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Some jerk killed a bunch of people last night because he couldn't get laid


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Wow... almost done reading it

Sexist? Check

Racist? Oh yeah

Narcissist? Hell yeah

Supports fascism? Yup

Judgmental? Extremely

Obsessive and a stalker? Mhmm

Supports torture? Yes

Attacks, hurts, and criticizes people for no reason? Yeah

Murderer? You know that one

Some of the things he said and put down into words is just downright disgusting and shocking. I know there are many other sides to his story than just his, but it was interesting nonetheless. He expected others to just walk up to him and literally worship him. Some people just don't realize relationships (sexually or otherwise) don't usually just happen like that. Its always a two way street.

Absent, ignorant father. Ignorant, enabling mother. Crazy stepmother... but still, its just so dark, twisted, and disturbing what he became. This isn't really about video games, violent movies and shows, gun control, etc. What compelled him to do this and become the thing he became could only be rectified by intense institutionalization, intense therapy, and tons of support.

Its stupid to read about him and get so into it. I am not deranged! It just really interested me for some reason. Its important to realize that mental illness is just as real as physical illnesses, but he morphed into something so bitter and evil, its like there was no turning back.

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Misogynist male entitlement in all its glory.

So what would it be called if it was a she vs. a he that did this?

An anomaly. And to be clear, I'm in no way suggesting that women aren't capable of either misandry or violence. But the specific attitude at play here (which kickingthehabit described best) doesn't really exist in women.

Edited by Angelica
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Misogynist male entitlement in all its glory.

So what would it be called if it was a she vs. a he that did this?

An anomaly. And to be clear, I'm in no way suggesting that women aren't capable of either misandry or violence.

Bitch :lol:

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Whelp, that was a dark read. Reading his actual plan was horrifying. What actually happened wasn't 1/100th of what he wanted to do (it is still horrible). What a disturbed, twisted, horrible, human being.

In other words, a jerk :awesomeface:

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On the surface of things he was a good looking, wealthy guy with good family connections. Usually those things are a win win when dating. I can only think whatever mental health issues he had must have come across loud and clear for no one to ever take a chance on him. I wonder if he had any friends?

Such a needless tragedy for the victims and their families.

It looks to me like he's pretty loud and clear about what a self entitled prick he is!
You wanna count yourself lucky my girl, you probably had a near miss with young Miser :lol:
When was the last time we heard from Arnold? :o

Go fuck yourself with a pizza cutter Dazey.

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I disagree, many troubled and suicidal people feel more comfortable talking openly to strangers online than they do to people they know in the real world therefore there are definitely times when forum members do have some responsibility to offer advice or guidance that could help prevent a suicide or some other violent act. It's not uncommon for people to express themselves better in writing than verbally, in fact I am one of those who fall into that category. And sometimes if I want an honest, unbiased opinion I will seek it from a trusted internet friend rather than a relative or real world friend.

Also a common trait of narcissists is absolutely having to tell people every detail about their lives, thoughts, etc and since they can't tell people in the real world when they are planning to do something harmful to themselves or others they'll often tell people anonymously over the internet because there's no way for those people to stop them (other than trying to talk them out of it).

Now don't get me wrong, I completely agree that friends/relatives/coworkers in the real world should do whatever they can to prevent something bad from happening. I've had a situation myself where I removed every knife in the house because I was concerned about a girlfriend's well being. But like I said, there's just only so much you can do. You can't watch them 24/7, you can't run home from work every time they call telling you they are going to harm themselves, you can't notify the police every time they are pissed off at people and every time they threaten revenge against non-specific people. Blaming family members who did the best they can just ain't right.

But I'm not talking about someone who is aware of their problem and ASKS for help. Most people who are mentally unstable are deluded that they are actually OK. I'm talking about family and friends recognising a genuine problem when the person at hand is in denial, and stepping in to help.

What you did in removing knives from the house is exactly what more people need to do. Be it knives, car keys, guns, drugs, alcohol, any kind of weapon. You did that because you recognised a problem and you cared enough to do that.

When a family is not very financially well off it poses a problem because yes, people have to work and they can't drop everything or quit a job because their son, daughter, brother or sister needs some serious help. I get that. But in THIS case, the family was well off. Very well off and someone in the family would have been able to dedicate the required time to make sure their son/brother/whoever was temporarily taken care of. And lets just emphasise that, these things are often TEMPORARY. They can be fixed. But you can't just throw money at it. It's not about money and alerting the 'authorities', it's about actually CARING. If someone in his family genuinely cared they wouldn't be where they are now. Because they can afford to get the required treatment and can afford to take time off to help. But the problem is they didn't CARE enough. And so 6 innocent people are now dead.

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Now don't get me wrong, I completely agree that friends/relatives/coworkers in the real world should do whatever they can to prevent something bad from happening. I've had a situation myself where I removed every knife in the house because I was concerned about a girlfriend's well being. But like I said, there's just only so much you can do. You can't watch them 24/7, you can't run home from work every time they call telling you they are going to harm themselves, you can't notify the police every time they are pissed off at people and every time they threaten revenge against non-specific people. Blaming family members who did the best they can just ain't right.

