in!! Nowhere in the stadium rules or anywhere did it state you couldn't have a sign. I was so mad. I flashed it up a few times during "Rocket queen" and made sure it was okay with the ppl behind me. They encouraged me to stand on my chair actually lol! I could SWEAR on everything Axl seen it and smiled. But maybe I'm crazy? Nonetheless my lanyards and sign got me nowhere regarding meeting the boys. That was the only thing I wanted lol. We even then decides to hang out at the stadium in the tour bus area. We seen Adler come out and greet fans at the gate (I was standing above the area) I tried to rush down there and by the time I got in line (I took a picture for someone for him and his little girl), stood back in line and Adler walked away. Can I begin to describe how heartbroken I was that I was that close and he stopped taking pic with people. There were only about 15 of us I would say. So rumors were flying that maybe Axl, Duff or Slash might come out and sign.. Well I was out there until about 2:15 and nothing. We thought we seen Slash's gf come out and get on one bus and then that bus pulled up to this little garage type area. I then watched the bus pull away and leave. So not sure if slash was on there? Needless to say. My husband was sitting on the ground almost passed out against the tree and wanted to leave. One of the security guards thought he was homeless bc of my sign!! Lol he walked up and tried to give him a dollar, seen a sign that had the words "rocket queen" and shook his head and said "your jus a fan". Lol! 

Soooo! Anyway.. Best night of my life ever. Did anyone here see me and my sign? It got me nowhere and neither did my fanclub lanyard but  maybe it's bc I was literally directly behind the pit and not in the pit. Or maybe im not pretty enough??? Or maybe it's bc my husband was with me? Lol. Anyone else here wait outside the stadium? Did Axl or Duff or Slash ever materialize???? I'll get my chance one day to meet them!!! Mark my words. But I was a foot away from Steven and he left!??

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