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Did You Join This Forum Cuz of NuGNR or the Original Lineup?



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A bit of both. Got into the band through the old stuff, obviously, but after I found out they were still touring with new guys and Axl, I was interested in seeing what was going on with them. I wound up joining HTGTH and later MyGNR after I realized the former was a shithole.

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I joined because I started really reading about the myth of CD around October '08. I'd first stumbled upon NuGNR when I looked up Buckethead after digging Jordan from Guitar Hero II. Streamed the album from the MySpace page and YouTube, and came here when I heard about Axl's chats and open letters. It was only that Xmas when I went out and bought AFD, Lies and the UYIs (after buying CD).

So you heard CD first before AFD/UYI?
How long did it take you to figure that one out? No homo.

Just makin sure I understood it right, cuz its hard to believe really. I mean, what if he heard it but just wasnt interested before CD.

You should add no homo in your sig, so even if youre the gayest, youre still not gay.

That's an awesome idea, I think I'll take you up on that. Thanks.
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It was (as I assume in most instances) the old band and their songs which got me interested in GN'R, a few of my other favourite bands at the time had gone through substantial personnel changes, so while I was disappointed when I discovered that the band who blew me away when I borrowed an old, scratched copy of Appetite off a friend had broken up, I was definitely up for giving the new guys a shot. If it hadn't been for them and the whole Chinese Democracy mythos, I don't think I would have joined up... I can't see me having joined the forum of a completely disbanded group that wasn't doing anything.

So, a combination of the two, and while I'd have welcomed a reunion with open arms when I first joined, I've become attached to the guys in the band as it is, I now wouldn't be pleased at a reunion at all. I'd really love it if the current band got a chance to overcome all the bullshit, fulfil their (massive) potential and shine. Sadly, for reasons which no-one is able to understand, that isn't really happening at the moment...

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First time I came here was for news. It was a good place to know what was going on with the band because there was no news anywhere else that wasn't GNR fan sites. First time it was a few months before CD was released if I recall.

But I've always been pro original lineup. I can't consider the current lineup on the same level, I'm not saying they are worse musicians, I'm saying it's not the same band.

Edited by izzygirl
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both but i wanted to see more the future of the band instead of talking about the past all the time. it is great to reminisce but it really gets old talking about the past, especially at a time when axl seemed to have some fire under his ass to prove everyone wrong.

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I love to watch Axl's vision of GNR crash and burn. Although, it's actually more like it's just whimpering out, not even exploding or burning.

The man destroyed my favorite band ever. So, I like seeing him go from hero to zero. He deserves it.

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I joined because I was obsessed with classic GNR, loved Axl and couldn't wait to hear what he'd do with the new band. I'm pretty sure the first time I came to mygnr was just before or just after the first Nu HOB show. I remember streaming song after song after song from that show off the main page. Actually, I might have been around before that. Maybe when OMG came out? Not really sure.

Point is, if there was never a classic lineup, I wouldn't be here. But I came to see what Axl could do with the new band.

Pretty much the same for me - Rio 2001 and the VMAs in '02 reignited my passion for GN'R.

I then started to read forums to get the latest news & rumors.

And off course the UYI lineup and albums is what made me a GN'R fan in the first place (missed AFD by a few years :-()

I came to know and love the present band (except for Ashba, who I feel I gave a chance but his behavior is driving me nuts)

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I joined when I heard about the Nu band touring because I was such a fan of real GnR and wanted to see what Axl could do with a new lineup. Initially I was really excited with the new direction and Buckethead especially. There seemed like genuine promise back then of something new, different and exciting. Now, not so much unfortunately. <_<

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I joined for Axl. :wub:

So you dont care who is in the band?

I used to, but not anymore. Now it's just about the music and its always been about Axl.

I lean more the old line up. I'm young and didn't really see them in their prime, but I'm fascinated with the 80s/90s GnR.

I don't really care about who is in the band anymore too. I like the new members but not as much as l like the former members.

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Guest Len B'stard

Neither, i joined for the discussions. Like I read a few of em going on and thought they were interesting and decided I'd like to join in.

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Neither, i joined for the discussions. Like I read a few of em going on and thought they were interesting and decided I'd like to join in.

Yeah, me too. I mean, I love the old lineup but I'm still interested in new music of the current line up. But I just joined because some discussions here were interesting and I wanted to share my point of view too. I love discussions!

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