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Star Wars-The Force Awakens Thread (Contains Spoilers)

Georgy Zhukov

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I have a theory that Kylo Ren could be Luke and Leia's younger half-brother.

Vader may have had another child to someone in secret, or possibly hidden away by the Emperor without Vader's knowledge of a child existing. It would fit the Emperor's character to have a back up plan should something have happened to Vader.

Just an idea.

Perhaps, but I don't see it. After he officially became Vader, he was all about kicking ass and taking names, I don't see him having the time or need to get his robo winky wet. And before that he was with Padme, so not gonna happen then either. I would lose a little bit of respect for Vader if he had some knocked up some bimbo on tattoine when he was supposed to be securing the death star plans. Just doesn't seem plausible to me.

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I have a theory that Kylo Ren could be Luke and Leia's younger half-brother.

Vader may have had another child to someone in secret, or possibly hidden away by the Emperor without Vader's knowledge of a child existing. It would fit the Emperor's character to have a back up plan should something have happened to Vader.

Just an idea.


^this video explains that theory with a lot of detail and even some potential evidence. I don't believe in it myself but I still found it pretty interesting so I figured you would too

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There's no way they'd be stupid enough to show Chewbacca's fucking corpse in the trailer. Come on guys.

Also based off this new trailer, it's quite clear to me that Luke is by no means Kylo Ren. He is 1000% Adam Driver, you can even tell it's his voice. Anyone that think Luke is Kylo Ren is delusional imo.

Of course he's not. This is an official promotional picture:


International trailers are infamous for giving away major spoilers, so, while unlikely with a film as big as Star Wars, it wouldn't be unheard of.

I forget which recent blockbuster it was, perhaps a Marvel film, but there was one where the director lamented the international TV spots because they gave away plot surprises.

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There's no way they'd be stupid enough to show Chewbacca's fucking corpse in the trailer. Come on guys.

Also based off this new trailer, it's quite clear to me that Luke is by no means Kylo Ren. He is 1000% Adam Driver, you can even tell it's his voice. Anyone that think Luke is Kylo Ren is delusional imo.

Of course he's not. This is an official promotional picture:


International trailers are infamous for giving away major spoilers, so, while unlikely with a film as big as Star Wars, it wouldn't be unheard of.

I forget which recent blockbuster it was, perhaps a Marvel film, but there was one where the director lamented the international TV spots because they gave away plot surprises.

The Asian trailer for Godzilla made it clear that it was just a "Godzilla Vs..." film, as opposed to the apocalyptic tone shown in the domestic trailers.

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There's no way they'd be stupid enough to show Chewbacca's fucking corpse in the trailer. Come on guys.

Also based off this new trailer, it's quite clear to me that Luke is by no means Kylo Ren. He is 1000% Adam Driver, you can even tell it's his voice. Anyone that think Luke is Kylo Ren is delusional imo.

Of course he's not. This is an official promotional picture:


International trailers are infamous for giving away major spoilers, so, while unlikely with a film as big as Star Wars, it wouldn't be unheard of.

I forget which recent blockbuster it was, perhaps a Marvel film, but there was one where the director lamented the international TV spots because they gave away plot surprises.

The Asian trailer for Godzilla made it clear that it was just a "Godzilla Vs..." film, as opposed to the apocalyptic tone shown in the domestic trailers.

The director of that film is actually directing the first Star Wars spin off in 2016, so it'd be kind of a funny coincidence regarding this discussion if it was him who complained

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Stuff like this makes you wonder. Like was this dude holding on just to see Star Wars? I know that sounds trivial but when you know the story how that was his wish was to see the movie before he passed away and then just days after getting a private screening of it he passes away. Such a sad and awesome story all in one.

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Stuff like this makes you wonder. Like was this dude holding on just to see Star Wars? I know that sounds trivial but when you know the story how that was his wish was to see the movie before he passed away and then just days after getting a private screening of it he passes away. Such a sad and awesome story all in one.

Like when Joe Paterno had coaching football taken away and died like 2 months later.

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Stuff like this makes you wonder. Like was this dude holding on just to see Star Wars? I know that sounds trivial but when you know the story how that was his wish was to see the movie before he passed away and then just days after getting a private screening of it he passes away. Such a sad and awesome story all in one.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I read that he passed. Like it's the definition of "Dying Wish". Couldn't agree more that it's very sad and awesome at the same time.

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Entertainment Weekly is putting out a whole 32-page issue on the new Star Wars film. Apparently lots of new photos and interviews are gonna be uploaded today.