I completely agree. I don't think any of the parties involved in this situation, other than the killer himself, deserves to be chastised or blamed in any way for what happened. It's no better than this kid blaming all the blondes at the sorority house and all the guys who have ever gotten laid for the fact he was still a virgin and living as a miserable outcast. This was no more the fault of the family, police, therapists or the salesman who sold him the BMW, as it was the girl walking down the street or the guy standing in the deli who were shot and killed. If his condition had gone ignored and no effort was made to help, that would be a completely different scenario, but that is NOT the case here.

Hindsight is 20/20. Like anything in life, one can look back and think they could have done things differently. But the reality is no one has a crystal ball, and it's way too comfortable and easy to be the Monday morning quarterback when you weren't the one involved in making the decisions.

I can't imagine what could have gotten you to the point of removing knives from the home. Being preemptive can help, but how far does one go. Did you also consider removing mirrors, drinking glasses, coffee cups, plates, lamps, vases, picture frames. wires, medicine cabinet, tv, etc. It's almost scary if you look around and realize just about anything can be used as a weapon or to inflict harm on oneself. There's a reason for the phrase "padded room". I had a friend who was committed to the psych ward for attacking his girlfriend and attempting suicide. When I visited he was dressed in a hospital gown with paper booties on his feet. We sat in a stark room with only a table and a couple of chairs, and he was sedated. I wasn't even allowed to bring in my purse. There was nothing there to hurt him, or me for that matter. Unfortunately it's only after the fact that someone is usually placed in that sort of environment for their own safety and those of others. The alternative is locking everyone away anytime they express sadness, depression, anger, confusion. Did we all see that my friend had been distraught because his girlfriend was breaking up with him, yes. Could anyone have anticipated what he was going to do that night, no. Did anyone but him deserve the blame for his own actions, absofuckinglutley not.

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Cops talked to this guy before the shootings and found him to be quiet and polite.

then he goes on his blog and says luckily the cops didn't check his room.

It just goes to show you how cunning a mentally disturbed person can fool anyone. It's very scary indeed.

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But I'm not talking about someone who is aware of their problem and ASKS for help. Most people who are mentally unstable are deluded that they are actually OK. I'm talking about family and friends recognising a genuine problem when the person at hand is in denial, and stepping in to help.

What you did in removing knives from the house is exactly what more people need to do. Be it knives, car keys, guns, drugs, alcohol, any kind of weapon. You did that because you recognised a problem and you cared enough to do that.

When a family is not very financially well off it poses a problem because yes, people have to work and they can't drop everything or quit a job because their son, daughter, brother or sister needs some serious help. I get that. But in THIS case, the family was well off. Very well off and someone in the family would have been able to dedicate the required time to make sure their son/brother/whoever was temporarily taken care of. And lets just emphasise that, these things are often TEMPORARY. They can be fixed. But you can't just throw money at it. It's not about money and alerting the 'authorities', it's about actually CARING. If someone in his family genuinely cared they wouldn't be where they are now. Because they can afford to get the required treatment and can afford to take time off to help. But the problem is they didn't CARE enough. And so 6 innocent people are now dead.

I haven't learned much about the guy's family so I don't feel comfortable condemning them for inaction. I do know the dad is an assistant director, so what was he supposed to do? Force them to halt production of movies or quit his job so he can stay home and monitor his son 24/7? To the best of my knowledge, the guy did not have any type of violent history whatsoever. Never hurt himself or anyone else, and never tried. That makes it really difficult to prevent a first-time act of violence. And again, 99.99% of people who say and do disturbing things won't actually go out and kill anybody.

I'm curious as to why you put the blame on his family but not on his 2 or 3 roommates? I would think they'd have a better handle on the situation since they were living with him.

It's a slippery slope when it comes to judging the parents of killers. We have a local television personality whose son has a very long history of violence and abuse, particularly against women. Every time the son got into trouble, the dad bailed him out (literally and figuratively). The son couldn't hold a job, so the dad paid for his attorneys and supported him even though much of the money wound up going towards partying and drugs and whatnot. Well, last year the son finally took it a step further and killed his girlfriend who also was the mother of his child. Now THAT is a situation where I do put some of the blame on the parent.

His roomates had no obligation or anything. They were randoms he didn't know and chose to keep his distance. Any roomates he had he said he was going to kill regardless of who they were.

His mom seemed to care about him but also seemed like a great enabler, his dad sounded like an absent and weak idiot. He also hated his stepmother. This is all from his point of view though, so it could be false. He was spoiled and probably not raised right, but that shouldn't have created what he became. Some people are just twisted and disturbed

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I think what he wrote was about where everything went wrong for him, the trips to Morocco seemed to agitate him, as much as seeing happy couples. He could have dated but he didn't want to date "below" him in fear of being ridiculed.

He probably should have joined the military or move to San Francisco. 3 years in Santa Barbara was hell for him, and you could see all his problems leading up to moving there. He had plenty of opportunities to be successful and get the girls he wanted, but all he was focused on was wanting to be cool and have what other people had. He had an obessive nature about himself and wanted his own financial freedom, probably why he got hung up on lottery tickets.

