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Everything posted by jamillos

  1. It’s lame how people keep thinking in black/white extremes only. Why just either of these options? Why not both? In fact, I keep repeating here that ideally, it would be a mixture. CD2 + old stuff from 94–96 or earlier (if there’s anything left) + new songs. It’s true that revamping CD leftovers and releasing just those would probably be quicker, but I don’t think that would be the right move. People will compare the new album with the heyday stuff mercilessly, and I don’t think Slash came back just to have his parent band release an album where all he does is overdubbing someone else’s music. After all, I think he said he'd been writing new music for GNR. Hence it must be a mixture, and the same applies to any possible "future albums".
  2. I wish they'd chosen a different track for the next single, but oh well, better than nothing. My preferences were: HS Atlas / State of Grace Perhaps Eye on You / Silkworms
  3. I have a hangover, so this may be me just being dumb, but someone please explain to me why the thread says August 11, while the countdown is saying 3 days away, i.e. should be August 8. Thanks. It's the 5th today, right?
  4. That is a good point, no doubt. All I'm saying is, it's not a 100% sure thing, and there are certain arguments for that.
  5. And his UYI lyrics weren't personal? Come on, Tommy, Axl is not taking you back in the band. Duff's there, remember?
  6. As a GNR fan, I seem to have developed a remarkable resistance to disappointment. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst...
  7. Let’s not forget they know people have been listening in to the sound checks. And while it is quite logical (ha, not this again!) that Perhaps will be released at some point (TM), it doesn’t really have to mean it’s 100% the upcoming one. We know they have a bunch of tracks ready to go. And let’s say, for example, Perhaps is easier for a sound check than, say, The General. So as much as it looks like the one to come out next, it’s not 100%, as they cannot be unaware of our... awareness. I may be overcomplicating it, and I may be onto something here, too.
  8. You guys still obsessing about Fridays or some particular days and stuff coming out of the thin air? Jeez. This thing is as stale as the Spotify thing.
  9. Can’t be surprised. We live in a society (and this concerns more or less all "Western culture" countries) that’s been polarized to such an extreme that basically anyone who doesn’t agree with official mainstream/establishment mass media propaganda regarding anything important or global, is automatically assigned a scarlet letter and put in a box, no matter whether they’re called a conspiracy theorist, Putin-supporter, flat-earther, or – in my country – a "disinformator" or "desolate", which stands for pretty much a sum of all of the aforesaid. There used to be dialogue. There used to be natural resistance to lies from untrustworthy "authorities". Listen to Bill Hicks or George Carlin. A few years passed and all this seems to be gone (especially in the recent few, right?). At least out in general public – although that image is always a bit twisted; after all, the internet is basically anonymous, so people go wild, don’t they. It’s sad and kind of hilarious at the same time. The history is either going in circles or in a spiral. I wonder in which direction... End of lecture. (PS: I only know JR through memes, never seen a single episode.)
  10. Damn, that was horrible! I'd actually be prone to believe these photos were photoshopped to make him look even fatter. But I guess not.
  11. I don't think it's the face that's being discussed, though. Just my 2 cents, not that I really care (anymore).
  12. I don't personally need it. And if it only rises the ticket prices, then to hell with it. Whether the prices remain the same (or even get higher) even without it, that's a different story.
  13. From. A mysterious village from which you can't get out and weird things happen there. Two series already out, pretty exciting stuff. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9813792/
  14. I know that some multimillionaires deliberately wear shabby clothes, but Axl is really outdoing them all here.
  15. A mix, obviously. - Stuff from 94-96 - CD2 material - New songs All revamped.
  16. Then they'll just play Appetite for Mickey. Thanks but no thanks.
  17. The ship has sailed, man. Best to leave it be...
  18. I think what’s ultimately happening here is that we’re simply overthinking everything. Anxiety? Labels pressing them? Axl’s so-called perfectionism? Some legal issues? No. We are the ones who submerge in this stuff every day, but the truth is, they’re having the time of their lives. Nothing pressing them, crowds buying out tickets, new generations of chicks loving them, all this while making tons of money by playing those old hits. And when they’re not on the road, some of them keep themselves busy doing solo, and others – like Axl – may probably just unwind and not think about GN'R at all. I mean, we see them primarily as musicians, but they also have lives outside the whole music thing, don't they. So while we keep saying "this must be it, it would be logical to release XYZ this Friday/week/month," Axl just probably sits back in his rose pink Cadillac, making bets on Kentucky Derby Day... Yes, he does take things seriously, but he also has zero things to prove and zero deadlines to meet. That’s why I believe that those "it comes out when it comes out" statements Slash (and probably others) keeps making are closer to the truth than we realize. Axl just takes his time. And why wouldn’t he. He doesn’t read the forums (anymore), does he. Besides, he could play solely WTTJ–SCOM–KOHD–NR–PC for the rest of his life and still make money, as long as Slash is standing next to him on the stage. Do I blame him/them for this? Not really. Do I wish it was different? Why the fuck even ask. Rant over.
  19. Yeah, Wiki says it's been renewed for Season 2. I mean, considering the ending, they couldn't leave it at that, could they.
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