Interviews include:

Harrison Ford talking about Han surviving up to this point

Daisy Ridley and John Boyega talking about their friendship on and off screen

Jj Abrams and Mark Hamill talking about Luke Skywalker being forgotten as a hero and becoming an "intergalactic man of mystery"

Abrams also gives background on Lupita Nyong'o's character, Leia's new full name and title, and specific details regarding Starkiller base

EDIT: here's the Ford interview. Great read!!


Edited by rocknroll41
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I dunno if anyone has floated this theory but I think it's starting to become clear that Boyega's character is a red herring, and he probably gets killed off during the fight scene with Kylo Renn, which is the emotional event that 'awakens' the force in Rey.

Chewie or Han aren't going to die that's dumb. I'm willing to bet they off Boyega and have just been releasing all these promo images with him wielding Luke's lightsaber to make the twist more dramatic

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I dunno if anyone has floated this theory but I think it's starting to become clear that Boyega's character is a red herring, and he probably gets killed off during the fight scene with Kylo Renn, which is the emotional event that 'awakens' the force in Rey.

Chewie or Han aren't going to die that's dumb. I'm willing to bet they off Boyega and have just been releasing all these promo images with him wielding Luke's lightsaber to make the twist more dramatic

I thought about that as well. The scene where Rey is crying if you look to the left it looks like a leather jacket kinda. So Han or Boyega. I don't think Han will die in the first episode but I do think he's going to go at some point and I hope he does. It adds a sense of realism and when a main character goes it makes you care that much more about everyne else knowing that they could go as well. I think you might be right about Boyega's character though.

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Nah. The vibe I get is that Ridley, Boyega, and Adam Driver (yes, the villain) are the new big 3, meaning they'll all last until at least IX.

Han is filling the role of the "guiding wizard mentor" in Luke's absence, and that type of character always dies in the first act (like Qui-Gon and Ben Kenobi, and Gandalf in LotR to a certain extent).

So my bet is Han will die in this one, then Luke will show up at the very end to be like the "wizard of higher knowledge" (yoda/ Elrond) to take his place and restart the jedi order with Rey and maybe Finn as his pupil(s). Then Luke will die in VIII to make things "darker" (as a middle act should), leaving the new kids to fend for themselves in IX.

Keep in mind this is really supposed to be about the new kids. the old people are just there to pass the torch so might as well start getting them out of the way early on and kill one of them in the first act. Han makes most sense to die first cause Leia is leading the Resistance and Luke needs to reboot the Jedi order. Han may be cool, but in the grand scheme of things he's useless.

And let's face it, Harrison has wanted Han to die since Empire. I seriously doubt he'd come back unless he got his wish granted

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Han doesn't look like he's going to be a wise mentor character. Looks like he's going to be the town washed up space pirate telling tall tales about the Rebellion, and searching for his junked ship.

It's clear that Rey is a junker, probably meets Han while he is looking for the Falcon, and they both must run into Boyega after he flees the Star Destroyer mission and crash lands(probably on some kind of espionage mission with Poe, trying to get Intel on the new Death Star which is very clearly buried under the ice planet).

They meet up with Han, one of them has the lightsaber, he recognizes it, they flee back to Yavin or wherever after the Empire attacks looking for Boyega, and that's probably all Han has to do with the first film. I doubt he's going to be a wise old mentor or anything

Edited by Dan H.
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Han doesn't look like he's going to be a wise mentor character. Looks like he's going to be the town washed up space pirate telling tall tales about the Rebellion, and searching for his junked ship.

It's clear that Rey is a junker, probably meets Han while he is looking for the Falcon, and they both must run into Boyega after he flees the Star Destroyer mission and crash lands(probably on some kind of espionage mission with Poe, trying to get Intel on the new Death Star which is very clearly buried under the ice planet).

They meet up with Han, one of them has the lightsaber, he recognizes it, they flee back to Yavin or wherever after the Empire attacks looking for Boyega, and that's probably all Han has to do with the first film. I doubt he's going to be a wise old mentor or anything

Yeah, maybe...I don't know. The whole "the force. it's true. All of it. The dark side. The Jedi. They're real" thing from the trailers kinda feels like a wise old mentor explaining the grand circumstances to the young heroes for me.

And if he ain't the wise old mentor, who is? Luke is awol and Leia is leading the resistance and they both seem to be hardly in the movie at all. Every hero's journey story needs a wise mentor, and in this case Han seems the best fit. But in the grand scheme of things, he's not as important as the other two. So both those points make me think he's the perfect candidate to die in this one

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