He put down retail jobs as being beneath him, but a lot of girls work in retail and he probably would have gotten laid. He wanted a specific type of girl that he couldn't have.

His dad and stepmom def. don't come off well in what he wrote.

Even though he becomes hateful towards the end of his story, he is well-written and pretty descriptive about how he got to a boiling point.

Slash didn't really grow up any different being that he had UK roots - his parents were working in the entertainment biz, his dad came and went in his life, but he found something productive to throw himself into. I'm sure he could identify up to a point.

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Just argued with a couple of stupid feminist bitches on facebook about this and i got so mad i was dripping sweat. never arguing with one of those again.

They were saying it's only a mysogony issue, and when I said that reading the manifesto makes it clear that the guy was insane, they called me...ableist.

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I think what he wrote was about where everything went wrong for him, the trips to Morocco seemed to agitate him, as much as seeing happy couples. He could have dated but he didn't want to date "below" him in fear of being ridiculed.

He probably should have joined the military or move to San Francisco. 3 years in Santa Barbara was hell for him, and you could see all his problems leading up to moving there. He had plenty of opportunities to be successful and get the girls he wanted, but all he was focused on was wanting to be cool and have what other people had. He had an obessive nature about himself and wanted his own financial freedom, probably why he got hung up on lottery tickets.

He put down retail jobs as being beneath him, but a lot of girls work in retail and he probably would have gotten laid. He wanted a specific type of girl that he couldn't have.

His dad and stepmom def. don't come off well in what he wrote.

Even though he becomes hateful towards the end of his story, he is well-written and pretty descriptive about how he got to a boiling point.

Slash didn't really grow up any different being that he had UK roots - his parents were working in the entertainment biz, his dad came and went in his life, but he found something productive to throw himself into. I'm sure he could identify up to a point.

Even if he had retail jobs or whatever, he couldn't have dated. Sure, he dressed well and had a BMW, but in his mind this is what "entitled" him to a girl of his choice. He thought he could just sit in a corner and women would flock to him. That is obviously wrong. He also had a horrible personality, views, and was disturbed. He had friends throughout his life, he just pushed them all away because of how awful he truly was.

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Just argued with a couple of stupid feminist bitches on facebook about this and i got so mad i was dripping sweat. never arguing with one of those again.

They were saying it's only a mysogony issue, and when I said that reading the manifesto makes it clear that the guy was insane, they called me...ableist.

It didn't come across that his mom or stepmom were good role models.

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Just argued with a couple of stupid feminist bitches on facebook about this and i got so mad i was dripping sweat. never arguing with one of those again.

They were saying it's only a mysogony issue, and when I said that reading the manifesto makes it clear that the guy was insane, they called me...ableist.

Why in the sake of all the fuck would you go to a feminist forum, let alone to argue this?

Its like going to a GNR forum to talk about Slash!

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I like how we figured out his entire disturbed mind, the causes of his problems and the ones responsible for his behaviour based on ...hmmm... the media and the guy's own perception of reality. Seems reliable.

The only thing I can figure out after spending 5 mins reading his stuff is that the guy was insane as in mentally ill. I see pelnty of narcissitic people everywhere, even in this forum we have a few examples, of both sexes, and there are sexist people, yeah, and people who went through awful childhoods, and people who think GNR owe them their happy ending,... but they don't end up commiting an atrocity like this.

Just one thing: I find despicable the condescending comments blaming the parents for this. Good for you, for having parenthood and life that well figured out. This society is self-centered, people care more about appearances, their own well-being and money than they care for others, including their family... and whatever else you want to add. But we all make this society. I like how we are always condescending talking about it. It's never us.

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Just argued with a couple of stupid feminist bitches on facebook about this and i got so mad i was dripping sweat. never arguing with one of those again.

They were saying it's only a mysogony issue, and when I said that reading the manifesto makes it clear that the guy was insane, they called me...ableist.

Why in the sake of all the fuck would you go to a feminist forum, let alone to argue this?

Its like going to a GNR forum to talk about Slash!

I didn't, one of them posted a stupid status about how it's wrong to assume that this kid is insane because that's "ableist". I was mad, i had to comment.

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I like how we figured out his entire disturbed mind, the causes of his problems and the ones responsible for his behaviour based on ...hmmm... the media and the guy's own perception of reality. Seems reliable.

The only thing I can figure out after spending 5 mins reading his stuff is that the guy was insane as in mentally ill. I see pelnty of narcissitic people everywhere, even in this forum we have a few examples, of both sexes, and there are sexist people, yeah, and people who went through awful childhoods, and people who think GNR owe them their happy ending,... but they don't end up commiting an atrocity like this.

Just one thing: I find despicable the condescending comments blaming the parents for this. Good for you, for having parenthood and life that well figured out. This society is self-centered, people care more about appearances, their own well-being and money than they care for others, including their family... and whatever else you want to add. But we all make this society. I like how we are always condescending talking about it. It's never us.


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