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Axl Rose Ex-manager says GNR reunion will happen in the next 2 years

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I'm not sure why the is guy is pointing to Duff playing as a sign of a reunion. Duff and Izzy have both played several times with Axl in recent years. They're just jamming. It's cool. Why, all of a sudden, does THIS time mean a reunion is inevitable? I'm a total reunionist at heart but let's not read more into this than there actually is.

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^^^^ It's a good point. Over the past 14 years, Axl has played with 2/4 of the other Appetite lineup members and 3/5 of the other Illusions lineup members, and has mended his fences (or at least met and spoken with in a polite and civil manner) with everyone except Slash. Everyone. I'd wager that Steven is back on his shitlist because of the constant pleading for a reunion and the things he's said in the press, but the point remains that Axl has reconciled with every AfD and Illusions musician except for Slash.

And there's been no movement for a reunion with any of that. There's been no movement to get everyone together and play. Why would Duff possibly change anything? It's true that he seems to be the one classic member who understands and gets along with Axl on a level that could possibly lead to working together again on a regular basis, but there's no indication that Duff wants to play ambassador between Axl, Slash and Steven.

I'd imagine that one of the reasons that Duff HAS been able to work with Axl is because he is able to work with the current GnR lineup and respects them as professional peers; if he were angling for a reunion there'd be a conflict of interest there.

Edited by stella
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Well he's not Axl's former manager but a personal assistant and he doesn't know what he's talking about. A reunion would be a bad idea at this point because there would be no winner. Even the purists wouldn't be satisfied. The magic that once was will not be recreated. The name itself has already endured irrepairable damage, no need to ruin the untouchable awesomeness of the old band.

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Axl might consider letting Slash play on a few new songs and guest at a few shows IF HE APOLOGISED PUBLICALLY for a whole bunch of stuff that he recollects differently to Axl.

These people haven't had anything to do with Axl in decades. Marc Canter has sat and talked for hours with Axl about Slash etc within the last 10 years so he's far more reliable than these berks. He says the only thing that'll sort it out is if Axl and Slash get locked in a room, beat the shit out of eachother then sit down with a marriage counselor.

But fuck that. I want Chinese 2, CD The Remixes and a chainsaw taken to the 2001-2014 era setlist!

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Poor old popcorn. No one gives a shit about him. He's talked shit about axl to much to be asked back. I think Matt would be the drummer.

If he had not talked shit in 06 about axl I believe he would have guest spotted by now.

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The reason the reunion isn't happening anytime soon is because of how Axl views Slash's intentions. Axl genuionly cares about Slash. That's why he's hurt by Slash leaving him in the 90's.

Axl thinks the only reason why Slash wants to make things ok and the only reason he showed up at his house was to make money off him. He thinks Slash wants a reunion so he can profit off it. In other words Axl thinks Slash is trying to use him and doesn't actually care about him.

It would take Axl believing that Slash actually cares about him for a reunion to happen.

Disturbing if true. They were not lovers, nor BFF's by most accounts. Axl needing Slash to "care" about him is bizarre. I think Slash should stay away from Axl if this is the case.

Is it far fetched though? Axl actually caring about someone. He's been known to be affected by relationships before. I imagine he valued the partnership him and Slash had musically. He felt betrayed by Slash leaving. Who knows? I think it's hard to understand how Axl feels. He's a very different person in terms of emotion than most.

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Slash fucked Steph.


They said it was a specific incident during the UYI era that caused Slash to steal 15 years of Axl's life. I assume Slash must have stuck it in Steph like he was her future son.

Too much?

Possible but doubtful. Wasnt Slash soiling himself while Axl would bang his bitches?
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Slash fucked Steph.


They said it was a specific incident during the UYI era that caused Slash to steal 15 years of Axl's life. I assume Slash must have stuck it in Steph like he was her future son.

Too much?

Possible but doubtful. Wasnt Slash soiling himself while Axl would bang his bitches?

Did he date that story? I forget if that was AFD or UYI days. I don't know.

It'd be cool to have a thread speculating about what Slash did to Axl, but Russ would be a bitch and lock it immediately.

Love you, Russ.

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Slash sold himself out over these past few years. As much as I love him and his music, he really is a sell out. A reunion with GnR and Axl would mean big money and big publicity to him, which is why I'm sure he would reunite with Guns.

Axl, on the other hand, seems to have a lot more pride. He would probably view a reunion with Slash as himself giving up or selling out, which is why I don't think Axl would ever want to reunite with Slash.

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass and have no idea what I'm saying, who knows?

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Slash fucked Steph.


They said it was a specific incident during the UYI era that caused Slash to steal 15 years of Axl's life. I assume Slash must have stuck it in Steph like he was her future son.

Too much?

Possible but doubtful. Wasnt Slash soiling himself while Axl would bang his bitches?

Did he date that story? I forget if that was AFD or UYI days. I don't know.

It'd be cool to have a thread speculating about what Slash did to Axl, but Russ would be a bitch and lock it immediately.

Love you, Russ.

I also think there has to be somthing we don't know as the main reason Axl hates slash.. Having a go at Axls wife however shitty she was to him and he to her would still I think hurt a guy like Axl who holds grudges lk crazy and takes disrespect and shit like that to the heart.

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I would be all in favor of a reunion if Axl still had a voice left. His voice is so embarrassing nowadays that it would tarnish the great memories I have of the old band.

The time for a reunion was around 2006-10.

I don't care for it anymore.

Go check out the recent Vegas gigs the last three gigs are fantastic and Axl sounded spot on! I don't think he could put on performances that good consistently for a huge tour but he still has the ability to sound great on any given night.. And it was three straight nights to end the residency

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Slash sold himself out over these past few years. As much as I love him and his music, he really is a sell out. A reunion with GnR and Axl would mean big money and big publicity to him, which is why I'm sure he would reunite with Guns.

Axl, on the other hand, seems to have a lot more pride. He would probably view a reunion with Slash as himself giving up or selling out, which is why I don't think Axl would ever want to reunite with Slash.

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass and have no idea what I'm saying, who knows?

What did Slash compromise? If he works with Scott Weiland again,then yeah he's compromising. He's built a band from the ground up under his own name and sticking with it.

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People need to stop writing and speculating about this. If there was any chance of this happening, the Rock n Roll HOF induction would have started the process in motion. Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out. It's pretty obvious Axl has absolutely zero interest in this. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either in denial or delusional.

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  • 3 years later...
7 minutes ago, IncitingChaos said:

I should get credit for pulling this back up...go ahead and hit like if you appreciate me! Haha 

It is an interesting read but we generally prefer it if years old threads aren't bumped, if it became common place D&N would end up a confusing mess.

I'm going to lock it so it can be read only.

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