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Last full album you listened to?


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On 10/12/2020 at 2:21 PM, ChineseDemocracy2004 said:

Some Time In New York City by John Lennon.

I love that album.  It was actually not that popular and, so some say, led John to take a backseat from music, or its lack of popularity played a part in the desicion.  The concept behind it is great though, to be like a news/newspaper where you write songs on current shit, put it out quickly etc, he was apparently going to make a number of albums in that vein if this had gone well but apparently it didn't.  I think thats a wonderful idea though, The Clash kinda semi picked up on that idea with their notions of being a 'news giving group'.

The fuckin' talent it must take though, to make songs to order like that...and have them be fuckin' good.  John Sinclair, Attica State, Luck of the Irish (many people took offence to that shit), New York City (loved that track, very Chuck Berry), Woman is the N!gger of the World, all class tracks.  It might actually be my favourite John Lennon album.  His four best I'd say was Plastic Ono, this, Imagine and Two Virgins.

Edited by Len Cnut
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15 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

My god!

I just think its a wonderful piece of work.  First of all the nerve of it, to release that.  To my understanding conceptual art is not about the thing but rather what the thing is saying, the intent behind its creation, the idea or concept behind it.  Unfinished Music, what is unfinished music, if you pick apart music, the building blocks of it...its just noise isn't it, sound?  So like...all noise, all sound is kinda...unfinished music, disordered music.  It kinda blew my mind first time I thought of it like that, its artistically liberating, to people who are kinda...stuck on form and ridgid in their approach to it, its a liberating concept.  It doesn't mean to say that all artists should now just make a fuckin' racket but rather its like, I dunno, if I was a musician what I'd take from that is like...look outside the lines, don't be stuck on form and structure and genre and limitations always.  Its just organized or ordered noise.

Plus the cover, John with his todger out on a white background, its fuckin' brilliant.  I dunno, I just like the mad, the daring, the extreme.  What matters is the intent behind it and I think the intent is wonderful.  And for it to come out of like, the popstar of all popstars, its just a beautiful thing, I mean can you imagine a popstar nowadays doing something so fuckin' weird and extreme avante garde?  Its what I love about John, he was just a complete madhead sometimes.  But its not just that, its not just weird for weirds sake, its the fuckin' idea behind it all. 

I don't see why tape loops and backwards guitars gets all this credit but then this is somehow too far for people (not you, I'm saying the general reaction to Two Virgins).  Its seems to be to have a logical conceptual progression to it.

Edited by Len Cnut
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10 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

I just think its a wonderful piece of work.  First of all the nerve of it, to release that.  To my understanding conceptual art is not about the thing but rather what the thing is saying, the intent behind its creation, the idea or concept behind it.  Unfinished Music, what is unfinished music, if you pick apart music, the building blocks of it...its just noise isn't it, sound?  So like...all noise, all sound is kinda...unfinished music, disordered music.  It kinda blew my mind first time I thought of it like that, its artistically liberating, to people who are kinda...stuck on form and ridgid in their approach to it, its a liberating concept.  It doesn't mean to say that all artists should now just make a fuckin' racket but rather its like, I dunno, if I was a musician what I'd take from that is like...look outside the lines, don't be stuck on form and structure and genre and limitations always.  Its just organized or ordered noise.

Plus the cover, John with his todger out on a white background, its fuckin' brilliant.  I dunno, I just like the mad, the daring, the extreme.  What matters is the intent behind it and I think the intent is wonderful.  And for it to come out of like, the popstar of all popstars, its just a beautiful thing, I mean can you imagine a popstar nowadays doing something so fuckin' weird and extreme avante garde?  Its what I love about John, he was just a complete madhead sometimes.  But its not just that, its not just weird for weirds sake, its the fuckin' idea behind it all. 

I don't see why tape loops and backwards guitars gets all this credit but then this is somehow too far for people (not you, I'm saying the general reaction to Two Virgins).  Its seems to be to have a logical conceptual progression to it.

As odd as this might sound, you can still make some sort of rhythmic progression out of noise music. The BBC Radiophonic Workshop had been doing it since 1958. I think Two Virgins/Unfinished Music is all about deconstruction. A what is and what isn't "music" It's roots lie in post-modernism, dada, surrealism. It's a rejection of the norm and yeah it was very ballsy for the biggest rock star in the world to make it and release it. It's like an audio piece of a Pollock painting

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Final Cut, Pink Floyd,

Its an album that is way better on vinyl. What an experience this album is!

They Promised You Mercy, Amelia Curran,

Canadian folkie. This is her most 'radio country' album to date and I love its lush arrangements and the lyrics are incredible. Like, the best. Was a daily listen for me 3-4 years ago and revisiting it in this new pandemic world felt brand new. Check out the track I am the Night

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